Over time, Klingons have easily become one of the most widely known and beloved races in all of Star Trek. While humans lead Starfleet and Vulcans are a fascinatingly logical species, Klingons are just so unique and passionate that fans have always gravitated towards them. After all, they strike a mesmerizing balance between honor and bloodlust that makes them easy foes but greater allies. No wonder some people can’t get enough of them and enjoy every mention and member of the species as a whole.

However, some Klingons simply went above and beyond the call to honor to make a great impact on their people and they deserve recognition for their hard work and sacrifices.

10 Klaang

Despite humanity’s best efforts to make their way into space, Starfleet’s attempts to explore it more and more were constantly stifled by the Vulcan High Command. That is, until Klaang crash-landed on Earth. Forcing a first contact with Klingons and thrusting humanity into the Suliban conflict, Klaang changed everything for humans.

Sure, he probably didn’t mean to. But returning him won Archer and Starfleet points with the Klingon Empire and set the stage for their own exploration mission. The kind of mission that would influence the rest of Starfleet history forever. Thanks, Klaang.

9 Duras

Ask any Star Trek fan about Duras, and all you’ll get is vitriol. House Duras is one of the most manipulative and under-handed family houses in all of Klingon history. However, their choices have always greatly impacted the Empire. For example, their betrayal, giving the Romulans the secrets of Khitomer station so they could attack it, bloodied the council for decades. After all, the council chose to be corrupted and defend Duras, instead blaming an innocent man (Mogh).

Everything they did, good or bad, had a great impact on their Empire.


8 Gowron

In a time where the empire was at risk of falling into greater corruption, a man like Gowron was needed more than ever. Unlike the Duras family, who would cement a legacy of a secretive, underhanded Klingon empire, Gowron is a true man of honor. While he can be bristly and self-important, and fairly easily manipulated when it comes to righteous war, he still isn’t ruling out of self-interest. He truly wants the Empire to be its best.

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Between taking the throne from the conniving Duras family, exalting the clone of Kahless as a figurehead, building a positive relationship with the Federation, and playing a major part in the Dominion War, Gowron had quite the impact. He was a Klingon Chancellor to remember.

7 L’Rell

During the high tensions of T’Kuvma’s Klingon conquest, L’rell not only was a major player in the Klingon Empire’s movements, but she was instrumental in the later peace. If it wasn’t for her uniting the other houses and using Federation tools to get their support, the war would have gone on for far longer.

L’Rell was the beginning of a true relationship with the Federation, however tenuous that relationship was during her reign.

Considering how ornery the Klingon houses can be, especially in this time period, L’Rell’s influence made all the difference from turning a bloodbath into mere tension.

6 Antaak

During one of the worst plagues in Klingon history, Antaak was a Klingon scientist who put the future of his people ahead of his own prejudices. Antaak worked with Doctor Phlox to try to cure the Klingon ailment instead of threatening him as much as the other Klingons. And when he found out the general he was working for wanted to weaponize the cure, not save people?

Antaak chose to lean on the Federation to help him save his people, not put his trust in the Empire.

Even if he dishonored his superiors, Antaak was a true Klingon hero.

5 T’Kuvma

Before the Klingons and Federation started warring, the Klingon Empire was a collection of fractured houses that didn’t seem to see eye to eye and were constantly in-fighting. Instead of glorious conquests, the Klingons were focused instead on civil war.

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T’Kuvma changed all of that. With his devout Kah’Less following, he rallied the other Klingons towards a singular cause: pushing back and destroying The Federation.

Though he became a martyr, that sacrifice made all the difference. Without T’Kuvma’s drive and vision, the Klingons may have continued warring with one another forever.

4 Worf

Despite his low social standing for most of his life, Worf has had an alarmingly significant effect on the Klingons and the universe at large. Not only was he the first Klingon in Starfleet, but he also was a significant officer on two of the most important ships in Starfleet (the Enterprise and the Defiant) as well as a major player on DS9 and in the Dominion War. He helped garner Klingon support and ensured the Empire fought for the Federation.

He destroyed a corrupt regime, he regained his father’s name, and joined the esteemed House of Martok. This man also helped find the future Emperor, Kah’Less himself (mostly). For a shunned man, Worf’s influence is impressive.

3 Martok

In one of the most important wars of the Klingon Empire, Martok took control of the military and turned their people from misguided warriors into the heroic front-line soldiers of the entire conflict. With his leadership, the Klingons were strong and faced the Dominion head on.

Moreover, when his High Chancellor showed signs of weakness, Martok took his place and led his people into further greatness. He was a simple soldier with a surprisingly open mind about other cultures and peoples, inviting not only the infamous Son of Mogh into his house ranks but also a Trill. Martok was a revolutionary.

2 Gorkon and Azetbur

If it wasn’t for Gorkon and his daughter, Azetbur, risking their lives for peace, there is a fair chance it never would’ve happened. After all, someone did execute Gorkon to try to stop his movements towards a treaty and allyship with The Federation.

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Despite their people’s warring nature, Gorkon and Azetbur had the foresight to realize the Klingon Empire could retain that while still moving forward into a new era. Together these two changed the course of the Empire forever, turning enemies into one of their most powerful and supportive allies.

1 Kahless

As the Klingon all others measure themselves against, of course Kahless has the most influence over his people. Stories of his deeds, whether they are history or legends, are some of the greatest shapers of Klingon culture. Almost every Klingon episode ends up mentioning Kahless, either in a reverent passing statement, or an all out telling of one of his tales to inspire Klingons to battle.

Nothing gets Klingons worked up like Kahless.

If a mere clone of the man can help unify the empire, his influence is timeless and priceless.

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