Over the past five years, John Boyega’s Finn has become a fan-favorite in the canon of Star Wars and has inadvertently become the subject matter for literal thousands of memes. One of the main elements that people took away from the past three films of the most recent trilogy was the formation of a true bromance between Finn and Oscar Isaac’s Poe Dameron.

If you didn’t feel like scrolling through hundreds of bromance memes, we’ve luckily picked out some of the select few that stand above the rest. Along with those, here are 10 of the best Finn memes that’ll have you laughing so hard you’ll be crying like you might’ve been when you thought Chewbacca was actually dead.

10 The Better Skywalker

The sample size of Finn wielding a lightsaber is small, but, boy, is it incredible every time it happens. From his battle against a stormtrooper to the climactic scene in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it was clear that Finn had someone kind of connection as a Jedi with the ease of which he used Luke’s old lightsaber.

Speaking of Luke, this meme takes a low blow at the master Jedi for his non-lethal combat skills. Not to say he wasn’t skilled with it, but, considering he was wielding a literal instrument of death, it’s kind of surprising there weren’t more victims on the other end. Plus, the way Finn swings the lightsaber makes it look like he’s using a medieval battle-ax, so you can’t be too surprised that he’s not swinging that thing with the intent on sparing whoever he’s swinging it at.

9 Finn Vs. Reylo

Although were some more strongly developed ties between Kylo Ren and Rey, there’s probably not a single soul out there that didn’t feel for Finn watching those two kiss in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Weirdly enough, everyone kind of thought that Finn had the better chance, considering the fact that, you know, Kylo was a First Order leader and known mass murderer.

But hey, he and Rey had the special connection that everyone figured would end in one very uncomfortable kiss. Anyway, for all those out there who are also on team Finn, you’ll certainly get a chuckle out of this one.


8 School Ad

Even if we’re all a little sour that Finn and Rey didn’t wind up together, there’s still no denying that their friendship is something to smile at. From some of the earliest scenes in the first film of the trilogy, the two characters had an unavoidable companionship that would ultimately help save the galaxies. What was so great about the on-screen chemistry of Finn and Rey is that it seemed like John Boyega and Daisy Ridley also shared that same chemistry behind-the-scenes.

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Well, that chemistry has now been made fairly and publicly apparent, and that’s how we wound up with a meme like this one. The two seem to be just enjoying their time together on the set of The Force Awakens, and, as this Twitter user so hilariously points out, they kind of look like they could be in an advertisement photo to draw interest to a school.

7 Everyone’s Favorite Bromance

Despite how many Finn and Poe bromance memes we had to sift through, it was hard to leave them out entirely. Throughout the three films of the most recent sequels trilogy, there were small moments that showed just how great of friends Finn and Poe had become over such a short amount of time. However, it truly all started on the tie-fighter that helped them escape from the First Order.

The bromance really flourished when Poe let Finn keep his favorite jacket. Without Poe’s courteous act, we would’ve never wound up with some hilarious comparison like this one. In a lot of ways, it was kind of like someone giving their girlfriend their jacket to stay warm. However, in this case, it wasn’t a boyfriend and girlfriend, but, instead, two fictional space soldiers that started on completely opposing sides.

6 The Forgotten Kiss

One of the stranger narratives of Finn’s character can be found throughout Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Not only does his relationship with Rey start to splinter, but he quickly forms a friendship with Kelly Marie Tran’s Rose. Their friendship strangely turns into something more, resulting in yet another singular and rushed kiss that had plenty of fans scratching their heads.

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Well, the rushed relationship between Rose and Finn, as much as it turned and confused heads in theaters and around the world, has provided plenty of meme material for us to laugh at. In this particular case, this Spongebob-inspired meme perfectly captures just how forced and bizarre the kiss between the two characters was and it does so in an entirely original and hysterical way.

5 Visible Confusion

Technically, this one isn’t actually a meme at all. It actually is much more of a meme format. However, depending on how you choose to view it, it has a lot of hilarious potential. It’s so simple, but we’ve seen plenty of meme formats stem from simple snapshots from a film with some kind of funny subtitle text over the front.

All this picture needs is some kind of relatable context above the picture itself. The “visible confusion” text combined with the look on their faces is wildly funny in itself and is dancing right on the edge of becoming the subject for thousands of incredible memes.

4 Doppelganger

There’s no way we can do all this talking about Finn and not mention his humble beginnings as a stormtrooper. Well, luckily, this meme does exactly that for us. His time in the iconic white suit was short-lived, but his part in the First Order turned out to be a major plot point of The Force Awakens. Regardless of how much time he actually spent as FN-2187, this meme is still hilarious.

While it’s certainly a bit of dumb humor, it definitely succeeds in being able to solicit some laughs. Plus, it’s extremely effective in pointing out that FN-2187 and Finn do look insanely alike. It’s almost like one is the doppelganger of the other, or that maybe they’re even the same person. But have you ever actually seen the two in the same room at the same time? We didn’t think so.

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3 A Poem

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Ever since he was able to trick Rey into thinking he was part of the Resistance, it was clear that Finn had a way with words. He also made sure to make one thing explicitly clear from the get-go: he doesn’t want to go back to Jakku. So, without further ado, let’s introduce some of Finn’s tremendous poetry skills, and, of course, it’s coming to us in meme form.

2 Traitor

Only a select few, mainly those within the First Order, see Finn as a traitor. Yes, he did abandon the First Order and his life as a stormtrooper to join the resistance and hang out with his friends. Yes, he even helped take down the First Order and some of his highest-ranking generals. But, hey, who wouldn’t?

After he betrayed the First Order and began helping the Resistance, there were probably a good amount of people searching for the man they called FN-2187. However, they probably weren’t able to do so with a simple Google search. However, if they were to search for Finn, they’d probably run into some problems spelling his name correctly as we see here.

1 The Finn Zone

You probably knew it was coming at some point. There was no way we could get through all of Finn’s adventures of the last three Star Wars films without addressing how deep in the friend zone he was with Rey. When you’re in as deep as he is though, you can’t even really call it the friend zone anymore.

Luckily, Finn’s name made things fairly easy when it came to coming up with an entirely new and more hilarious title for the friend zone. So, if, after all this time, you were wondering what could possibly be worse than the friend zone, we’ll just let this meme answer your questions for you.

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