Fan-favorite character Ahsoka Tano is getting her own live-action Disney Plus series, an opportunity that can provide answers to many burning questions. Ahsoka is a character who transcends any single era of Star Wars. She’s played major roles in The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, had a voice cameo in The Rise of Skywalker, and became the focal point of “The Jedi” episode in The Mandalorian.

While her various appearances and disappearances throughout the timeline have been fun to watch, they’ve also raised many questions. The Ahsoka series is confirmed to take place during the timeline of The MandalorianAhsoka has the potential to answer lingering questions about her and the wider universe, particularly in the context of the Star Wars Rebels epilogue, her appearance in The Mandalorian, and how she connects to the sequel trilogy era.

10 What Happened To Ahsoka After Returning From The World Between Worlds?

Star Wars Rebels introduced the World Between Worlds and used it to explain how Ahsoka survived her duel with Darth Vader in “Twilight of the Apprentice.” It also helped explain why Ahsoka had been missing in Rebels since this duel.

What fans don’t know is what happened to Ahsoka after she returned from the World Between Worlds and before her appearances in The Mandalorian and the epilogue of Rebels. Ahsoka is clearly a changed character in these appearances. The Ahsoka series can provide insight into how the World Between Worlds and the time after it changed Ahsoka for better or for worse.

9 What Happened To Ezra And Thrawn After The Rebels Series Finale?

Fans still don’t know what happened to Ezra Bridger and Grand Admiral Thrawn after the purrgil jumped into hyperspace with them. Ezra and Thrawn likely ended up in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy, but it’s a mystery as to where exactly they ended up, what happened to them, and where their stories are during the timeline of The Mandalorian and Ahsoka.

Given that no rumored Rebels sequel series was announced among the slew of other confirmed projects, the mystery of Ezra and Thrawn as well as Ahsoka and Sabine’s search for them will likely become a prime focus of the Ahsoka series. It would appear that Ahsoka hasn’t found them by the time she appeared in The Mandalorian, as she was still seeking information about Thrawn’s whereabouts.


8 How Soon After Return Of The Jedi Does The Rebels Epilogue Take Place?

Most fans assumed that the epilogue in the Rebels series finale took place about a year after Return of the Jedi. This assumption meant that Ahsoka and Sabine would’ve had a few years to search for Ezra before Ahsoka’s first appearance in The Mandalorian.

However, Dave Filoni recently suggested that Ahsoka’s debut in The Mandalorian might take place before the epilogue in Rebels. The Ahsoka series will hopefully confirm the timeline and clarify the chronology of when she’s on Corvus in The Mandalorian and when she returns to Lothal to begin her quest with Sabine in the epilogue of Star Wars Rebels.

7 Does Ahsoka Ever Meet Luke Or Leia?

Fans have wondered for years if Ahsoka ever meets Luke Skywalker or Leia Organa. It would be incredibly emotional and powerful for her to meet the children of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, who were two of the most influential and beloved figures in her life.

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It would be fascinating to see the conversations Ahsoka could have with them about their parents, the Force, and the Jedi. There is a great deal that they could learn from her, but there is also so much that she could learn from them as well.

6 Does Ahsoka Ever Learn About Anakin’s Redemption?

Ahsoka is confirmed to be alive after the events of Return of the Jedi, but fans still don’t know if she ever learned the truth about Anakin’s ultimate redemption. Learning that her master fell to the dark side and became Darth Vader was a devastating truth that nearly destroyed her.

Ahsoka deserves to know that Anakin eventually came back to the light and that he found redemption. This truth would ease Ahsoka’s mind and help her find inner peace despite the guilt and regret that haunts her. Not everyone knows the truth about what happened to Darth Vader in the end, so it will be intriguing to see if Luke, Leia, Anakin’s Force ghost, or another character entirely shares this revelation with her.

5 What Became Of Jacen Syndulla?

The Star Wars Rebels epilogue revealed that Hera Syndulla had a son named Jacen Syndulla. The epilogue also teased that Jacen was Force-sensitive like his father Kanan Jarrus. Little is known about what became of Jacen, though.

Given his Force-sensitive nature and Ahsoka’s connection with his parents, it seems like she could take an interest in Jacen’s future. Since she didn’t want to train Grogu, it’s unlikely that Ahsoka would choose to train Jacen, but the show could still provide insight into his future after Star Wars Rebels.

4 Does Ahsoka Still Have A Role To Play In Grogu’s Future?

Ahsoka refused to train Grogu and instead encouraged him to choose his own path when placed on the seeing stone of Tython. She might not train him, but there’s no denying that Ahsoka took a sincere interest in Grogu. She also proved herself to be a formidable and trustworthy ally for Din Djarin.

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There is definitely potential for her to still play a further role in Grogu’s future, especially since her series is confirmed to be taking place in the same timeline as The Mandalorian. Fans are wondering if Ahsoka will appear in The Mandalorian again, but they should also be wondering if Grogu or Din will appear in the Ahsoka series.

3 What Information–If Any–Did Morgan Elsbeth Share With Ahsoka?

After disarming and defeating Morgan Elsbeth, Ahsoka demanded information about the whereabouts of Grand Admiral Thrawn. The episode cut away before the audience could see whether Morgan Elsbeth shared any information with Ahsoka.

Elsbeth’s loyalty to her master might make her unwilling to divulge any information. Then again, Elsbeth didn’t have many options as she was disarmed and had a lightsaber pointed at her neck. The Ahsoka series could begin with fans seeing the end of this conversation that wasn’t shown in The Mandalorian.

2 Does Ahsoka Play A Role In Shaping The New Republic Or Luke’s Jedi Order?

In the past, Ahsoka played a pivotal role in the Jedi Order, the Republic, and the Rebel Alliance. In the timeline of the Ahsoka series, the New Republic has already existed for a few years and it won’t be long until Luke Skywalker begins training young Jedi.

It will be intriguing to see if Ahsoka helps the New Republic or Luke’s Jedi Order in these nascent stages of development. Some fans believe that she was already helping Luke and his future Jedi Order in The Mandalorian as she knew Luke would hear Grogu’s call from Tython. Then again, Ahsoka is not the same person she used to be and might want to distance herself from the kinds of problematic institutions that have hurt her and her loved ones in the past.

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1 Is Ahsoka Still Alive In The Rise Of Skywalker?

During her fight against Emperor Palpatine on Exegol in The Rise of Skywalker, Rey heard the voices of many Jedi. All the voices she heard were from deceased Jedi, with the possible exception of Ahsoka Tano. No one knows for sure whether Ahsoka is still alive at this point in the timeline. Some fans have speculated that unlike the other Jedi voices Rey heard, Ahsoka is still alive and possibly aboard the Ghost during the Battle of Exegol. Others believe that The Rise of Skywalker inadvertently confirmed Ahsoka’s death.

While the Ahsoka series will take place during the timeline of The Mandalorian and therefore years before The Rise of Skywalker, hopefully, the series can confirm or at least hint at whether Ahsoka is still alive by the time of the sequel trilogy. If Ahsoka is still alive, it raises a number of questions as to why she didn’t take a more active role in helping Rey and the Resistance combat the evils of the First Order and the dark side.

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