The most popular character to emerge from the Expanded Universe (now known as Disney’s Star Wars Legends), Mara Jade was created by popular Star Wars author Timothy Zahn as part of his Heir to the Empire series of books. The Hand of Emperor Palpatine, Mara Jade was a trained assassin, given one final mission before the Battle of Endor and Palpatine’s untimely demise; to kill Luke Skywalker.

She went through quite a metamorphosis in Zahn’s novels, from assassin to Jedi, and later to Skywalker’s wife and mother to his child. Fans keep hoping that Disney will find a way to incorporate her into the new canon somehow. Here are 10 incredible Mara Jade cosplays that are sure to blow you away.


Not even Darth Vader, the Emperor’s personal enforcer was aware of all of Mara Jade’s dealings with Palpatine. She operated with a greater deal of freedom than Vader did, unfettered by public servitude or being the face of fascism.

This beautiful cosplay by Samurai Jill Cosplay showcases Mara’s power and influence, especially when it came to having Palpatine’s support. She may not have been trained in the dark side, but the Dark Lord of the Sith couldn’t ignore the preferential treatment Palpatine gave her.


Mara Jade has always been a nebulous figure in the Star Wars franchise. Though she was a pupil of Emperor Palpatine, and later a member of the Smugglers Alliance, she found herself fighting alongside Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and the New Republic, making her a true antihero.

Eve Beauregard (aka Ally McLean, the official model for Yennefer of Vengerberg for CD Projekt Red’s Witcher 3) has captured Mara’s fringe status with this stunning hero shot of the elite assassin, clad in her classic black catsuit, tan cape and coil, and trusty blaster.



A dogmatic opponent, Mara Jade clung to the shadows to stalk her prey. When she was fulfilling Emperor Palpatine’s final mission -to kill Luke Skywalker- the young Jedi had no idea she had followed him to Tatooine and hid among the company of Jabba’s palace.

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With her fiery red hair, tan cowl pulled up, and her unique violet lightsaber in hand, cosplayer Masubii has reminded fans that as secretive as Mara was, she could quickly go from an assassin who favored subterfuge to ferocious duelist faster than her opponent could draw their blaster.


Mara Jade’s iconic outfit usually includes a black catsuit, tan cape and cowl, and blaster belt. Accessories include goggles (for use on missions to sandy planets like Tatooine) and a lightsaber. A recent Bishoujo statue depicting her likeness has become increasingly popular among cosplayers.

Cosplayer Queen Azshara has recreated the statue by Kotobukiya, complete with her trusty DL-44 blaster pistol and her glowing violet lightsaber. The dark blue catsuit is a nice way to alter her signature look without losing character integrity.


In the Expanded Universe, now known as Star Wars Legends since Disney bought Lucasfilm, Mara Jade married Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. But before their unexpected nuptials, she dogged him across the Judland Wastes of Tatooine to kill him at the behest of Emperor Palpatine.

This cosplay by Ardella shows that despite Mara’s violent and disciplined reputation, she could still be coquettish and have a sense of humor. When she wasn’t trying to kill Skywalker, they worked as an efficient team and exchanged quite a few smiles.


Once Mara Jade fell in love with Luke Skywalker in Star Wars Legends, she decided to train as a Jedi alongside him. She eschewed her iconic black catsuit, tan cowl, and blaster holster for an olive green ensemble and matching lightsaber.

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This cosplay by magmasaya (photograph by andrewhitc) represents the transformation Mara went through after she decided to pledge herself to the light side. By the look in her eyes, fans can tell that despite being a Jedi, she still retained her steely determination.


As the Emperor’s Right Hand, Mara Jade trained extensively with a variety of weapons, from firearms to a lightsaber, and was known to be an exceptional hand-to-hand combatant. She rarely needed back-up, but if she did, the legions of the Galactic Empire could be advanced to her position at a moment’s notice.

Seen here both alone and with a shadowtrooper, this cosplay by Ammiechan conveys the omnipresence of the Empire. Wherever the Right Hand of Palpatine went, the Empire was not far behind.


Mara Jade was a complicated character by design – with the personality of a smuggler and the moral compass of a Jedi, she could be as sarcastic as Han Solo and as dedicated as Luke Skywalker. Fans appreciated her multi-faceted persona and her metamorphosis over the years.

This cosplay by Its_Raining_Neon (a prominent cosplayer of multiple fandoms) captures the alluring mystery of Mara’s appeal. She was never one to expose her vulnerability, but this photograph helps convey both her compassion and her killer instincts.


Prior to the Bishoujo statue by Kotobuyika, Mara Jade was most often seen cosplayed in her black catsuit with tan cowl and cape, or the olive green ensemble she chose after training to become a Jedi.

Cosplayer Heidi O’Farrell has contributed to the recent trend of Kotobuyika cosplays, complete with blue catsuit. She retains the tan cape and Mara’s trusty accessories like her blaster belt and sand goggles. Instead of her violet lightsaber, she boasts Luke Skywalker’s blue blade.

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Though they made an unlikely team in Star Wars Legends, the partnership of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade was based on their mutual respect as warriors and as lovers. He tempered her pessimism with optimism and compassion, and she forced him to be more shrewd and forceful.

Luke and Mara’s union officially brought her into the Skywalker-Solo family. This cosplay depicts Mara Jade alongside her brother-in-law, Han Solo, both firing their blasters at an approaching enemy.

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