Nicholas Hammond, the original live-action web-slinger, is disappointed he wasn’t asked to appear in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Despite multiple assertions to the contrary from The Amazing Spider-Man’s Andrew Garfield, the MCU’s third Spider-Man outing has been widely rumored to feature multiple versions of the character from Sony’s previous cinematic outings. While there is yet to be any official confirmation that Tom Holland’s version of Peter Parker will actually encounter alternate versions of himself in next month’s hotly anticipated release, fans already have confirmation of the return of both Doc Ock and the Green Goblin from the Tobey Maguire-led Raimiverse films, as well as Jamie Foxx’s Electro from Garfield’s turn in the role.


Long before either Holland, Garfield or Maguire got their chance to become friendly, neighborhood Spider-Men, the first actor to bring the character to life was The Sound of Music’s Nicholas Hammond. First airing in 1977, The Amazing Spider-Man television series only lasted for two seasons on the CBS Network, before ultimately being canceled alongside the Wonder Woman series helmed by Lynda Carter for fear of CBS becoming known as a “superhero network.” Since its cancellation, Hammond has previously revealed that there were plans in the ‘80s for a potential film revival, along with the cast of The Incredible Hulk TV series, but the film never made it past initial discussions.

More recently, Hammond spoke with THR about his time as Peter Parker and expressed his disappointment in not being asked to reprise the role for the upcoming Marvel blockbuster. Suggesting that of the three big-screen Spideys, Holland’s character is “closest to what we were doing,” and “it would have been huge fun” to reprise the character alongside him. Check out his full comments below:

I think it would have been huge fun. It would have been a kick in the pants to have the old guy there. I was really hoping I would be approached but unfortunately, that didn’t happen.

Tom Holland’s version is the closest to what we were doing; trying to make him very much a real guy, someone who you could actually forget he had these powers and get caught up in Peter’s story. That was what we were going for.

The rampant speculation and fan theories surrounding No Way Home have reached almost fever-pitch as the film inches ever closer to its December release date. While Marvel boss Kevin Feige has been quick to warn fans not to read too much into the gossip, fans still steadfastly refuse to believe that Holland will be the only Spidey on the screen. Certainly, if the folks at Marvel have gone to all the trouble of bringing Maguire and Garfield back for the film, it would have been amazing to also see the first live-action Spider-Man make a cameo appearance as well.

Of course, just like Garfield’s constant denials, fans make also choose to take Hammond’s announcement with a grain of salt and begin insisting that he too is destined to make an appearance. With Marvel having a well-earned reputation for public misdirection concerning their releases, the possibilities are certainly there. Until fans finally get to see Spider-Man: No Way Home for themselves, however, they certainly won’t believe any news to the contrary regarding whether Holland will be web-slinging solo throughout the film.

Source: THR

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