As the prickliest, grumpiest man in Starfleet, you’d think fans would be less fond of Commander Worf. It’s quite the opposite, though. Star Trek fans fell in love with the security officer who had to step up after Tasha Yar passed away. From then on, Worf became a consistent staple of the universe and Klingons are possibly the most favored species by Trekkies. Them, or Vulcans.

Worf isn’t prickly all the time. Actually, he has his fair share of close relationships and romances throughout the series. After all, what’s more romantic or heartwarming than breaking down the walls of a man who stubbornly hides away his emotions? Sure, maybe not realistic or healthy, but still super romantic (and if not romantic, makes his loved ones feel super special). Anyway, here’s the the 10 relationships Worf had, ranked.

10 Ba’el

Worf doesn’t have too many romances, but most of them he takes pretty seriously. This is not one of them. When looking for his father, Worf finds a colony of Romulan and Klingons who built a community together after the Khitomer Massacre. Much to his surprise, they’ve even intermingled and had children.

Much to the fans’ surprise, he also falls for a young woman from the colony named Ba’el, a half Romulan/half Klingon daughter. Not only is the age difference alarming (she’s barely an adult), but she’s never heard from again. Guess that kiss didn’t matter, did it?

9 Grilka

For unknown reasons, Worf fell for Grilka the second he saw her. She was the most classic Klingon he ever met and nothing like any of the other women he’d dated. Unlucky for him, Grilka was there to see Quark, her one-time husband who she had a flirtation with.

Chasing after the uninterested woman, he instead ends up in the arms of someone who actually wanted to be with him: Jadzia. In the Star Trek novelizations, the widowed Worf does marry Grilka and have several children. However, that’s not in the show and there is little chemistry between the two.


8 Alexander Rozhenko

With all his talk of honor, fans would think Worf would find great honor in raising a Klingon son. Well, they thought wrong. Worf is arguably one of the worst dads in Star Trek history. He and Alexander have some great bonding moments for the short time they lived together, but twice he dumped the kid on his parents instead of taking responsibility.

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This grumpy guy loves responsibility. His reaction to Alexander has always just been selfish and cowardly. For every bonding moment, Worf pushed Alexander light-years away. It’s no surprise that, despite their love for one another, their relationship is pretty abysmal.

7 Kurn

Worf’s family life is unstable at best. His younger brother, Kurn, spent his life adopted by family friends, never knowing his sibling. When they were older, the two finally met and were able to bond over their family’s unjust dishonor. The second Worf earned his family honor back, Kurn benefited from the reveal. He ran the House of Mogh on Qo’Nos and had a family.

However, when Gowron went to invade Cardassia, Worf refused to join him. The self-righteous leader took away his family rights and dissolved The House of Mogh before Kurn’s eyes. Worsening matters was that after he lost his status, Kurn wanted to die. Worf, instead, wiped his memory and bonded him to a new family, losing his brother forever.

6 Ezri Dax

Losing Jadzia Dax was one of the hardest things Worf ever had to deal with. They were madly in love, had just married, and were trying to have children. What only made matters worse was the arrival of Ezri Dax, the Dax symbiote’s new host.

With all of Jadzia’s new memories in a different person, being near each other was very difficult. For Worf, it was a constant reminder of the wife he lost. And for Ezri? She was constantly confused about her feelings for Worf. Eventually, the pair tried to be together romantically and decided it wasn’t right. They did finally become friends, but it never stopped being sort of weird.

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5 Deanna Troi

During the time Alexander and Worf lived together, the two Klingons grew very close to Deanna Troi. She helped them deal with their father/son issues and helped Worf care for his son. She even became his guardian, should anything happen to Worf.

Over time, though, the universe (read: the writers) decided to push Deanna and Worf together romantically. It involved a lot of bizarre alternate universes and hallucinations. While they weren’t exactly right for each other, Deanna and Worf supported each other during some difficult times in their lives and remained wonderful friends. She wasn’t his soulmate, (that’s Riker’s role) but they had a great relationship.

4 The (human) Rozhenkos

When his parents perished in the Khitomer Massacre, Worf was found by Starfleet officer Sergey Rozhenko. The kind man adopted Worf. He and his wife, Helena, cared for the Klingon boy like he was their own. Their son, Nikolai, became his brother and they were all a family.

Worf may be bad at relationships with most people, but the human Rozhenkos are some of the few he greatly respects. They took him in when no one would and did all they could to give him a diverse and rich upbringing. They understand all his idiosyncrasies and love him (and Alexander) with all their hearts.

3 K’Ehleyr

Worf spent most of his life trying to live up to impossible Klingon ideals that most Klingons don’t even care about. With a foot in Klingon culture and the other a son of humans, Worf never would fit into Qo’Nos culture like others. It makes sense that his first, important romance was with a woman who understood that.

Only half Klingon, K’Ehleyr was an old flame of Worf’s who dumped him when he wanted to marry. Working together again as an ambassador and officer, those old sparks came back. The two fell in love again, split apart, had a son, and almost chose to be together forever. That is, until Duras ended her life. Their relationship wasn’t perfect, but K’Ehleyr brought out the best in Worf. He will always love her for that.

2 Martok

Of all Worf’s relationships, his greatest family member will always be his brother by choice, Martok. Worf saved Martok’s life in The Dominion prisons and they only grew closer throughout the war. They fought great battles and did their people great honors. After the dissolving of the House of Mogh, Martok invited his good friend into his home. He even included Jadzia once they were married.

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Both warriors, the pair leaned on each other to protect Klingon lives during a war where their people scoured the front line. They did great things for each other and Qo’Nos. It’s no surprise that one of Worf’s best relationships came out of that.

1 Jadzia

With an old Klingon legend at her heart, Jadzia always could relate to Worf like few people could. They both understood Starfleet, blood wine, opera, and gagh. She could put up a fight against him and could be just as stubborn as him. Of all the women he met, she was the closest he ever got to a happily ever after. Of course, that didn’t stick because the writers hated Worf, but still.

Jadzia and Worf loved each other deeply. They bonded over their similarities and reveled in their differences. They were ready to risk their lives for one another and wanted to see what Klingon/Trill babies would look like. He will never forget the wonderful woman who loved him for the Klingon, Starfleet officer, and man that he was.

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