There was a time when the Star Wars prequels were among the most hated movies ever. Fans saw them as big disappoints compared to the originals, and the character of Anakin, in particular, was the victim of a lot of their scorn. However, over time, public opinion on the once derided trilogy has softened to the point that even the future Darth Vader has his litany of fans.

That, of course, doesn’t mean that the memes have stopped. People are still finding creative ways to poke fun at Anakin’s actions and characterization. Although, these days, most of the memes aren’t made with malice. Here are some of the best.

10 Qui-Gon Jinn’s Blunder

Qui-Gon Jinn delivers some wise words throughout The Phantom Menace. However, his reassurance that Anakin won’t be a problem looks very dumb in hindsight. As pointed out in this meme, Anakin became a huge problem for the galaxy and helped put an end to the Jedi council.

Qui-Gon has to take a lot of the blame for that, as he was the one who first discovered the boy and became convinced he was the chosen one. Luckily for him, he was dead before he saw what his “chosen one” became.

9 Easily Manipulated

Throughout the prequels, Anakin’s decision-making was questionable at best, and trusting Palpatine has to be one of his biggest blunders as an individual on imgflip has identified in this meme.

It’s unclear how Skywalker fails to see all of the Senator’s red flags when talking to him. The future Emperor’s words and whole demeanor are super creepy throughout. The fact he’s so scared to lose Padme likely blinds him to it or makes him ignore it, but a skilled Jedi should be smarter than that.


8 Force Healing

By Revenge of the Sith, stopping Padme from dying is Anakin’s only goal. He cares about it so much that he’s willing to join the dark side to save her. But, did he ever think of asking his fellow Jedis if they had a similar life-saving power? Because they do, as Force healing is used in other pieces of Star Wars media.

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One of the incredibly strong and wise Jedi around him must’ve known the power. Although, as Know Your Meme points out, it would’ve made the franchise a lot shorter as he would’ve let Windu kill Palpatine.

7 Anakin Doing The Impossible

As a kid, Anakin was in awe of Jedi, even going as far as claiming nobody can kill one of them. Squirrel Bro has used an Always Sunny In Philadelphia meme to point out the irony in the statement because as an adult, he kills a lot of them. Or, at least, he is a big factor in their deaths.

Along with Palpatine, he puts Order 66 into motion and virtually all of the Jedi are wiped out. So, as it turns out, they definitely can be killed.

6 Anakin’s Progression

Anakin arguably got better as the series went on—if watching in chronological order—as he started as a slightly annoying young boy and became a badass. Stevan Sankey has tracked his development as an adult in this meme.

It’s difficult to argue against it, as he did start by crying a lot about not being considered a Jedi master and not being able to save Padme. After a while, his sadness developed into anger as the Jedi Knight began slaughtering his enemies. Then, once he became Darth Vader, he turned truly evil. Finally, in his last moments, he shared a nice bonding moment with his son.

5 He Had His Reasons

Throughout the prequels, The Jedi Council always kept Anakin at arm’s length. First, they refused to let him become a Jedi. Then, when he did become one, they stopped him from reaching the rank of Master.

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He was a very emotional young man, but perhaps if they treated him better, he wouldn’t have gone to the dark side. And, in turn, the Jedi wouldn’t have been decimated. It’s certainly one of The Council’s biggest blunders, and Redditor Eliscape has summarised it in this meme.

4 Padme’s Short Memory

One of the original criticisms of Anakin was that his killing of younglings was completely out-of-character. Padme even agreed, as she couldn’t believe the news when she heard it. However, this meme by Akroman01 proves that it shouldn’t have been that shocking as those younglings weren’t the first children to taste Anakin’s lightsaber.

In Attack of the Clones, he slaughtered an entire village of Tuskan Raiders, including children, to avenge his mother. Yes, it was a very different situation, but it showed he had the capacity to kill innocent kids. Although, Padme’s dis-belief is hardly the strangest thing about the character.

3 Sand

The Anakin quote that gets mocked more than any other is when he reveals his distaste for sand. It such a strange piece of dialogue that no Star Wars fan has ever forgotten it, and plenty have made memes about it.

Reddit user Occamschainsaw815 imagines how Anakin would react to Dory (from Finding Dory) and her differing opinion of the substance. Seeing Skywalker attack the cute little fish would be harder to stomach than anything else the character does.

2 Anakin’s Questionable Actions

Anakin’s betrayal of everybody he knows might be the craziest thing anyone has ever done for love, and Padme was never going to appreciate his murderous actions.

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ConnorRaw01 has used Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s Jake Peralta to give a comical re-creation of Padme’s true response. It’s not far off, although her reaction involves a lot more tears and heartbreak. Maybe if Anakin spent a bit more time considering how she would react, then he could’ve stopped himself from becoming one of the galaxy’s most hated individuals.

1 Underrated Portrayal

There’s no denying that during the prequels, Anakin was a little awkward at times, especially when it came to flirting. It’s something that the trilogy’s detracters often criticize. But, in this meme, Redditor Wows Nightly News has claimed that the awkwardness was intentional.

It’s not a bad theory. A child raised as a slave and then thrust into the crazy Jedi world would likely be ill-adjusted, especially with the added pressure of being the chosen one. At the very least, it’s something for Anakin haters to consider

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