One of the most classic science fiction concepts is time travel, and Star Trek is no exception to trying their hand at it. With entire shows dedicated to time travel, though, like Doctor Who or the more recent Legends of Tomorrow, Star Trek has always had to be a bit more creative with how it tackles the concept.  Instead, many Trek episodes about the subject bend the rules, making more heartfelt or dramatic stories with just time travel used as the vessel from which to tell it.

Whether it’s the time police meddling in Federation affairs or knowing an entire culture in minutes, Star Trek time travel is a unique and fascinating experience.

Of those many adventures, here are the 10 best Star Trek time travel episodes.

10 Year of Hell

With the Delta Quadrant so dangerous, it’s no surprise that Voyager went through so many harrowing experiences. One of the worst was known as the “Year of Hell”, where Voyager ended up in very hostile space and lived under constant assault for a year. The year itself is traumatic, messy, and overwhelming. However, Voyager had to go through it to eventually prevent it.

After all, they got to do some time fun to stop themselves from getting in the situation in the first place. The conclusion is a little too neat, but the ride before it? Worth it.

9 All Good Things

The heart-wrenching and fitting finale of TNG, Picard is bouncing back and forth in time, because of a brain abnormality in his brain that makes his mind confused and lost to time. During that time, he has to figure out how to help himself protect the Enterprise and stop himself from making some future mistakes.

Like many other great Trek time episodes, it isn’t classic “travel to a certain time period” kind of time travel. It’s all trapped within Picard’s head, watching him spiral out of control in his final hours.

When fans are finally back to the present and see Picard play cards with his beloved crew and friends, it’s such a satisfying ending to a great Trek run.


8 Trials and Tribble-Ations

There’s a reason that “The Trouble With Tribbles” is one of the most iconic episodes in all Trek-dom. It blends the absurd possibilities of the future with the more serious implications perfectly.

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When DS9 went back in time to superimpose themselves in on this episode, it was deemed a hit by sheer iconic status. However, the episodes is also a ton of fun, poking fun at new absurdities of future and space, just like the original episode did (looking at you, Klingon designs).

This is by far the most fun time travel experiences and it deserves credit for that.

7 Yesterday’s Enterprise

In this famous TNG episode, Tasha Yar comes back from the grave when they slide into an alternate timeline, where the Federation is at war and she never lost her life in “The Skin of Evil”. The Enterprise comes across a ship out of time, one that was attacked by the Romulans and should have forced The Federation and Romulans to deal with one another, not just fight.

In this episode, Guinan tells Tasha the truth that she doesn’t belong there, and the crew copes with knowing things aren’t exactly quite right. But they have to figure it out to get the mystery ship out of time back to where it belongs, thus saving their own “real” timeline.

The logic’s kind of confusing, but if it gets Denise Crosby back and has some really powerful, emotional moments? How can anyone complain?

6 Endgame

The finale of Voyager‘s long journey, Admiral Janeway thrusts herself back in time to save her favorite Vulcan comrade, her first officer’s happiness, her Borg, and several other officers. After all, they could get home faster if only she changed the timeline just a little.

The sheer guts of Admiral Janeway is a highlight of this time travel episode, but so is the fact that it’s a “future” traveler coming back, instead of the other way around. Also, the episode pulls no punches of having Janeway with Janeway. The story just goes full send on doing everything possible to bring the Voyager family home once and for all, before they have to make any more sacrifices.

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As far as badass episodes go, this is one of the top time travel experiences.

5 The City On The Edge Of Forever

Despite the dramatic title, this TOS episode is one of the most small-scale, heartbreaking experiences. Ending up back in time, Bones beams down to the planet and, impulsively, saves a woman from getting hit by a bus. Kirk and Spock have to go down and fix this, because that woman, Edith Keeler, was a sweet-hearted pacifist that delayed the US involvement in WW2, giving the Nazis time to build atomic bombs and eventually resulting in them winning the war.

Being Kirk, the Captain also starts a romance with Edith, who is kind and generous to all of the Enterprise crew in her time. However, on the way to the movies, she steps in front of a moving truck and the three have to deliberately let her perish to save their utopian future.

Yikes, what a heartbreaking experience.

4 Tapestry

Every episode with Q in it is a delight, but Tapestry is by far one of the best. While undergoing surgery, Q takes Picard on an adventure through his past, exploring the kind of person he could be if he erased the biggest regret of his life.

And the way things weave together, how the tapestry unravels, is a fascinating adventure. And per usual, Q agonizingly reminds fans that even if he is a mercurial jerk at times, he does sometimes have good points to make.

Seeing Picard without his mistakes, a gutless science officer, was so ill-fitting for the beloved Captain. He is meant to be a leader, a pillar of strength, mistakes and all.

3 Blink Of An Eye

Where most time travel epics happen to the starships and their crews, other ones happen to people around them. The best example is Voyager‘s “Blink of An Eye”, where a planet’s enveloped in a tachyon field, giving it a bizarre temporal nature. Their time goes by much faster than time on Voyager; decades happening in the “blink of an eye”.

When Voyager got there, the planet went from the time of villages to their own space-travel abilities. But it evolves from interesting science to tragic when an astronaut crosses onto Voyager and goes back home, knowing everyone he’s ever loved will be gone. What a heartbreaking, complicated situation.

2 The Visitor

Jake and Ben Sisko have one of the strongest father-son relationships in sci-fi television. When Ben is thrust out of time, though, his son spends the rest of his life becoming a scientist, an astrophysicist, anything to find a way to get him back.

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Even though his dream is to become a writer, he abandons it to find a way to save him, to stop him from fading in and out for years at a time.

There is absolutely no promise that Jake could save his father, but he literally risks his entire life on a chance to have him back. If that’s not love, what is?

1 The Inner Light

In one of the best Trek episodes ever, Picard’s mind goes through a unique time-warping experience. The time capsule of a lost civilization captures him and takes him on a journey through the life of Kamin, an iron-weaver and flutist. He bonds with his beloved wife Eline, raises his two children, makes friends, becomes a pillar of the community.

However, over time it’s clear that their planet is going to become inhabitable and they can’t stop it. Ergo his daughter leaves the time capsule to pass on their culture and memories.

While it wasn’t classic time travel, Picard lived a very real lifetime in the span of a few minutes, and it changed him irrevocably. It is one of the best-executed, bittersweet experiences Trek has ever given fans.

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