According to a leak, the new Sonic the Hedgehog game will be titled Sonic Rangers; and, for once, usual suspects such as Walmart Canada and the Australian and Korean games ratings boards aren’t responsible for the slip up. Sega showcased an incredibly brief teaser trailer for the adventure yesterday during the franchise’s 30th anniversary stream.

The publisher managed to fill the celebratory broadcast to the brim with neat announcements. One such reveal surfaced in the form of Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 – The Official Video Game, which is on track for a late June release. Sega additionally unveiled Sonic Colors: Ultimate, a remaster of the Wii and Nintendo 3DS game that will come to last-gen consoles in September. Fans also received a sneak peek at the company’s plans for Sonic Origins – the collection slated to pack in several classic adventures. But, of course, the new game stole the show.


It would seem the title of next year’s Sonic experience has been prematurely outed; strangely, Sega takes the blame as the responsible party. While fans scoured the teaser video for clues, the publisher sent a press release to outlets such as Eurogamer last night boasting the following line of text: “Announcing new console experiences, Sonic Colors: Ultimate and Sonic Rangers, further details on Netflix’s Sonic Prime, mobile news, musical events and much more!” Apparently, this was nothing short of a mistake.

Another version of the same press release, presently accessible online, excludes all mention of Sonic Rangers: “Announcing new console experiences, Sonic Colors: Ultimate and further details on Netflix’s Sonic Prime, mobile news, musical events and much more!” In speaking with Eurogamer, Sega confirmed the original news blast was an older copy emailed in error.

It’s an honest mistake, one that will undoubtedly leave Sonic the Hedgehog faithful guessing for months on end. For now, Sega obviously wants to keep concrete details held tightly under wraps for as long as possible.

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The last 3D Sonic experience hit store shelves in 2017 with the advent of Sonic Forces. Come June 1, PlayStation Now subscribers will be able to access that particular adventure when it hits the service alongside two other notable additions – Sonic Mania and Team Sonic Racing.

Sonic Rangers is due to hit Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms on an unspecified date in 2022.

Source: Eurogamer

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