Deanna Troi was a staple on the bridge of the USS Enterprise-D, but she contributed plenty after her time on Star Trek: The Next Generation as well. Played by Marina Sirtis, Counselor Deanna Troi was the Enterprise’s resident therapist, one of the first instances of televised science fiction acknowledging that space travelers have mental health needs too. Troi would also serve as something of an emotional barometer on the bridge of the Enterprise; using her Betazoid empathic abilities, she indicated to Captain Picard if an alien adversary had nefarious intentions or was simply bluffing.

In the earliest days of TNG, Troi was something of an underwritten side character, though she got more focus as the show went on and became a fully realized, interesting character by the show’s final seasons. She even took on a secret Romulan spy mission at the behest of the legendary Spock, in the memorable season 6 episode “Face of the Enemy.”


But what many may know is that the story didn’t end for Troi after Star Trek: The Next Generation ended. While she obviously appeared in the four TNG films that followed the series, she’s also shown up in some surprising areas of the franchise. And while the different Star Trek series utilized her in some wildly different ways, Sirtis’ performance was always strong enough to keep the core of the character in place.

The Next Generation Films

Despite the fact her character grew exponentially in TNG’s final two seasons, she ended up having very little to do in the films that followed the end of the series. She holds the dubious distinction of crashing two different Enterprises when forced to take the helm in both Star Trek: Generations and Star Trek: Nemesis. She managed to get drunk with Zefram Cochrane, the creator of warp drive on Earth in the late 21st century in Star Trek: First Contact, an agreeably light story beat in a pretty dark Star Trek movie. She also suffered a horrific psychic assault at the hands of Shinzon — the evil clone of Captain Picard played by a very young Tom Hardy — in Star Trek: Nemesis.

Most notably, Troi rekindled her romance with Will Riker in Star Trek: Insurrection, triggered by the youth-infusion they got from the radiation from the Ba’ku planet. The love endured, however, as they would later wed at the beginning of Star Trek: Nemesis, the final film to feature the TNG cast.

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Star Trek: Voyager

Troi made a handful of appearances on Star Trek: Voyager, which ran concurrently with the TNG films. Each time Troi came to Earth to visit and help her friend and former patient Lieutenant Reginald Barclay. The awkward Barclay was working on Project Pathfinder at Starfleet Command on Earth, the project launched with the intention of making contact with Voyager in the Delta quadrant.

Troi would later return to help Barclay deal with a terminally ill friend: Doctor Lewis Zimmerman, who was the human model for and creator of the holographic Doctor program. In her final appearance on the series, Troi helped Barclay thwart an elaborate Ferengi scheme, and later set up Barclay on a double date with her, Riker, and a friend of theirs named Maril. These are definitely some of Troi’s more lighthearted, breezy appearances, but they’re all fun.

Star Trek: Enterprise

Troi appears in what may be the most universally reviled episode in Star Trek history: Star Trek: Enterprise’s series finale, “These Are The Voyages.” That episode, bizarrely, takes place not during the prequel’s traditional 22nd-century setting, but in the 24th-century era of Star Trek: The Next Generation, namely during the TNG episode “The Pegasus,” a pivotal Riker episode where the first officer must question his loyalties. Sirtis and Jonathan Frakes both reprised their roles from TNG, though obviously a decade older, which made the episode all the weirder.

Troi helps Riker get over his moral dilemma by showing him the last adventure of the crew of the NX-01 Enterprise on the holodeck, for some reason. Enterprise fans were understandably upset, feeling the episode was a slap in the face to their fanbase, a cheap stunt to boost the ratings of the finale by revisiting the more popular TNG. Even the series’ creators have admitted the episode was likely a mistake. It’s unquestionably the worst thing Counselor Troi appears in.

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Star Trek: Lower Decks

Troi appears in the first season finale of Star Trek: Lower Decks, “No Small Parts.” Set about a year after the events of Star Trek: Nemesis, Troi is seen here on the USS Titan along with her husband Captain Will Riker. The Titans zooms to the rescue just in time to save the USS Cerritos from a Pakled attack, beating back a pair of Pakled ships with ease.

Troi would later diagnose Commander Jack Ransom with some severe personality disorders before leaving on the Titan with Lieutenant Brad Boimler in tow. It’s been confirmed that Jonathan Frakes will return as Riker in Lower Decks season 2, so it stands to reason Marina Sirtis will make another return as Troi as well.

Star Trek: Picard

Perhaps the most emotionally affecting story for the character, Star Trek: Picard finds Troi retired from Starfleet, living on the planet Nepenthe with Riker and their daughter Kestra 20 years after the events of Nemesis. On the run from the Romulans with the young android they wish to kill, Soji Asha, Picard arrives on Nepenthe seeking refuge and advice. He gets plenty more than that, like comfort, parenting advice, and some really nice looking pizza from Riker’s wood fire oven.

The pathos of the episode comes mostly from Troi. It’s revealed that Riker and Troi actually had two children, including an older son named Thad who died years earlier of a rare disease. They came to Nepenthe in the hopes that its regenerative properties could save their son, but it wasn’t meant to be. Troi carries the weight of that loss beautifully, even if she never fully lets it overcome her. It’s classic Star Trek, and it’s the most impressive Sirtis has ever been in the role.

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