The popularity of the hit television show SpongeBob SquarePants is unwavering with the show’s run spanning 2 decades. The show follows the character SpongeBob and his friends as they navigate their lives. One of SpongeBob’s greatest passions is being a fry cook. Through his work at the Krusty Krab, he becomes wrapped up in an ongoing battle between his boss Mr. Krabs and his rival, Plankton, owner of the Chum Bucket.

At some point in time, SpongeBob, Squidward, and Patrick have all worked at both of these establishments, giving the fans an insight into the working conditions at both restaurants. Which each boss having a different management style, there are positive and negatives at working at both of these restaurants. Here are 5 reasons why Mr. Krabs is the best boss and 5 reasons why Plankton is better.

10 Mr. Krabs: Gave Spongebob A Chance

SpongeBob wasn’t always the famous fry cook he is now. His dream to accomplish this goal was hard-won. When he first applied for the position, Squirdward and Mr. Krabs did not take him seriously. In fact, they sent him on a mission they believed to be impossible. SpongeBob accomplished his mission and returned to the Krusty Krab where he assisted in whipping up krabby patties at an enormously fast speed, appeasing the gathered crowd.

Mr. Krabs was impressed with his performance and offered him a job. While SpongeBob deserves the position, Mr. Krabs still deserves credit for taking a risk on a new cook and giving SpongeBob his start.

9 Plankton: Compliments Employees

While Mr. Krabs does nothing but berate his employees, Plankton actually appreciates and values their hard work. While working at the Chum Bucket, Squidward, Partick, and SpongeBob were regularly complimented and encouraged by Plankton.

In the episode”Chum Bucket Supreme” the Chum Bucket is quite successful due to help from Patrick. He turns to Patrick and says “Patrick my boy you really earned that promotion” implying that he shows his appreciation in more ways than one.


8 Mr. Krabs: Values His Formula

While the exact ingredients in the Krabby Patty are unknown, Mr. Krabs is committed to making a delicious product. Sure, he may not want to waste money by throwing away spoiled food, but he makes sure to order quality ingredients in the first place.

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This is evident in the episode “Synthetic Krabby Patty” where Mr. Krabs becomes disgusted by fake krabby patties that are made from a grey slush. He is appalled by this and says that he would never use mystery ingredients to make his burgers.

7 Plankton: Listens To His Employees Suggestions

Plankton is a team player. He is more than willing to listen to the advice of those around him, even if he questions it at first. Not only does his wife Karen help him out with plans, there are also occasions where he takes his employees suggestions as well.

This is shown when he takes Patrick’s suggestions for slogans for the Chum Bucket. It is also evident in the episode where Squidward uses his grandmother’s recipe to make the chum at the Chum Bucket taste delicious. This is a stark difference from Mr. Krabs, who only cares about his own opinion.

6 Mr. Krabs: Follows Trends

An important part of being a business owner to recognize when it is time to change or try something new. Mr. Krabs is always paying attention to the evolving trends and adjusting the restaurant to meet those trends. When pizza delivery becomes, Mr. Krabs quickly adds this to the list of services offered at the Krusty Krab.

While having to learn new responsibilities and adding additional work load can be hard for employees, the opportunity to switch it up and try something new is needed in a mundane and repetitive job. It’s also always a benefit to have a boss who understands the field of work he is in, and Mr. Krabs following the trends proves he has the knowledge to succeed.

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5 Plankton: Driven To Succeed

Plankton is very dedicated and perseverance. No matter the struggle, he pushes through.

Most business owners would have given up on the Chum Bucket long ago, but Plankton is willing to do what it takes to survive. Having a boss that is passionate about his work and determined to succeed is always positive.

4 Mr. Krabs: Provides Training

While Plankton seems to expect his employees to help him figure things out, it is clear the Krusty Krab has some training involved. These training manuals and videos are helpful to new employees as they help them understand expectations and learn new skills.

In Bikini Bottoms, it seems like food service is an industry employees stay in long term and working for a company that provides opportunities for professional development and growth is important for success.

3 Plankton: Acknowledges His Shortcomings

Mr. Krabs never takes responsibility for his own shortcomings. If something goes wrong, he lashes out and looks for someone to blame.

Plankton isn’t as arrogant as Mr. Krabs and he is willing to acknowledge his own shortcomings. Though he never gives up, he can admit when he has failed and is at fault without looking for a scapegoat.

2 Mr. Krabs: Job Stability

While working at the Krusty Krab is no delight, it can provide one thing that the Chum Bucket can not. The Krusty Krab is a successful business that has been around for years with no sign of slowing down. This success allows the employees to have a sense of job security that they would not have at the Chum Bucket, which always seems on the verge of going out of business.

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Additionally, Mr. Krabs has welcomed back Squidward and Spongebob on several occasions, both after they have made big mistakes and after quitting and working for the competition. The most important aspect of a job is the ability to maintain that job and have a steady income, even if it’s not a great one, and that is something Mr. Krabs can provide.

1 Plankton: He Works

While Mr. Krabs spends his days sitting in his office and counting his money, Plankton actually works at his establishment. He is actively involved in the planning, speaking with employees and coming up with new ideas. He does not place himself on a higher level than his employees, locking himself away.

In several episodes he is shown to be working the register, serving food, and communicating with customers. Having a boss that is willing to step in when things get busy and assist his employees instead of leaving them to drown is a great advantage to working at the Chum Bucket.

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