Boba Fett is one of the fiercest bounty hunters in the entire Star Wars universe and is finally getting his chance to shine now that his spinoff series, The Book of Boba Fett, has begun streaming on Disney+. First appearing in 1978, the character, played most famously by Temuera Morrison, has been an icon to fans of the Star Wars franchise for over 40 years.

Despite Boba Fett’s reputation as a no-nonsense killer-for-hire, the character is not immune to the general hardships of life. During his long and unusual existence, Boba Fett has endured more than his fair share of pain, becoming one of the longest-suffering characters in the Star Wars universe.


An Unusual Birth

Boba Fett had a far from usual childhood, being just one of the millions of clones of his father, Jango, that the Kaminoans created in their secret facilities in the years preceding the Clone Wars. But unlike the others, Boba did not grow at an accelerated pace, making him stand out among his countless brothers.

Boba is clearly the best of the many clones of Jango Fett in Star Wars, but this knowledge of his unusual origins sticks with him. Later in his life, he expresses outright hatred for the other clones of his father, even killing some in his quest for vengeance.

The Corellian Job

The early years of Boba Fett’s career as a bounty hunter were often troubled. Not only did he have to learn the ins and outs of such a lifestyle at an early age, but he also had to live up to his father’s reputation. An early mission in Fett’s career led him and a team of hunters to Corellia, where they were assigned to kill a target.

Boba and his team ultimately failed to complete their mission, a story which can be found in detail in the first issue of the comic book series Bounty Hunters. This early mission would damage Fett’s reputation, a “false start” of sorts for the man who would later grow to become one of the Star Wars universe’s strongest non-Force users.

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Losing His Armor

After being swallowed by the Sarlacc pit in Return of the Jedi, Boba Fett is separated from his armor for a period of years. In that time, Tatooine marshal Cobb Vanth (Timothy Olyphant) dons the iconic armor, using it to protect his city from those who would have its good for their own.

A Mandalorian warrior’s armor is an integral part of their character and honor, and though Boba Fett is not Mandalorian by blood, he and his father do seem to identify with the warrior aspect of their culture. Being separated from his armor for so long was, no doubt, a difficult ideal for the bounty hunter.

Defeated By Dooku

Boba and his crew were hired out to kill several high-profile targets in their early years. One such target was none other than Count Dooku himself, whose head was marked by his former apprentice, Asajj Ventress, in her spinoff comic series Dark Disciple. Boba’s team took on this mission, only to barely escape with their lives.

This event was yet another humiliating defeat of Boba Fett’s early career, especially given how close he was to this particular mission, as Dooku had been the last employer his father ever had. Boba’s career would clearly take off later, but at this moment, he was nothing more than the failed follow-up to his more skilled father.

Betrayed By Jabba

Boba Fett’s best-known employer throughout his career was Jabba the Hutt, Tatooine’s most influential crime lord, and the daimyo that the bounty hunter would later take over for. Their relationship was mostly amicable, except for one instance wherein the Hutt actually placed a bounty on Fett’s head himself.

During the War of the Bounty Hunters comic event, it is revealed that Jabba believed Boba to have betrayed him after sending him to capture Han Solo, therefore putting a bounty on his own minion’s head. While things were eventually cleared up between the two parties, finding oneself in the crosshairs of a Hutt is never a small matter.

Captured By Tuskens

The first few episodes of The Book of Boba Fett reveal what happened to the iconic character after his encounter with the Sarlacc after Jabba’s defeat. As it turns out, he spent quite some time enslaved to Tusken Raiders thereafter, where he was forced to endure long walks through the desert with little water to keep him alive.

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While Boba’s relationship with the Tuskens would eventually flourish into one of trust and honor, his first few weeks with them must have been some of the most difficult in the bounty hunter’s life. He was left with very little to keep him alive, and forced to do manual labor to keep from being shot. It is a miracle that he survived, let alone earned the trust of the tribe.

Foiled By Mace Windu

After the death of his father Jango, Boba spent much of his childhood plotting revenge against Jedi Master Mace Windu. Gathering a group of bounty hunters together, Boba strategically attacked Windu’s men and infiltrated their ship, all in an attempt to avenge his father’s death.

Ultimately, Boba is thwarted and sent to a Republic prison on Coruscant. This early failure was a major humiliation for Boba, who hated Windu more than anything at this point in his life. He never would get revenge for his father’s death, as Windu would later be killed by Anakin Skywalker at the end of the Clone Wars.

Betrayed By Aurra Sing

Aurra Sing is one character fans hope to see in her own spinoff, given that she has had very little backstory within the Star Wars universe. The animated Clone Wars series gave fans a taste of her history in her relationship with Boba Fett, whom she vowed to help get revenge on Mace Windu. However, she would later betray and abandon Fett in his hour of need.

Sing’s betrayal of Boba hurt the burgeoning bounty hunter all the more in light of his father’s recent passing. It had seemed like she was the only person whom he could trust, and yet it was her cowardice that left him alone and defeated. It would be a long time before Boba ever trusted anyone like that again.

Swallowed By Sarlacc

Boba Fett’s most famous scene in all of Star Wars is his supposed demise at the mouth of the Sarlacc pit after a poorly timed jetpack malfunction. Fett found himself drawn into the sand monster’s gaping maw, where he was swallowed and almost digested.

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While the character was eventually revealed to be among the survivors of Jabba’s destroyed barge, this still proves to be one of the worst experiences of his life. The Book of Boba Fett pilot episode finally revealed how Boba escapes, depicting the insides of the Sarlacc as a putrid and horrific setting, one that the aged assassin has been haunted by ever since.

Jango’s Death

Boba may have initially been depicted as an emotionless assassin, but the prequel films took the time to flesh the character out, showing his childhood and relationship with his father Jango. Jango was beheaded in a single stroke by Jedi Master Mace Windu in a Geonosian arena as he attempted to defend Count Dooku’s hostages from the hundreds of Jedi that had infiltrated the coliseum.

Jango’s death pushed Boba to the edge, forcing him to take on his mantle far earlier than either of them had expected. Boba was never able to right the wrongs done to his family that day and is seen to still think back on his father’s death on Geonosis, even decades later. This moment will forever haunt him as the worst day of his life.

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