The television adaptation of Bong Joon-ho’s film, Snowpiercer has finally aired on TNT. The film is one of many recognized and notable film by the Oscar-winning director. When it was announced that a television show would air based on the storyline, it had fans intrigued.

While the show does follow the same premise of the world freezing over and the world’s last remaining survivors on board the Snowpiercer, there are some discrepancies. It’s not uncommon that television shows change up the storyline to create a longer run time. Let’s take a look at exactly how much the show strays away from the original film. Warning, there are some spoilers ahead.

10 The Backstory Of The Tail Section

Audiences don’t automatically know the backstory of the tail section when the film starts. Audiences are aware that the train is divided into class systems with the poor in the tail and the rich in the front. When Minister Mason (Tilda Swinton) executes punishment on the tail section, she explains that everyone boarded the train with a set class ticket.

In the show, it’s not the same idea. The intro explains that those left behind ambushed the train. Their only way of survival was to force themselves into the last remaining cars meant to be used for storage. The poor tail section was never meant to actually exist.

9 No Births In Five Years

If you paid close attention to the first episode of the show, Josie (Katie McGuinness) explains that the tail hasn’t given birth to a child in five years. They make a vague reference to sterilizing the women of the tail section. In the film, its the exact opposite.

The tail section birthing children is a key element in the order and function of the train. For those who have seen the film, Wilford (Ed Harris) admits to using the children from the tail section to manually control the engine.


8 More Side-Characters From The Front

While the film does introduce many different side characters from the front, they only play a small role throughout the film. Those who are more important the storyline move further through the train. In the show, the side character plays a more vital role than expected.

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For example in the show, the train’s brakemen, Bess Till (Mickey Summers) and John “Oz” Osweiller (Sam Otto) become key figures while in the film audiences are never introduced to any security force characters. They also never have a conversation with the main character like in the show.

7 Gilliam Isn’t A Central Character

In Snowpiercer the film, Curtis (Chris Evans) finds guidance in Gilliam (John Hurt) and so does the rest of the tail. He is a frail old man who sacrificed his arm to protect a baby from being eaten. Gilliam becomes an advisor to Curtis as he leads the revolt to the engine. He even joins them.

In the show, this is sadly not the case. The closest they come to a Gilliam character is Old Ivan (Hector Salamanca) who had a fond relationship with Andre Layton (Daveed Diggs). The show did execute the same scene from the original graphic novel involving an old man’s last moment alone.

6 No Secret Messages

From the first episode, audiences never see the secret capsule messages that Curtis received in the film. Anyone who has seen the film would understand the importance of the one-word message written on the red piece of paper. They would come hidden in their protein blocks and gave incentives on when to revolt.

By the end of the film, audiences discover who was behind the hidden messages. In the show, this never occurs. There is no hidden figure from the front egging on the tail section to revolt. The show does elude to why this doesn’t occur.

5 Curtis Isn’t Curtis

Chris Evans played the lead role of Curtis Everett in the original film. The show completely rewrites the character and gives him a different name. Instead, the main role is Andre Layton played by actor Daveed Diggs.

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The characteristics of each character are very different from one another. Curtis has spent 17 years on the train and his deepest regret is knowing that babies taste the best. Audiences never know about Curtis’s past life. Layton, on the other hand, audiences find out was a former homicide detective who is wary of revolt. He also is addicted to the drug, Chronole.

4 Layton’s Former Life As A Detective

A key turn around for the show is when the tail is ready to revolt, but Layton is asked to come forward. In the film, while Curtis has a special communication to the front, he is never asked to willingly go to the other sections. It is then discovered the reason for Layton to be summoned.

His former career choice as a homicide detective is needed. This turns the show a complete 180. It gives Layton’s purpose in the show a new meaning, while Curtis’ was to revolt to save the people of the tail section.

3 Murder On The Train

In order for a show to generate episodes, it needs a worthwhile storyline that can keep going. For the show, they decided to go with the ‘murder on the train’ storyline. This also explains Layton’s character needing to be a former detective. Layton is taken to the middle-class section to ask for his services.

A murder has been committed on the train and the body was dismembered. The murder brings disorder to the balance of the train and they must find the killer at once. Layton is the only detective in the entire train. This puts the revolt on the backburner, but Layton also sees it as an opportunity for the tail.

2 The Time

Snowpiercer the film, is set in the year 2031. It’s been 17 years of the passengers being on board the Snowpiercer. The show takes place in 2021, only seven years after the world froze over. There are numerous rumors flying around pertaining to the time period.

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In the film, audiences learn that in the third year of the train seven passengers tried to make it on their own through the cold. At the beginning of the show’s first episode, there is a slight talk of a past rebellion occurring that was unsuccessful.

1 Melanie Cavell Is An Unexpected Character

Minister Mason plays the head assistant to Wilford. She is the ‘human resources’ agent for the train. Mason is responsible for enacting adequate punishment to the tail section and overseeing that things run smoothly on the train. The only time she has a relation to the Curtis and the tail is when she is taken hostage.

The character of Melanie Cavell (Jennifer Connelly) acts as a Minister Mason but with different intentions. She has a unique interest in the tail section and its people. She also acts kindly and civilly to Layton. By the end of the episode, audiences find out who she really is.

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