Respawn is set to work on a brand new first-person shooter set within the Star Wars universe. Fans are eagerly anticipating the title, considering the quality of the studio’s past work and the notion that players will be able to interact with a new adventure in the galaxy far, far away.

There are plenty of directions that a new game could go in based on the characters it may focus on, the time period it could be set in, and the way it will interact with the rest of LucasFilm’s storytelling. While it’s sure to be a canon narrative, there are so few details on the ground surrounding the project that it could be inspired by any number of concepts.


A Battlefront Follow-Up

There have been rumors of a Star Wars Battlefront III release for some time now and although DICE is behind the previous two installments it’s possible that Respawn has been granted the brand in order to create their own FPS spin-off. It would certainly be interesting to see what the studio would do with the property.

If it was indeed given access to the Battlefront library, it might take a more narrative-focused approach, perhaps trying to tackle the events of a series of major battles from a singular perspective. If that was the case then the mechanics might be upgraded,, but it would still be great to get a complementing title to the original two.

A New Republic Commando Installment

The Republic Commando series was given a lifeline recently, when it was revealed that the Star Wars game would be granted a remake on next-gen consoles, boasting upgraded graphics. Very little in terms of the narrative was changed, but there must be a reason that the title has been reintroduced to audiences.

Perhaps the Republic Commando name could lend itself to the next Respawn project if the studio wishes to capitalize on the now canon Clone Troopers, who have the most elite training in the Republic army. The narrative definitely doesn’t feel complete and although it probably couldn’t be a direct sequel, an alternative take would be well-received.

The Life Of A Stormtrooper

With so many titles focused on the tactics and strategies of the Clones, it would be a real change of pace to see the Stormtroopers become the center of the narrative. Squadrons effectively jumped between the light and dark side, but Respawn could ensure the sole attention is given to the Empire.

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Battlefront II attempted something similar but failed to truly deliver on the life of a conventional Stormtrooper. Mundane missions could take a sudden turn with the protagonist having to fight off the latest attempts at a Rebel attack, with the player limited by the equipment on offer to Imperial forces.


The Mandalorian has demonstrated that audiences are more intrigued by the culture of Mandalore more than ever. Although Jango and Boba Fett have been featured in games in the past, as have Mandalorian warriors in The Old Republic, there’s never been a title focused on these unique warriors.

It feels like the right time to capitalize on the popularity of these armor-bearing fighters. Mandalorians are incredibly complex and aren’t always just bounty hunters looking for their next credit handout. Their society is on the brink of collapse on multiple occasions as these people fight against their own destructive heritage. There’s so much for Respawn to play with here within the FPS genre.

A Bounty Hunter Title

Fans have been clamoring for a true bounty hunter title for far too long. There are pre-existing Star Wars games where being a bounty hunter is an option, but very few where it contributes to the main crux of the campaign.

The first-person shooter genre would definitely interact well with the career path the audience would be taking on. Respawn could of course create their own original character with this backdrop, but the idea also opens up plenty of opportunities for returning faces to act as reoccurring allies.

The High Republic

The High Republic initiative has been one of the driving forces within LucasFilm over the past few years and it has completely reinvented what Star Wars fans know about that time period. Video games set in the era are already in the works, but none appear to be first-person shooters.

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It’s plausible that one of Respawn’s latest projects does indeed involve this new timeframe. After all, there’s a lot more creative freedom with the notion of so much narrative-free space. Fans would be thrilled to see another interpretation of the High Republic and some of the smugglers or outlaws that operated in the unknown regions.

The Old Republic

The remake of Knights of the Old Republic will change up the Star Wars video game experience for players, but it also brings the Old Republic era back into the limelight. Respawn might want to take advantage of this shift and weave their own tale during this ancient time period.

From Sith Troopers to Republic Guards, there are a lot of blaster-wielding characters in the Old Republic who might draw in the main focus of an FPS. Visually though, there’s something quite unique about this corner of Star Wars that the studio may want to experiment with.

Bringing Peace Post-First Order

The latest trilogy of movies has concluded but there’s no telling what comes next. It’s unclear what the state of the galaxy is after the collapse of the First Order and the rise of a new Republic. Respawn might have the honor of filling in those gaps.

This would allow the studio to go in absolutely any direction. A natural place to begin would be to focus on a new range of troopers who try to bring peace to the galaxy using unique, modern methods, while also pushing out the remnants of the First Order and the previous Empire.

Jedi Without A Saber

Granted, there are too many Jedi-based console titles out there on the market. Respawn will be working on another of their own and likely don’t want to have two games within a similar genre. But what if there was a Jedi that swore off the lightsaber in favor of a blaster? What if there was a Jedi who no longer had access to their blade?

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The concept of combining a blaster with a Force user has been covered in Rebels somewhat, but gameplay-wise it feels as if there’s so much more narrative potential there. It would be a totally unique direction for Respawn to take their project in and certainly wouldn’t boast the mechanics of a conventional FPS.

The Chiss And Unknown Regions

The unknown regions have been of particular interest to the Star Wars galaxy recently, not only because of the Chiss Ascendancy which holds great power in the deepest areas of space but also because of the mysterious threats that lurk in those unmapped shadows.

The Thrawn books have attempted to shine some light on those regions, as has The High Republic, but there’s definitely room for more development. Respawn could rewrite what fans know about Star Wars entirely and enter a completely unmarked place in the galaxy.

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