It’s the job of Starfleet to explore strange new worlds and encounter new civilizations and alien cultures, but what would happen if they crossed paths with the galaxy’s most elite trophy hunter? After all, there is no shortage of frightening villains in the Star Trek universe as it is. It’s hard to pinpoint where the infamous Yautja (Predators) come from, but it’s safe to say they’re within our known galaxy. If the barriers between franchises ever broke down, how would the Federation’s finest handle themselves if they became targets?

There are many Starfleet officers and other characters in the Star Trek universe that are more than capable of holding their ground against a Predator. Each one possesses a specific set of traits and skills that would give them a fighting chance and possibly a clear avenue to victory. Here are ten that would probably emerge intact from a throw-down with a Predator, and avoid becoming a decoration in its trophy room.

10 Lieutenant Worf

Worf’s status as a Klingon warrior would make him a natural target for a Predator. After all, their race lives and (literally) dies for the glory of battle, which would be considered admirable to the Yautja race. A matchup between Klingon and Predator would no doubt be one built on the principle of mutual respect.

That being said, Worf’s status as a warrior cannot be understated. He’s squared off against some of the most gruesome and intimidating foes in the Star Trek galaxy, including the Jem’Hadar, the Borg, and even his fellow Klingon brethren. He’s also cunning and highly skilled with both ranged and melee weapons, making him a surefire victor.

9 Commander Data

The Predator race is known for its superhuman strength, reflexes, and blinding speed, but they’re still no match for a fully capable android. Commander Data holds several distinct advantages over the Yautja. First, his reflexes are on the quantum level, which would allow him to dodge Predator plasma bolts, nets and melee strikes with relative ease.

Second, he’s immensely strong. Data has been shown overpowering even the mighty Borg, which is a feat unto itself. The Predator might have the edge against most galactic species, but it would clearly be outmatched in a fight with Data, and it’s doubtful the victory would be close.


8 Chancellor Gowron

Gowron might have been more politician than a warrior, but he was always fully prepared for any fight that came his way. Aggressive and immensely strong, Gowron’s ill-temper was balanced by the sheer might of his fighting skill, battle tactics, and cunning.

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He even went up against a genetic clone of the great Kahless and managed to win the fight, thereby retaining his dominance as Chancellor of the Klingon Empire. He almost killed Worf in a fight to the death, only to lose the upper hand just before delivering the killing blow. Against a Yautja, Gowron would have been more than capable of victory.

7 Lieutenant Tasha Yar

Tasha Yar was trained by Starfleet’s finest, and her status as Security Chief onboard the Federation flagship was a clear indicator of just how well she could fight. Yar grew up in a violent homeworld dodging murderers, thieves, and rape gangs before escaping and making her way to Starfleet, where she honed herself into the model officer.

She was involved in several pitched battles throughout the course of her time on the Enterprise and managed to emerge intact each time. Though she may have lacked the physical strength needed to overwhelm a Predator, her strategic mind and knowledge of tactics would have undoubtedly given her the edge and allowed her to turn the tables.

6 Seven Of Nine

At first glance, Seven of Nine might appear to be mostly human, but her Borg physiology was never fully purged from her system. As such, she remained a dangerous threat on board the starship Voyager, despite her attempts to regain her humanity. She later became a battle-hardened vigilante, thanks largely to her physiology. Her Borg implants give her an immediate edge in battle, allowing her to adapt to weapons fire and take control of computer systems.

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Against a Predator, Seven of Nine would have to rely on duck and cover techniques before setting up the opportunity to strike, but her physical stamina and enhanced strength would help give her an edge. There’s no telling if she’d be a note-for-note physical match against the Predator in a fistfight, but given her prowess at pit-fighting, she would no doubt win out.

5 Khan

The mighty Khan represented the pinnacle of human genetics at the turn of the 20th century, and the results spoke for themselves. He was able to amass great power in a very short space of time, thanks largely to his profound physical strength, cunning, and knowledge of battle tactics.

He nearly killed Captain Kirk twice; the second attempt taking place in the ever-quotable Wrath of Khan, thanks largely to this knowledge. Khan’s only weakness is his overconfidence which led him to make several miscalculations that triggered his defeat. Against a Predator, it would come down largely to brute strength and battle strategy, both of which Khan was a master of.

4 Tuvok

Tuvok has proven that he can throw down with the best of them, despite the Vulcan penchant for non-violence. His logical mind means he would be totally immune to the psychological attacks Predators use on more worthy prey. At all times, Tuvok would remain calm, yet alert.

His fighting techniques and mastery of ranged weapons would no doubt work in his favor to give him the win. Plus, it would be interesting to see just what would happen if the two managed to lock horns in a melee brawl. Would the Vulcan nerve pinch work on a Yautja? One can only assume.

3 Sulu

Sulu is often the quiet type, but he knows how to handle himself in a fight. He’s never been one to shy away from a good tossup, and his knowledge of melee weapons would undoubtedly help him in a fight. Though he isn’t the most physically strong character in the Star Trek universe, he is quick and agile.

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This, mixed with his Starfleet self-defense training might give him the opportunity to get the drop on a Predator at the most opportune time. Sulu tends to be extremely cool under fire – a trait that is absolutely vital to surviving a Yautja onslaught.

2 Odo

Being in law enforcement has its perks, specifically related to knuckle sandwiches. Odo was in charge of security onboard Deep Space Nine, a particularly seedy pit-stop that attracted some of the most dangerous species and individuals in the galaxy. As such, he needed to be ready for action at a moment’s notice.

His status as a changeling also has its advantages, as they are immune to the kinds of weapons the Predator commonly uses to kill prey. One can’t be certain if the Predator’s plasma caster would kill him, however. A phaser has been shown capable of killing a changeling, but it operates in a different way from a plasma bolt.

1 Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk is largely considered the John Wayne of the Star Trek universe, and for good reason. He’s squared off against Gorn, Khan, and a number of nefarious foes during his stint onboard the Enterprise. 1960s karate chops aside, Kirk has always been willing to throw himself into a fight.

Whether it would be enough to take down a Yautja is another question. It’s safe to say that Kirk’s strategic mind and reflexes would definitely aid him in a fight, and he’d probably come out on top after devising an on-the-fly method to take advantage of a weakness. After all, he’s Captain Kirk – indomitable to the last.

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