Spider-Man made his way to the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the first time in Captain America: Civil War. After that movie, Spider-Man finally got his own solo movie in the MCU with Spider-Man: Homecoming before moving on to two Avengers movies and the sequel Spider-Man: Far From Home.

In that first solo Spider-Man movie, the running time was over two hours, at 133 minutes, and outside of the lead character of Peter Parker/Spider-Man, only two characters had more than 10 minutes of screentime in the movie. So the question is: who had the most and least screentime, not counting minor characters with no connection to the plot or comics?

10 Least – Sally Avril (0:30)

Sally Avril was a member of the Midtown School of Science and Technology’s Academic Decathalon Team. She was at several events, including the swimming party, the nationals, and the trip to the Washington Monument, where she ended up in danger and rescued by Spider-Man. Sally even had a line, as she was who told the team Peter Parker wasn’t coming. All this happened, and she was only on screen for 30 seconds.

Sally is notable for another reason. In the comics, she was in Amazing Fantasy #15, the first appearance of Spider-Man, and later played a big role in 1996’s Untold Tales of Spider-Man comic book series when she became the hero Bluebird.

9 Least – Jason Ionello (0:45)

Jason Ionello was a character who had the rare treat of having his name actually written on the screen. He was the co-anchor of Midtown News alongside Betty Brant. The two had a broadcast where they talked about Spider-Man’s appearance and the news of the upcoming homecoming dance. He also reported on Spider-Man saving the kids at the Washington Monument. He returned for the same role in Spider-Man: Far From Home.


8 Least – Pepper Potts (0:45)

Pepper Potts was one of the main cast members from the Iron Man movies and even got her own armor to use. She was an armored hero in both Iron Man 3 and Avengers: Endgame; Potts was also in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Her scene was memorable but only 45 seconds in length.

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Comically, Gwyneth Paltrow forgot she appeared in Spider-Man: Homecoming, which makes sense for such a minor appearance. In this scene, Peter Parker rejects Iron Man’s offer to join the Avengers, so Stark uses the press conference he set up to instead propose to Pepper Potts.

7 Least – Doris Toomes (1:00)

Two of the most important characters in Spider-Man: Homecoming were Adrian Toomes, The Vulture, and Liz Toomes, Peter Parker’s potential love interest. Both got a lot of screen time, but someone who didn’t was Doris Toomes, Adrian’s wife, and Liz’s mother. Played by Garcelle Beauvais, she was in the movie for a total of one minute, almost all during a scene before Peter showed up to take Liz to the homecoming dance.

6 Least – Betty Brant (1:15)

Betty Brant got a lot of screentime in Spider-Man: Far From Home thanks to her European romance with Ned Leeds. It was an homage to the comics, where Betty and Ned were adults and not high school students and actually got married. However, in Spider-Man: Homecoming, Betty was only in the movie for just over one minute, appearing in the Midtown News reports and later with Liz in gym class.

5 Most – Happy Hogan (6:00)

Happy Hogan moved seamlessly from the Iron Man movies to the Spider-Man movies. He also took a very different direction in the two movies. In Spider-Man: Far From Home, he was an ally and someone who worked with Peter, but in Spider-Man: Homecoming, he avoided Spider-Man at all costs and did everything he could to avoid talking to him. Despite this, Happy was in the movie for six minutes, longer than all but four other characters.

4 Most – Liz Toomes (9:45)

Liz Toomes was the romantic hopeful for Peter Parker, someone he assumed was out of his league but was interested in him nonetheless. The two ended up going to homecoming together, but things didn’t go well at the dance because Peter had to leave to fight Vulture.

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The twist is Peter learned Vulture was Adrian Toomes, Liz’s father, so their romance was doomed from the start. Liz was in Spider-Man: Homecoming for nine minutes, 45 seconds. The character was loosely based on a former Spider-Man love interest from the comics named Liz Allen.

3 Most – Ned Leeds (13:45)

Ned Leeds is Peter Parker’s best friend and was in the movie longer than anyone but Spider-Man and his main villain. Ned, who is also one of the only people who knew that Peter was Spider-Man, ended up helping him from the sidelines and used the fact he was friends with Spider-Man to try to get him accepted by girls and the cooler kids in school. Ned was in Spider-Man: Homecoming for 13 minutes and 45 seconds, only 45 seconds less than he was on screen in the sequel.

2 Most – Adrian Toomes/Vulture (19:00)

The only character in Spider-Man: Homecoming with more screentime than The Vulture was Spider-Man himself. Adrian Toomes was in the movie for 19 minutes of total screentime. Much of the early part of the movie was Toomes trying to figure out how to use his weapons gained from cleaning up the aftermath of the Battle of New York. He then became Vulture and his time increased when it finally came time to battle Spider-Man.

1 Most – Peter Parker/Spider-Man (76:15)

In no surprise, the character with the most screentime in Spider-Man: Homecoming was Spider-Man himself. The movie was 133 minutes in length, and Tom Holland was on screen for 76:15, either as Peter Parker or Spider-Man. At 57-percent of the running time, he was in the movie for more than half of it, but it is a little surprising that he wasn’t in longer than that, especially since the next largest screentime was less than 20 minutes.

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Spider-Man was actually in Spider-Man: No Way Home for nine minutes less than in this first Spider-Man movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

NextThe 10 Highest-Grossing MCU Movies, Ranked By IMDb

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