Snowpiercer is a post-apocalyptic show all about surviving the end of the world. On a train 1,001 cars long that has a rigorous hierarchy system in place, there is little room for equality among the passengers. With this being the case, some characters have forgotten what it means to be human.

Indeed, the main characters on the titular train have committed acts, heinous ones, that they can’t take back. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that all is lost. However, there are some characters that make the show what it is, bad deeds and all. Whether bad or good, the characters from Snowpiercer are rich and compelling.

10 LJ Folger

A sociopath wrapped in pretty, LJ Folger is one character fans can’t help but love to hate. Her motive for the things she does is set to serve her agenda and end goal. If LJ sees an opportunity to turn a situation in favor, she takes it. Her character’s likeability is of course not favorable, placing her right up there with Wilford.

This is what makes her character entertaining to watch. LJ doesn’t try too hard to hide her ruthless and sociopathic nature, but she knows when and how to manipulate someone into doing her bidding. She was able to convince another human being to kill for her, and she was able to get off with her part in the killing, proving her dangerous nature and intentions.

9 Wilford

The elusive ghost of Snowpiercer in season one, Wilford was just a name spoken at the beginning of the series. He was used as a tool by Melanie to keep the train on the line, and as season 2 came around, viewers were finally able to put a face to the name. Wilford, as fans learn, is a power-hungry maniac that feels the Snowpiercer and all its inhabitants belong to him to rule and use as he pleases.

His character is ruthless and delusional, and that makes him the perfect villain for the show and Andre Layton. Wilford’s presence among Snowpiercer is one of conflict because some might say the train needs a heavy hand, while others may say he’s too much of a bad thing to keep around. His charismatic and manipulative traits make it easy for others to fall into his trap, yet entertaining for the audience to watch.


8 Pike

Pike is a complicated character that many fans may have had and still have a love/hate relationship with at the beginning of season one. His feelings that he could be a better leader for the resistance against Andre lead Pike to commit some of the worst atrocities, a character could commit, like Pike and his crew chose to commit cannibalism among the poor souls who didn’t make it during one of the coldest and hungriest months in the tail. He was also the leading force behind the resistance loss in their rebellion attempt when he chose to side with the enemy for a plate of food from first class.

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Although he’s still one to look out for going forward in the season, he’s proven his allegiance to the resistance and Andre from the second season into the current running third season.

7 Alex Cavill

Smart and resourceful, Alex is also stubborn and headstrong just like her mother. In her belief that Melanie abandoned her, Alex has a chip on her shoulder when fans first see her at the end of the first season and coming into the second season of the show. Her icy and cold demeanor is just that of a little girl wanting her mother’s love, and when she feels that love and genuine connection is not there, she tends to lash out.

However, fans soon see her grow into her own and she begins to realize she’s been manipulated by Wilford for his vendetta against her mother. Wilford’s manipulation of Alex came so easy, that some theorized Wilford was Alexandra’s father. However, after removing herself from Wilford’s thumb, viewers get to see her start making decisions that she feels are the right ones.

6 Josie Wellstead

Always one with the Resistance and a full supporter of Andre Layton, Josie is a character that cares for others and places everyone else before herself. She is a selfless individual, willing to risk her life so her people can have a better one. Fans see this side of her through her care for Miles, a boy with no parents yet she loves and cares for him as if he were her own.

These traits, however, can be detrimental to her as well, with fans witnessing Wilford and his team turn her into some kind of freeze Frankenstein. Even with her change in appearance, her heart remains unscathed and unchanging and her loyalty to the resistance and Andre still unwavering.

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5 Javier De La Torre

Quiet yet a genius, Javi is 1/3 of the engine crew and the three Musketeers (Melanie, himself, and Bennett), and he should be considered one of the most intelligent characters on the show. He’s the voice of reason for both Melanie and Bennett. If fans have anything to say about it, he’s also the one keeping everything running smoothly with Snowpiercer in the first season and second season.

Javi’s character brings calm and offsets the wildness of the train. Although he’s made some questionable decisions, like siding with the Folgers at LJ’s murder trial, fans are aware of his heart and passion for the train. With everyone after their agenda and goal on Snowpiercer, Javi’s main concern has always been the train and making sure it is efficiently running.

4 Bess Till

Bess is another conflicted character at the beginning of Snowpiercer’s first season. She understands that the brutality she and her peers are inflicting on the Tailies is wrong, however, she does so to “survive” the trains hierarchy system. She begins to see that she can make a difference while working with Andre on discovering who’s committing the murders on the train.

Her unexpected switch of sides comes as a surprise of sorts and she begins to work for the resistance, going against what she thought was the right in the past.

3 Ruth Wardell

By the book and obedient to Wilford in the first season, Ruth is a character that likes order and rules. She has a very Type C personality in that she likes for things to go as planned and on schedule. When she realizes Melanie has been lying to her about Wilford for years, there is a noticeable shift in her personality and the way she goes about things going forward.

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As recent as season three, viewers have seen her take the leadership role in the resistance for Andre during his absence, only adding more depth to her already evolving character.

2 Andre Layton

The face of the resistance and voice for the Tailies, Andre Layton will do whatever it takes to make sure that his people receive equality among the trains hierarchy. He’s resourceful and able to turn any situation in his favor, like when he begins planning the Tailie rebellion when Melanie comes to him for help when murders are happening aboard the Snowpiercer.

Andre can be selfish at times and this can be jeopardizing for his cause and goal. Even with this being the case, viewers are are able to see that his intentions are pure and actions are without malice.

1 Melanie Cavill

At first glance in season one, fans perceived Melanie Cavillnas as the bad guy and right hand to the elusive Mr. Wilford. As the first season progressed, fans so learned the reasoning behind Melanie’s actions and lies, although cold-hearted, they were understandable. She’s a misunderstood character who had the weight of the world, or what was left of it, on her shoulder.

Even though some of her choices were brutal and harsh, she was remorseful and saw the error of her ways and decisions. In her mind, she felt she was making the decisions that would help the train run better, but sees that she was handling things all wrong. Coming into season three, Melanie is still believed to be dead after the ending of season two, however, there is still hope from fans that she makes an unexpected return.

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