Warning:Contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Spider-Man: Far From Home.

The ending to Spider-Man: Far From Home is a game-changer for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and both a final victory and failure for Iron Man. The sequel continues Spider-Man’s MCU journey following his previous four outings, picking up the pieces after the events of Avengers: Endgame and further dealing with the death of Tony Stark and the legacy he has left behind.

Although it takes the action away from Peter Parker’s native Queens for a summer vacation around Europe, Spider-Man: Far From Home is still broadly what we’ve come to expect from ol’ Web Head in the MCU. It’s a zippy, fun adventure that finds time for plenty of Spidey action and teenage drama for Peter too. With the majority of the cast of Spider-Man: Homecoming back, plus the big addition of Jake Gyllenhaal as ostensible new hero Quentin Beck aka Mysterio and further MCU outings for Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders), it’s a big Eurotrip of a movie that sees Spider-Man fighting the Elementals and trying to live a normal life at the same time.


Much of it is standard Spider-Man stuff, although very well done thanks to the performances from Holland, Gyllenhaal, Zendaya (who returns as MJ) and more. Where it really shines, though, are in its closing moments. Far From Home‘s ending, including two after-credits sequences, will have monumental repercussions on Spider-Man, his friends, and the entire MCU.

How Spider-Man Beats Mysterio In Spider-Man: Far From Home

While Spider-Man: Far From Home‘s marketing wanted us to believe Mysterio was another hero in the movie, few were buying it. The character is traditionally a Spider-Man villain, and that side of him is ultimately revealed. He’s admittedly not an out-and-out bad guy, but rather a former employee of Tony Stark who wants revenge on Stark and other superheroes, while also desiring to be thought of as a hero himself and fill the void left behind by Iron Man.

With his advanced hologram technology, Mysterio is able to get the better of Spider-Man throughout much of Far From Home. It’s difficult to fight someone when reality is being constantly warped and shifted around you. With the final conflict at Tower Bridge, which sees Mysterio ready to unleash an army of drones on London, Spider-Man is able to win by trusting his senses – or rather, his ‘Peter Tingle’. Using this, he’s able to break through the illusions, fight past the drones, reclaim Tony Stark’s EDITH tech, and defeat Mysterio, who is fatally shot by the misfired gun that he was aiming at Peter.

It’s important that this is how Spider-Man defeats Mysterio. Throughout his time in the MCU so far, Spider-sense hasn’t had a major role to play. It has been present to a degree, but it’s never really been explored or utilized like it is in the comics. Spider-Man: Far From Home mentions earlier in the movie that it isn’t working properly, and it’s not until the end that we see the MCU’s Spider-Man gain full mastery of his Peter Tingle.

Spider-Man: Far From Home Ending Twist #1: Spidey Is No Longer A Superhero Thanks To Mysterio & J. Jonah Jameson

Spider-Man: Far From Home‘s ending may see Spidey beating the bad guy and going on a date with MJ, but it’s not as happy a conclusion as it first appears. Mysterio is dead, but his legacy lives on thanks to his contingency plan. As we see in the mid-credits scene, Mysterio – believed to be a hero by the world at large – recorded himself after being attacked by Spider-Man, and also has footage of the web-slinger commanding the drones via EDITH, doctored to make it look as though he’s setting them off.

Of course, it’s one thing for Mysterio to film this, but quite another for the information to spread. That leads us to the biggest ‘OMG’ moment of the entire film – and one of the best after-credits reveals in the entire MCU – as a certain J. Jonah Jameson appears, played once again by J.K. Simmons. It’s difficult to even just get past the audience-destroying shock and hype of that moment but, once you do, the implications are massive. This version of Jameson runs the TheDailyBugle.net, an InfoWars style website, which breaks out by distributing Mysterio’s video. This version of Jameson looks different to Simmons’ previous take on the character, mostly down to a lack of hair, but it’s his words that are most important: “There you have it folks – conclusive proof that Spider-Man was responsible for the brutal murder of Mysterio… who will no doubt go down in history as the greatest superhero of all time!” 

Thanks to the combined efforts of Mysterio and Jameson, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is now being painted as one of the biggest villains in the whole world. There’s a question of whether people will believe it, since Spider-Man: Far From Home loosely tackles issues around the truth and ‘Fake News’. There’s also the possibility of New Yorkers, at least, rallying around Spider-Man as one of their own, or the chance of major divisions between different people. That’s something to be further explored in Spider-Man 3, but as of the end of Far From Home, Spider-Man doesn’t look like much of a hero, and will face a constant barrage of attacks led by Jameson.

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Spider-Man: Far From Home Ending Twist #2: The World Knows Spider-Man’s Secret Identity

The mid-credits stinger in Spider-Man: Far From Home is so good not just because of the return of Simmons as Jameson, but also because of how many times it catches you off guard. There’s the first reveal of Mysterio’s video, which for past scenes might’ve been enough. Then there’s J. Jonah Jameson himself, which again you’d think would be it. But Far From Home has a third huge punch to land – that all of these come in the space of about 30 seconds leaves you dizzy – with the final part of Mysterio’s video.

As if it’s not enough to attempt to turn Spider-Man into Public Enemy #1, Mysterio then announces to the world that Spider-Man is Peter Parker. He’d already been a little lax with his identity, befitting the broader approach to them in the MCU, but now everyone knows who he is. Not only does that change the very foundation of Spider-Man as a character (and Peter definitely isn’t going to be working for The Daily Bugle anytime soon), it also means anyone he has defeated, or any criminals he may do so in the future, will easily be able to target him and those he’s closest to. Peter isn’t Iron Man, as this movie makes clear; he’s still just a kid, and far more vulnerable. It puts Aunt May at risk, likewise his relationship with MJ, and means that things can never be the same again for Spider-Man.

What Next For Spider-Man After Far From Home?

After the ending of Spider-Man: Far From Home, Peter Parker and his web-slinging alter-ego face an uncertain and difficult future. Not that there are doubts about another movie, because Spider-Man 3 will come along to round out the MCU trilogy, but in-universe it’s going to be challenging for him to lead either of his usual lives. Spider-Man is thought of as a villain (by some, at least), and Peter is known to be Spider-Man. It’s a dangerous, messy combination.

Now the spider is out of the bag, it’s going to be very hard to get it back in there. It has happened in the comics, with Peter’s decision to reveal himself during Civil War later reversed by Mephisto in One More Day. The chances of Marvel doing that are slim-to-none though, given that the story in question is generally regarded as Spider-Man’s worst. That instead means Peter is going to have to find a way of embracing being Spider-Man out in the open, or hanging up the suit altogether. Given the legacy of Tony Stark, and the fact that, well, he is Spider-Man, it’s almost certainly going to be the former.

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With that, then, comes the issue of tackling the public perception of him. We don’t know yet how many people will buy into the image of him as a villain, but can assume a lot will. Still, this is Spider-Man, whose MO is fighting bad guys, and if he does enough of that, then eventually people should realize he’s a hero. Spider-Man: Far From Home doesn’t overtly tease any villains, but it does leave a couple of major possibilities dangling out there. The renovated Avengers Tower we briefly see could very well be Oscorp, setting the stage for Norman Osborn in Spider-Man 3. Alternatively, or even additionally, Spider-Man being out in the open might lead to Kraven the Hunter’s introduction, because the global attention on him now would make him a prize scalp. Far From Home also includes the presence of a henchman called Dmitri, which could be setting up the Chameleon (whose real name is Dmitri Smerdyakov), who also happens to be Kraven’s half-brother. And as if all that isn’t enough for Spider-Man to face, Peter still has to graduate high school as well, which is arguably the biggest obstacle of all.

Spider-Man: Far From Home Ending Twist #3: Nick Fury, The Skrulls & SWORD

With the mid-credits scene dropping not one, not two, but THREE huge bombshells, it would’ve been easy for Marvel to get away with Spider-Man: Far From Home‘s post-credits scene just being a cheap gag. Instead, they double down on the major shocks, with yet another trio of rug-pulls. We learn that Nick Fury and Maria Hill were actually the Skrulls Talos and Soren throughout the entirety of Far From Home, that Fury himself is in space, and that he’s now heading up a new organization on spaceship, which appears to be the MCU’s take on S.W.O.R.D.

S.W.O.R.D. stands for Sentient World Observation and Response Department, and is basically a version of S.H.I.E.L.D. for space. The Fury we met during Spider-Man: Far From Home, even though it was really Talos, spoke of not having a team or resources on Earth, so it makes sense that he’d go to space to find them. That’s especially true when you consider Fury’s history. His work with S.H.I.E.L.D. and then the Avengers Initiative has been about protecting Earth. Thanks to Thanos, he’s seen what is possible on a more intergalactic level, and is setting up shop there. He could’ve realistically formed it any time from Captain Marvel onwards, but it’s relevant now with the MCU becoming more cosmic in Phase 4. If that holds out, then we can expect to see S.W.O.R.D. serve a similar function to what S.H.I.E.L.D. did in Phase 1 and the early stages of Phase 2, and it gives Fury a greater narrative purpose as well.

Spider-Man: Far From Home Is A Final Victory (& Failure) For Iron Man

As was the case with Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man: Far From Home isn’t just about Peter Parker, but his mentor Tony Stark as well. Tony is no longer alive, but he’s still present in the lives of Peter and Spider-Man. His legacy, and the idea of living up to it, comes to help define both Spider-Man’s arc and some of the bigger themes of the movie as a whole. And in the end, Iron Man both wins and loses.

Iron Man gives Spider-Man the tools he needs to defeat Mysterio, including EDITH and his new suit, but his victory is more symbolic than that. It’s in Peter actually making his own suit, just like Tony did. In the way Spider-Man is able to pick himself up, dust himself down, and realize that while he has made some big mistakes, he can still keep on fighting and win. Peter isn’t Tony, and he’s not the next Iron Man. But he doesn’t need to be, and that’s a final win for Tony Stark.

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It comes, of course, against people who want to work against Stark’s legacy. Mysterio’s team is made up of Stark’s former employees, who all feel slighted for one reason or another (similar to Vulture in Homecoming). It’s fitting, in a way, that even in death Tony’s technology comes back to both save and harm the world. With B.A.R.F., there’s the means for Mysterio to unleash chaos. With EDITH, there’s a key to Earth’s safety that could – and obviously does – fall into the wrong hands. It’s the latest in a long line of similar mistakes from Tony, which proves that he never quite learned his lesson, and yet his heroism still manages to win the day. That he’s seen by Mysterio & Co. as someone who did what he pleased, and yet we know he sacrificed his life to save the world. It’s the sort of complicated send-off that works for Iron Man’s legacy.

How Spider-Man: Far From Home Sets Up Future MCU Movies

Spider-Man: Far From Home is a nice endpoint for Phase 3 of the MCU, but it wouldn’t be a Marvel film if it wasn’t also spinning webs for the future as well. There isn’t as much clear setup here as in some other films, but it does still lay the path for where things will go in Phase 4.

There is, most obviously and directly, the groundwork laid for Spider-Man 3, which has just become a whole lot more exciting. With Peter’s identity out there, it paves the way for everyone from Norman Osborn to Kraven to Scorpion to come after him, all while concluding his high school journey, developing his relationship with MJ, and more.

It also gives more cosmic setup: S.W.O.R.D. could very well come into play in Captain Marvel 2, since it’s related to the Skrulls. There’s also a passing mention of the Kree too, and combine that with the Skrulls, it means we could still see a take on Secret Invasion in Phase 4, whether that’s in one big film or seeded across a number of them. The difference this time is that it’d have the Skrulls as the good guys, with the Kree being the ones invading Earth. There’s a small nod to Doctor Strange 2 as well, with Fury mentioning he is “unavailable”, which could factor into that film. The Multiverse still exists too, even though Mysterio was lying about the portals being opened and Earth-833. There’s still the Quantum Realm and alt-timelines from Avengers: Endgame, for example, which remain in place after Spider-Man: Far From Home, and could be explored further in the future.

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