When Disney acquired the Star Wars franchise from George Lucas, the entire world waited with bated breath to see what they were going to do with it, and most people were just praying they wouldn’t screw it up. Then, the newest trilogy of Star Wars films began and most of the world immediately fell in love with them.

Pretty much every element of a Star Wars movie is guaranteed to be heavily discussed with fans and viewers alike, but one particular relationship that seems to have caught fire within the fandom is that between Rey and Kylo Ren, also known as Reylo. Despite the fact that Rey and Kylo have shared precious few scenes together, it’s plainly obvious that they both play a vital role in each other’s stories, and the chemistry between the characters and actors is palpable. As would be expected with any popular ship, Reylo has inspired hundreds of hilarious internet memes. Here are 10 of the best.

10 King And Queen Of The Galaxy

In a franchise as valuable, popular, and beloved as Star Wars, it’s a guarantee that nothing in any movie hasn’t been thought through. So, the fact that Ren and Rey basically mean king and queen has to hold significance, right?

Obviously, it means a whole lot if you’re a Reylo shipper, and it’s hard to imagine anything more exciting than Rey and Kylo ruling the galaxy together. Or actually, we’d hope they’d actually lead the galaxy together instead of taking ownership of it. While Ben Solo seems to be somewhat morally flexible, Rey is definitely a good girl that we really don’t want to go bad.

9 Does Love Know No Bounds?

Look, if Rey really wants a future with Kylo Ren then she’s going to have to lower her expectations a bit, at least for the time being. Ben Solo killed his own father, was almost going to kill his mom, and seemingly tried and failed to kill his uncle.

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Therefore, to expect Kylo to hold off on murdering people he doesn’t care about, nay doesn’t even know, seems to be asking a lot of this train wreck of a man. If Ben won’t listen, then Rey will just have to make him because we all know that she can put an absolute Force smackdown on his behind.


8 One Picture Movie Summary

Now that we’ve actually seen this meme, it seems like Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn Nine-Nine would be an absolutely perfect match for the gender-swapped version of Kylo Ren. Yes, she may seem like she wouldn’t lift a finger to help someone who was on the verge of death, but once they’ve both met their (literal in Rosa’s case, metaphorical in Kylo Ren’s case) puppy, they are literally willing to commit mass murder in order to protect it.

But little puppy Rey has some seriously sharp teeth, so if Ben doesn’t watch himself, he might wind up on the wrong end of her deadly bite.

7 Rey Keeps Her Mind On Business

Obviously Star Wars likes to keep its romance extremely PG, but it’s actually hard to say who would be the more romantically inexperienced out of Rey and Kylo Ren. They basically don’t know anyone and barely have friends, let alone boyfriends or girlfriends.

Ben Solo would likely be as awkward at delivering these kinds of pickup lines as Rey would be at receiving them, so maybe they’re better off just fighting away all of their physical tension like they normally do anyway. Plus, jokes with Rey? She spent her life in the desert talking to no one, she’s not going to get the punchline.

6 Ben Switches Teams

To be fair to Ben, clearly, Rey wasn’t the only reason why he decided to kill Snoke. It’s practically tradition that a Sith apprentice eventually kills their master, and Kylo is clearly set on getting a fresh start.

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Of course, Rey’s sudden presence and desire to shift him to the light side of the force was also a factor. Both Rey and Kylo are so thirsty for one another to switch teams that you know it’s gotta happen at some point in the movies, and it’ll be interesting to see which way it goes.

5 Heart Eyes

Although Kylo Ren always tries to keep his game face on, there are some things that he just can’t hide about himself. He’s a very emotional dude and Rey has clearly piqued his interest. While Ben doesn’t have a lot of redeeming qualities left, we have to give him props for the fact that he seems to be more turned on by how strong and badass Rey is instead of being intimidated by her strength.

Both he and Rey are pretty clearly giving each other the heart eyes on a nearly constant basis, and it seems likely those heart eyes will win out above everything else.

4 Ren Vs. Ben

Rey definitely seems to be more than intrigued by Kylo Ren; however, nobody can blame her for having some issues with the fact that the artist formerly known as Ben Solo has devoted his entire life to the cause of evil. That said, there seems to be an easy solution to this problem!

Kylo can just revert back to Solo and it’s all good. Rey is undoubtedly Ben Solo’s one and only remaining hype man. Whether Kylo likes it or not, she seems to be getting through to him. However, after killing your own dad, there’s really nowhere to go but up, and Rey would be more than happy to take him there.

3 Repopulating The Galaxy

What is it that just makes the bad boys so irresistible, always? Rey may have a burgeoning crush on Kylo Ren, but apparently she’s got to get in line behind all of the fangirls who want a crack at him first.

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Honestly, no one can blame them though, because Ben Solo is swole as hell and has one of the coolest and scariest lightsabers in Star Wars history. Not to mention, who wouldn’t want to birth a child for someone of such pedigree? Aside from being the son of Han and Leia, any of Kylo’s children will undoubtedly be masters of the Force.

2 Obviously His Relationship Skills Aren’t Great

In all fairness to Kylo Ren, it’s not like he has any normal relationships to base his expectations on. It’s doubtful he ever had a girlfriend before burning down the house and bailing to join team Snoke, and most of the people that he has any significant emotional connection to have either tried to kill him or he has tried to kill them.

Rey is probably the first person to be nice to him in about a decade, so it’s no wonder that he’s ready to ditch his old life after knowing her for eighteen seconds.

1 Reylo Isn’t Real? Well Neither Is Star Wars

In a fantasy world like Star Wars we need to ask ourselves, what does “real” mean anyway? Technically all of Star Wars isn’t real, but that does not stop people from enjoying it.

Whether Rey and Kylo Ren are fated to be great loves, mortal enemies, or anything in between, we don’t yet know. But there’s no reason to kill someone else’s buzz just because you don’t like the thing that they like. Regardless of Reylo’s endgame, it’s crystal clear that they’re both meant to play huge roles in each other’s stories.

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