Space Jam 2 star LeBron James has confirmed the start of production for the highly anticipated Looney Tunes crossover film. Space Jam 2 was originally reported to begin filming this summer, and is scheduled for release in 2021.

The first Space Jam is remembered fondly by many viewers as an exciting Looney Tunes and Michael Jordan crossover. Although not critically acclaimed, Space Jam successfully brought Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and more iconic characters together in a feature length film. A sequel to Space Jam had been in the works, with one version starring Tony Hawk. That didn’t work out, but now a followup is finally coming and will keep the basketball theme. Interestingly, the film is a reboot, not a sequel. Not much has been revealed about the cast, but back in March it was reported that Star Trek: Discovery’s Sonequa Martin-Green was in negotiations to star alongside LeBron James. Recently, other basketball stars such as Anthony Davis and Klay Thompson were reported to be in the film as well.


LeBron James posted on his Twitter account that production on Space Jam 2 has begun. He didn’t divulge any details on the plot or characters, but fans will be happy to know that the film is closer to becoming reality.

It may seem surprising that very little has been released regarding Space Jam 2. The full cast has yet to be officially unveiled, and there’s not even a plot synopsis. However, it’s important to remember that the film is two years off. Since production has just begun, it isn’t likely a trailer will be released until next year. In the meantime, as shooting continues, updates will probably start to roll in slowly.

It’s tough to say how well Space Jam 2 will do. The first one did well commercially, and is well liked by many viewers. If the second one retains the original’s spirit, while also improving upon its criticisms, the film could do exceptionally well in both box office and reviews. If marketed right, Space Jam 2 can encompass a wide range of viewers. Children will be a target audience like the first one of course, but Space Jam 2 should also be targeted to young adults who have fond memories of the original, as well as older adults who grew up with the classic Looney Tunes shorts. Of course, the basketball element will be a good incentive for sports fans as well. Time will tell how well Space Jam 2 does, but no matter what, it will certainly be good to have Bugs Bunny and the Looney Tunes gang back on the big screen.

Source: LeBron James

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