Apart from war hero Jedi, the other group of people in Star Wars that are well-decorated enough to earn their own celebrity-status in the galaxy are pilots. Of course, if one is a Jedi pilot, that’s just unfair. However, there are some impressive non-force-sensitive specimens out there that have become aces of spaces, outer space that is.

Whether they hail from the Galactic Republic, the Rebellion, or the Galactic Empire, one can’t deny the on-screen adrenaline that Star Wars pilots channel. From escaping asteroid mazes and tactical hyperspace jumps to zero gravity dogfights and even pod-racing, these Star Wars pilots can make lightsaber fights look low-risk and anemic.

10 Din Djarin

He doesn’t get many opportunities to show-off his Mandalorian flight skills but with the ample screen time of his dogfights with other bounty hunters, it’s fair to say that Din Djarin/Mando is a pretty good pilot. What’s more, the vessel he uses to outsmart and out-maneuver more well-equipped bounty hunters is but a mere dropship.

The said dropship Razor Crest, is also as good as scrap and is a surplus unit. In hindsight, some of the best pilots in Star Wars are only as good as their vessels. Mando, however, managed with the Razor Crest despite its poor condition, what more could he do with a fresh vessel?

9 Rey

In terms of being a force prodigy, Rey ought to be at the top spot. She neither had formal Jedi training and most of her skills are self-taught. Still, she surpassed or even matched many of the established warriors and pilots in Star Wars such as Kylo Ren or Han Solo.

Her evasive maneuvers in Jakku with a vessel as cumbersome as the Millenium Falcon is something that would have made Han Solo question his skills, most of the viewers certainly did. After that, Rey also demonstrated her knowledge of unconventional ship repair and made Han Solo consider her as a co-pilot.


8 Chewbacca

Speaking of being a co-pilot, there’s no other more loyal and capable one than Chewbacca as he stayed with Han Solo’s side through thick and thin. It would seem that plenty of Solo’s flying skills brushed off on Chewie during their time together as smugglers and Rebel fighters.

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Chewie demonstrated this in the sequel trilogy after taking over Han Solo’s place as the main pilot of the Millenium Falcon. He flew the Falcon through a perilous crystal maze while being chased by the First Order all the while being distracted by a porg.

7 Han Solo

There he is, quite possibly the most famous flyboy of Star Wars thanks to being the first one to appear cinematically. Han Solo has all the makings of a cool rogue in Star Wars from his rough orphan upbringing to the numerous war and crime experiences he’s had.

He was bound to be a slick and evasive smuggler that can pilot a rust-bucket like the Millenium Falcon and even utilize it to turn the tide of war. When not helping the Rebellion destroy the Death Star, he’s breaking all sorts of Kessel Run records and pushing the Falcon to its limits.

6 Iden Versio

Contrary to popular belief, the Galactic Empire is more than just target practice fodder for the heroes of Star Wars. They do have their own decorated heroes and one of them is an ace pilot named Iden Versio. She’s a TIE Fighter flyer with a high kill count.

She’s a notable member of the elite Inferno Squad, a group of special forces commando for the Galactic Empire. As for Iden’s feats, she has won and survived countless battles while outnumbered; even as she defected to the Rebel Alliance, she was still able to put her skills to good use by shooting down Gideon Hask in fair combat, one of Inferno Squad’s best.

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5 Poe Dameron

Han Solo was way past his prime in the sequel trilogy so someone had to take up the helm. It just so happens that Poe Dameron was there to fill in for the brash flyboy vacancy. How’d he fare? He was spectacular. Fans managed to see just how good he is in the later sequel movies. He easily did a double ace by shooting down 10 enemy vessels in one day.

One might say that Poe had the advantage of having one of the best fighter crafts in the movies, namely the X-Wing but Poe still did well in piloting a stolen TIE Fighter. That was an enemy vessel with which he had zero experience flying and he still used it to escape.

4 Luke Skywalker

Much like Rey, Luke’s a bit of a cheat when it comes to flying abilities since he’s inherited the best of the best when it comes to force-sensitive genes. As a result, Luke easily became a top X-Wing pilot in the Rebel Alliance with little to no training.

More than that, he was also instrumental in taking down the first Death Star. Luke pulled off an impossible shot using nothing but womp rat shooting experience and of course, some of his Jedi luck. Being able to survive a chase by Darth Vader alone should be proof enough.

3 Wedge Antilles

Wedge Antilles does not have any force-abilities or sensitivity whatsoever and that makes him all the more impressive. He’s also co-founder of the Rogue Squadron along with Luke Skywalker; they’re the best ship fighters of the Rebel Alliance.

In terms of accolades, Wedge is one tough rebel. He’s survived and even lead two Death Star bombing operations with flying colors. Wedge even saved Luke Skywalker a handful of times and went on to become a general.

2 Plo Koon

Moving on to the prequel trilogy, not many pilots can be compared to someone with a Skywalker pedigree and they’re considered as the best flyers around. Still, Plo Koon was often compared to Anakin Skywalker in terms of flying, making him on par with the best pilot in the Galactic Republic or the Jedi Order.

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Plo Koon is even regarded in the Jedi Order as the only person who can keep up with Anakin Skywalker in terms of piloting skills. Sadly, this didn’t prevent his own clone trooper pilots from shooting him down from behind and killing him in space.

1 Anakin Skywalker

Finally, the chosen one in Star Wars, Anakin Skywalker. Naturally, he’d be the best and what he lacked in control with lightsaber skills (especially against Obi-Wan), he more than made up for with his flying abilities. Anakin started showing his potential for being an ace as early as his childhood when he won a podracing tournament with a busted engine.

Afterward, Anakin participated in the Battle of Naboo and practically won that whole battle by singlehandedly destroying a Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship. By the time he was an adult, he was already making mountains of Separatist spaceship scraps. Anakin didn’t even have to do much to get results, spinning is often a good enough trick for him.

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