Warning: SPOILERS for Snowpiercer Season 3, Episode 6 – “Born To Bleed”

Pike (Steven Ogg) battled to the death with Andre Layton (Daveed Diggs) in Snowpiercer season 3, episode 6, but the imposing Tailie’s demise was a big mistake for TNT’s sci-fi series. Pike attempted to assassinate Layton in the previous episode of Snowpiercer; the train’s leader survived a bomb planted by Pike as Layton and Bess Till (Mickey Sumner) investigated who committed an act of arson aimed at Andre in the Third Class Market. While Pike’s death pays off his story with Layton that goes back to Snowpiercer season 1, it also robs the show of its best villain besides Mr. Wilford (Sean Bean) himself.


Layton and Pike’s animosity goes all the way back to when the two were part of the hundreds of refugees who stowed away in Snowpiercer’s Tail section. The Tail built an insular community with its own rules, culture, and a fierce brand of loyalty as they endured seven years of abuse from Snowpiercer under the leadership of Melanie Cavill (Jennifer Connelly). Layton, Josie Wellstead (Katie McGuinness), and Pike emerged as leaders of the Tail but Andre and Pike alternated between being close as brothers to loggerheads. Still, Pike fought for the Tail against Snowpiercer after Layton was conscripted by Melanie to become the Train Detective. Pike was sent to the Drawers but he emerged on Layton’s side when Andre took control of the Train from Cavill. When Mr. Wilford and Big Alice docked with Snowpiercer in season 2, Layton used Pike to do his dirty work, which included murdering Terence (Shaun Taub). When Layton and his loyalists stole Snowpiercer’s engine and spent six months searching the globe for New Eden, Pike resented Andre even more as he became the right hand of Ruth Wardell (Alison Wright), who led the Resistance against Wilford’s regime.

Pike and Layton finally settling their differences was inevitable but killing off Pike is a waste of one of Snowpiercer‘s most complex, tortured, and fascinating characters. Unfortunately, Pike wasn’t truly utilized to his fullest effect by Snowpiercer. The troublemaking Tailie was an anarchistic presence who spent far too much time in the background. Pike vanished for chunks of Snowpiercer season 1 and 2, and he was primarily defined by his relationship to Layton, whether he was opposing or supporting Andre as circumstances necessitated. When Pike threatened Andre and Zarah’s (Shiela Vand) newborn baby, Liana, the writing was on the wall for him. Otherwise, Layton could have forgiven Pike for trying to murder him in Snowpiercer season 3. Still, Pike was a wounded soul who deserved more focus. His best storyline came in Snowpiercer season 3 when he and Ruth became romantically involved, but it was cut off too short even before Pike’s death.

Pike and Ruth’s conversation about his not living up to his potential eerily becomes a meta-commentary on Snowpiercer not quite tapping into everything Pike could have been on the show. Wherever Pike went, intrigue followed, and he was a disruptor whether Pike was mingling with his people in the Tail, in the underbelly of the train, or indulging himself in First Class. Pike was also right that Ruth is the best leader for Snowpiercer. Ultimately, Pike could have been much more than a supporting player with a constant bone to pick with Layton, as his brief love affair with Ruth demonstrated. Pike’s death is also a disservice to Ruth, whose two love interests on Snowpiercer have now died violently soon after sparking romance with her.

Pike was an unpredictable and dangerous presence on Snowpiercer, which made him fun to watch, but there was also a streak of loyalty and even nobility in him despite his occasional nefarious acts. Pike was also able to speak to truth to power and tell Layton things he didn’t want to hear. Although some characters on Snowpiercer have apparently died and resurrected, Pike’s death by Layton’s hand is definitive, just as Kevin McMahon’s (Tom Lipinski) execution by LJ Folger (Annalise Basso) means Mr. Wilford’s lackey isn’t coming back. While losing Pike at this stage in Snowpiercer‘s run does give closure to his rivalry with Layton, it’s also disappointing considering Pike could have done so much more on the show.

SnowpiercerSeason 3 airs Mondays @ 9pm on TNT.

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