Sonic the Hedgehog turns 30 in 2021, and Sega is ready to announce a host of projects celebrating the anniversary this week. Originally premiering as Sega’s answer to Mario in the 16-bit generation, Sonic has appeared everywhere from Saturday morning cartoons to Hollywood films in his three decades of existence. His games have varied wildly in quality since the days of the Genesis, but there’s seemingly nothing that can stop this chilli-dog-loving mascot from drawing in fans whenever he sets off on a new adventure.

Sonic fans have been especially curious as to what Sega and developer Sonic Team end up releasing next. The last major game in the franchise, Sonic Forces, was received poorly thanks to a short runtime and a mishmash of story elements. However, most fans were still happy that year thanks to the simultaneous release of Sonic Mania, a return to the 2D era of the character created by fans-turned-developers. A new 3D Sonic is almost a guarantee for the near future, but there are some that wonder if Mania was a one-time thing or the start of the second set of games that could run concurrently with the 3D offerings. Thankfully, fans will have those answers very soon.


As announced on the official Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter, a new digital showcase is set for Thursday, May 27. This event will reveal Sega’s plans for the Genesis mascot’s 30th anniversary year. The announcement promises news about “projects, partnerships, and events,” which could mean that there’s more than a game announcement to get through. A sequel to 2020’s Sonic the Hedgehog film is well into production, and this could be a place to drop some information before its scheduled 2022 release. Netflix also announced a new series called Sonic Prime earlier this year, and more information about that could be a part of the show. Still, there’s big evidence to suggest that the main event will be the reveal of Sonic’s latest 3D adventure.

Posted alongside the announcement was a nostalgic trailer celebrating the history of the character for his anniversary. The video includes references to almost everything in Sonic’s long history from the Sega Genesis games to the recent film. It also has a screenshot from something that fans don’t recognize, and this could be a preview of the newest Sonic the Hedgehog adventure. It’s also entirely possible that it’s a shot from the as-of-yet unrevealed Sonic Prime, but it is a preview of what’s to come this Thursday in either case.

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With the surprising quality of the Sonic the Hedgehog film, the release of Sonic Mania fresh in people’s minds, and a collection of retro Sonic rereleases lighting up the rumor mill, it’s a great time to be a Sonic fan. While everyone has their own expectations for Sega’s reveals this week, various parts of the event will likely appeal to all corners of the fanbase.

It’s impressive that the publisher has kept up the popularity of the character even as it left the console business and scaled back on other franchises. While similar outside mascots like Pac-Man and Crash Bandicoot still have fans, Sonic feels entwined in pop culture even though his heyday in the 90s just keeps getting farther away.

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