The history of Spider-Man in animated television is a long one. Despite having various series spanning several decades, many would argue that the best of the bunch is 1994’s Spider-Man: The Animated Series. The show ran for five seasons and consisted of 65 episodes, which are all now available on Disney+.

It was a groundbreaking show for the time in terms of its animation style, multiple-episode arcs, and the way it adapted memorable comic storylines. Marvel characters like Captain America, the X-Men, and others made appearances. These are the best episodes from the beloved series, ranked by their IMDb ratings.

10 The Insidious Six/The Mutant Agenda (8.5)

Two episodes tie for the final spot with an 8.5 score and both have the same number of reviews on IMDb. We’ll start with the season two premiere, “The Insidious Six.” This set the tone for the season’s arc of Kingpin bringing together Doctor Octopus, Chameleon, Scorpion, Shocker, Rhino, and Mysterio to battle Spider-Man.

“The Mutant Agenda” is the fourth episode of season two. This one is notable because the X-Men from the popular X-Men: The Animated Series made a guest appearance. With Spider-Man suffering through his own mutation, he got help from Professor X and Beast. They also helped stop someone out to kill mutants.

9 Enter The Green Goblin (8.7)

You might be surprised to learn that the Green Goblin wasn’t a major presence on the series until the fourth episode of season three. That’s when we were treated to “Enter The Green Goblin.” This episode finally set Spider-Man up against what many consider to be his greatest foe.

It all got started when an explosion happens at Oscorp. Norman Osborn is believed to have died during it but he reappears at the Green Goblin, kidnapping all of his enemies on the company’s board. Fans were ecstatic to see such a major villain enter the mix.


8 The Turning Point (8.9)

Introducing the Green Goblin in season three made him the “big bad.” That meant that when it came time for the season finale, the Goblin was the focal point. The most famous story involving the character is “The Night Gwen Stacy Died,” where he helped result in the death of Spidey’s girlfriend.

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Stacy never appeared in this series (other than the finale), so “The Turning Point” adapted the story while changing it to involve Mary Jane Watson. The battle between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin was memorable but the ending stole the show. Mary Jane was lost to a teleportation device, changing Peter Parker’s life and the series forever.

7 I Really, Really Hate Clones (8.9)

With one more rating than the previous entry (and a little over a hundred less than the next one), this 8.9 rated episode fits in right in the middle. “I Really, Really Hate Clones,” was the series’ penultimate episode and really showcased how far the show had come in five seasons.

In it, Spider-Man is sent to an alternate universe where Peter Parker bonded with the Carnage symbiote to create Spider-Carnage, who destroyed New York City. Spider-Man had to team up with various Spider-Men from around the multiverse to stop him. Think of it as an early take on Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse.

6 The Alien Costume: Part 1 (8.9)

Get ready to hear this title a few times on this list. “The Alien Costume: Part 1: was the series’ eighth episode and it kickstarted a saga that let everyone know how this show would operate. They wouldn’t shy away from storylines that needed several episodes to develop.

This first installment saw the adaption of the iconic story that brought us the character of Venom. In it, the alien symbiote arrived on Earth and attached itself to the person who saved the life of an astronaut, which just happened to be Spider-Man. It changed the hero for the worse.

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5 Venom Returns (9.0)

Part of the reason that audiences were so excited at Venom joining Spider-Man 3 back in 2007 was how popular the character was in this show. Almost every great episode featured him in some fashion. So, “Venom Returns,” the eleventh installment in season three, was certainly loved.

Not only did this mark the return of Venom but fans got to see more of the sinister plot of Baron Mordo. This gave us our first look in the series at Tony Stark and even gave us mentions to Dormammu. This had the least amount of reviews of the four episodes tied with the 9.0 score.

4 Carnage (9.0)

Apparently, fans of Spider-Man: The Animated Series really liked plots involving symbiotes. Season three’s twelfth episode, “Carnage,” saw the Venom symbiote spawn a new one that ultimately attaches itself to a deranged serial killer named Cletus Kasady.

Bringing in Carnage would be enough to make this a strong episode. However, it gets boosted by the team aspect. To stop the villain, Spider-Man bands together with Venom. They also get help from guest appearances by Iron Man and War Machine, making for a formidable group.

3 The Alien Costume: Part 3 (9.0)

The final leg of the trio of episodes regarding the arrival of the alien symbiote that brought us Venom. This was when we finally got to see the symbiote take control of Eddie Brock. Considering how the bonding changed Peter Parker, it turned Brock into his toughest challenge yet.

What made this even more unique was that Brock ultimately knows Spider-Man’s true identity, making him a foe unlike any other that had been faced to that point. Throw in some run-ins with other bad guys like Rhino and Shocker and you’ve got a strong episode.

2 The Alien Costume: Part 2 (9.0)

The most reviewed 9.0 rated edition of the series is the middle part of “The Alien Costume” trilogy. This was so much fun because it was unique. With the symbiote becoming a part of Peter Parker, it completely changed the character. Spider-Man had a new costume and new powers.

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The symbiote caused Spider-Man to become arrogant, hostile, and more aggressive. Ultimately, he had to break apart from it. Elsewhere, when Eddie Brock’s attempt at framing Spider-Man goes awry, it starts the downward spiral that leads him to a villainous path.

1 Farewell, Spider-Man (9.2)

For the most part, a great television show should always end on a high note. A bad series finale can ruin something special (think Game of Thrones or Dexter). Thankfully, Spider-Man: The Animated Series ended with the highest-rated episode on IMDb, “Farewell, Spider-Man.”

This continued the multiverse plot from the previous episode. Spider-Man chases Spider-Carnage through multiple dimensions, seeing various versions of himself (including one with Gwen Stacy). It all culminates in a satisfying battle and even features a Stan Lee cameo. However, some fans weren’t too pleased with the cliffhanger ending.

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