Warning: contains a preview of Black Cat #6!

Throughout his career, Spider-Man has ignored the Black Fox, seeing the professional thief as such a minor nuisance that he even once let him go free after catching him red-handed. Now, Peter Parker and the rest of Manhattan are paying the price in a preview for Black Cat #6, on sale in print and digital May 12.

Black Fox first appeared in 1984’s Amazing Spider-Man #255 and was created by writer Tom DeFalco and artist Ron Frenz. A master thief, he is responsible for training a number of other thieves and burglars over the years, Black Cat among them. In the previous issues, Black Cat had been stealing various items on the Fox’s behalf, including the deed to the island of Manhattan. Black Fox ultimately revealed he planned to trade the deed to the Gilded Saint, the supernatural patron of the Thieves Guild, for immortality. The plan worked beautifully, and now demonic forces are on the loose in New York City.


As the preview opens, Black Cat and her team take stock of what Black Fox has unleashed on the city. Gold vines are growing everywhere, which draws the attention of Spider-Man. He questions Black Cat about the vines, but she lies and says she knows nothing. This satisfies Spider-Man, who leaves to investigate further. Black Cat laments lying to him, and she leaves her crew behind to search for Black Fox and save New York City.

The preview ends there, and readers will have to wait to see how Black Cat will liberate the city, but it is clear her former mentor has unleashed havoc on Manhattan. While Black Fox has to take most of the blame for what has happened, some of it falls on Spider-Man’s shoulders as well. He has tangled with Black Fox several times over the years, but rarely taken him seriously, because he thought Fox was merely an old man – an act put on by the world-class thief. Black Fox played Spider-Man (and others) on every occasion, taking advantage of his generosity of spirit, and now innocent people are paying the price. If Spider-Man had acted earlier, then none of this would have happened. Likewise, Black Cat has made some terrible errors of judgment in empowering Black Fox’s endgame, but Felicia is an antihero who lives outside the law. Spider-Man’s entire career is built on failing to stop a criminal, and how here he is again.

While Spider-Man has made several mistakes throughout his heroic career, it’s looking like underestimating Black Fox was a big one. By ignoring a seemingly mundane repeat offender, Spidey left the door open for the Gilded Saint’s siege of New York, and now it’s on Black Cat to save the day. Black Cat #6 is written by Jed MacKay, with art by Michael Dowling, colors by Brian Reber and letters by Ferran Delgado, and will hit physical and digital retailers May 12.

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