Everyone’s excited about the upcoming Picard series, but an unexpected bonus of the whole adventure is the return of Seven of Nine, Voyager‘s resident Borg. Well, unexpected to some people. Seven of Nine has always been a fan favorite for people to concoct theories about her past, her present, and her future. It’s no surprise that some fans expected her to be somewhere like she is in Picard.

While everyone’s waiting for the series premiere with bated breath, let’s look at some of the best ideas about Seven from fans over the years. Here are 10 crazy seven of nine fan theories (that actually turned out to be true).

10 Picard Appearance

The second fans knew that Picard would involve the Borg, they had their theories about classic characters appearing. Sure, many people wanted old TNG favorites to show up. But, what about fan-favorite Borgs? Hugh was an obvious option, as he and Picard interacted in TNG. but another one on everyone’s lips was this Voyager beauty: Seven of Nine.

And luck would have it, those fan theorists were right. In one of the newer Picard teasers, Seven of Nine showed up alongside Picard, shooting guns with a whole new look. Can’t wait to see her more human than ever.

9 Teaching A Robot To Love

There are so many ways to expand on de-unifying a Borg drone. There are aspects of individualism and emotion that they haven’t felt in a long time and need to adapt to. They learn about friendship, a sense of self, and more. It was really fascinating to watch it develop in Hugh and other freed Borg.

However, when it came to Seven of Nine, fans figured that the writers would take the time to tackle something less-explored: romance. And right they were. As she became more of an individual, Seven’s interest in love grew and, eventually, she started dating and having feelings for other people. Sure, the writers didn’t pick the best, but it still did happen.


8 Borg Leader

Fans have always speculated what would happen to their favorite characters after their respective Trek series ended. Of all the characters, one with a bogglingly open-ended future was Seven. Fans had no clue where or what she’d do once Voyager got to Earth. Seven had several emotional moments confused about that same thing.

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Well, after caring for the Borg children, many fans saw an obvious answer for Seven’s future: leading other free Borg. After all, Voyager ended with so many stranded Borg, between Unimatrix Zero, Hugh’s group, and the destruction of the Borg hub. That theory ended up being right, as Picard clearly shows Seven leading fellow freed Borg.

7 Becoming Human

Okay, perchance this is an obvious one, but the second fans met Seven in Scorpion pt. 1 and 2, they figured that, for once, they’d watch a Borg’s full transformation from a drone into something far more human. Fans saw shades and moments of this in Hugh, but never to the extent of Seven’s. Even before Seven showed up, fans theorized they’d eventually see more of Borg’s humanity.

And in Seven, and Voyager‘s later seasons, fans saw exactly what they hoped. Everything about her journey was that of a Borg exploring her humanity and becoming a new version of her Borg origins and the heritage taken from her.

6 Keep The Ocular

While Seven changed into a more human Borg, fans who theorized her transformation also theorized that she’d keep something from her old Borg life to still look the part. Where Picard lost all of his Borg implants, Seven kept her Cortical Node. It turned her into a human-looking woman, but still reminded fans how different she was.

Whether it was so that the show-runners could make her more attractive yet still exotic, people can debate. But she did keep her Ocular Implant which gave her that very unique look. Honestly, it was a great aesthetic choice and kept Jeri Ryan out of all that heavy make-up and prosthetics.

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5 Starfleet Uniform

Even though Seven of Nine started out in that sexy catsuit, that couldn’t be her fate forever, could it? After all, she only wore it because she wasn’t a member of the Starfleet crew. With the way Janeway promoted and instated people, though, that couldn’t be the case forever. At least, that’s what fans theorized.

It took nearly until nearly the end of the show, but Seven eventually got her Starfleet uniform, dubbing her a member of Voyager‘s crew. Moreover, it was a science officer’s garb, very fitting for her work in astrometrics. All these poor women trapped in catsuits deserved better, and at least Seven eventually escaped.

4 Without Chakotay

Chakotay, by the end of Voyager, was supposedly Seven’s one true love and future husband. Unfortunately, fans weren’t in love with the pairing. For years, Voyager ignored Chakotay’s character and made him a boring caricature of a Native American man. His character could have been interesting, but he was wasted and discarded.

So, it’s no surprise that fans theorized that in this Picard-ian future that she wouldn’t be with Chakotay anymore. As far as the trailers go, that seems to be the truth. Either their relationship didn’t work out or Chakotay’s life ended early anyway, despite Janeway’s time meddling.

3 Starfleet And Borg Spliced Technology

When Seven joined Voyager, theorists took no short time to assume she’d find ways to make Borg modifications to the ship. Even better, those changes would make their long trip home much faster.

Over her time in the series, Seven delivered on those theories and more. She improved their medical procedures, weapons, warp drive, and so much more. Who knows how much Borg integration has improved tech since then? Theorists best be buzzing about it.

2 Adopted Borg

Star Trek has played with the idea of Borg children since they first appeared in TNG. It was some of the horrors that the Enterprise away team saw when they explored their first cube. So, fans theorized that they’d eventually see Borg children and see the complications of that.

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Voyager went even further by finding Borg orphans alone on an adrift sphere. And better, put them in Seven of Nine’s care. Theories about Borg kiddos may be a longshot, but they happened, and who knows how many more fans might see in the future.

1 Real Name

Seven of Nine joined Voyager as a frustrated, confused, and lost drone. However, it wasn’t long before she started to find her humanity. Fans theorized that finding out her name, her human name, would be a big part of her finding her identity. And they weren’t wrong.

She was not on Voyager long before her name was revealed to be Annika Hansen, the young daughters of two researchers assimilated by the Borg. While she had Janeway and the crew to guide her, the power of her name was right. It really helped guide her in her path towards humanity.

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