The Sith have long been the enemy of the Jedi in the Star Wars universe, but no fan can deny the awesome power they held. Force lightning, force choke, and unlimited power through passion and strength, the Sith looked unearth the dormant potential within each apprentice. Now, most Sith used their powers for horrible atrocities while others redeemed themselves through sacrifice, looking at you Darth Vader.

Their power, through anger and strength, made them conquerors, unbeatable foes with loyalists standing behind them. Some were more powerful than others, but many held abilities considered to be unnatural. With that here are 10 Best Sith Lords from the Old Republic in Star Wars.

10 Darth Bane

The sole survivor of the thousand-year war between the Jedi and the Sith, an entire millennium before the Clone Wars, Darth Bane endured in the wake of destruction. One of the best attributes of the Sith came from Darth Bane: The Rule of Two. “A master and an apprentice, no more, no less”. Bane put this idea into motion after seeing firsthand the constant fighting between the Sith themselves. The Jedi saw this as a weakness and were able to wipe them out.

Without the likes of Bane, it’s likely the Sith may have never come to power again. With these plans carried onto the modern Sith seen in the Clone Wars, specifically to Darth Sidious, they were able to regain their former strength.

9 Darth Plagueis

Revenge of the Sith may be caught in the endless hatred of the prequels, but the story of Darth Plagueis marked the beginning of the end for Anakin Skywalker. The story of the dark lord is shaped around his knowledge of immortality and manipulation of the midi-chlorians within him. During his research, he shared everything he knew with his apprentice, Darth Sidious.

Once they achieved success, Sidious had acquired an apprentice of his own and had to adhere to the rule of two. Sidious killed Plagueis in his sleep having learned everything from him, including immortality. An unnatural ability indeed, Plagueis unlocked the very root of Anakin’s fear which lead him to the dark side.


8 Darth Vitiate

Also known as Tenebrae, Vitiate ruled for over 1500 years with his Sith empire. Frankly, Vitiate is a lot like  Petyr Baelish, AKA Littlefinger, from Game of Thrones, who relied on knowledge and powers of manipulation to achieve success. With a lust for power at a young age, Vitiate was given the title of the new ruler of Medriaas after impressing the Sith Lord Marka Ragnos.

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This also gave him the opportunity to distance himself from the constant bickering and infighting of the sith lords, until he summoned all of them to meet only to drain their life essence for his own life longevity. Horrible? Yes, but ingenious at the same time as he amassed his own power to wipe out all who oppose him, just like Michael Corleone in The Godfather.

7 Ulic Qel Droma

Like Darth Revan, Ulic Qel Droma played both sides of the table, acting as a Jedi Knight and a Sith Lord. In fact, fans got a brief glimpse of the Jedi/Sith in the Gamecube video game Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Towards the end, Ulic Qel Droma teaches Anakin how to defeat the Dark Reaper, a Sith ship with the power to drain the life force from anyone within a few feet of it.

Outside of this, Droma looked to eliminate the sith by any means possible, even joining them to ensure their downfall. But after a rage-inducing poison was injected into him, he fell to the Dark side and rose as a Sith Lord. His will to do good was used against him and was revered to commit the worst acts possible.

6 Ajunta Pall

Some fans have boggled over the question of who the first dark lord of the Sith was, and now its finally answered. Ajunta Pall is given the honor (or dishonor) of being the first Sith lord after being exiled from the Jedi Order. After his studies in alchemy lead him to the discovery of creating life, the Jedi Order deemed his practice as an abomination and banished him.

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Good is certainly a point of view, with Ajunta Pall’s motives being justifiable. His ambition and curiosity labeled him as a danger to the Jedi Order which begs the question, are the Jedi fearful of something becoming more powerful than them?

5 Marka Ragnos

Like Ajunta Pall, Marka Ragnos’s reign took part during the early days of the first Sith empire. His leadership was characterized by fear and he struck down anyone who opposed his right to the throne of the Sith. Think of him as the Joseph Stalin of Sith Lords; a lust for power and disregard for anyone below him.

However, despite his ruthless reign, he did bring the Sith into what was called the Golden Age of the Sith, ridding them of their constant infighting and bickering. It’s hard to hate someone as horrible as Marka Ragnos whose reign technically brought prosperity for a power and strength hungry people.

4 Naga Sadow

As one of the most talented magicians amongst the Sith Lords, Naga Sadow’s life was marked by a constant power struggle after the fall of Marka Ragnos. In fact, his political philosophy, rooted in expansionism, divided the Sith. While some were liberal with Sadow’s political ideology, others were more conservative and fearful of the idea of expanding outside of their establishment.

Unfortunately, the army he created would end up turning against him, leading to a life of exile no Yavin 4. He created temple complexes (As seen in New Hope) and practiced alchemy for the remaining decades of his life until Jedi Freedon Nadd killed him (who would later become a Sith himself).

3 Exar Kun

Seduced by the dark side and a puppet of Freedon Nand, Exar Kun’s hubris was his excessive confidence in his abilities as a Jedi. With a mission to find the tomb of the once-mighty Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, Kun found it with ease and was met with the spirit of the long-dead dark lord. However, Nadd had other plans and sought to use Kun’s body as a conduit to reform his physical appearance.

The two (as one) would go on to enslave the primitive people of Yavin 4 until Kun could endure no more. With hopes of performing a ritual that would free his body of Nadd’s rule, Kun ended up killing himself in the process.

2 Darth Nilhius

Darth Nihilus, known as the Lord of Hunger, was a consumer of force energy and possessed a ghost-like existence in the universe. His past is shaped by near annihilation at the hands of superweapon known as the Mass Shadow, which obliterated everything in its path. His revenge would come to fruition as Nilihius and his apprentice Darth Sion began a Jedi Purge.

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The reason for Darth Nihliuis’s popularity is rooted in the justification of his crimes, who sought revenge on those who took everything from him. The destruction of not only his planet but his entire body forced him to join the dark side to harness the power needed for revenge. Revenge may not always bring someone peace, but for Darth Nilhius it’s hard not to sympathize.

1 Darth Revan

Revan’s notoriety is known throughout the galaxy with a cult following of loyalists and fans. Not only that, but Revan is one of the only force users on this list to act as a Sith Lord and a member of the Jedi Council. His efforts in the Mandalorian Wars alongside Malak (who later became Darth Malak) did not go unnoticed as they were hailed as heroes. But afterward, they descended into a mystery into an unknown religion and uncovered a secret army of the Sith.

Their curiosity and passion got would be their downfall as they were brainwashed by the Sith. Fans have been craving a Darth Revan movie, but Lucasfilm has yet to announce any such project.

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