Han Solo remains one of Star Wars’ most recognizable and beloved characters. He was a wiseguy, a rebel, and a fighter with a heart of gold, even if he didn’t realize it at first. He quickly became one of the principal heroes of the original trilogy and beyond. Due to his iconic status, it was only a matter of time before the fan art community began paying tribute to the character.

Here’s some of the most incredible works featuring Han Solo from talented fan artists across the internet. Each piece is striking and deserves full credit for taking this character and doing something truly imaginative with him.

10 Empire Strikes Back Han

Here’s one amazing work of art by the talented YS Tham who is renowned for his colorful character sketches featuring a variety of pop culture franchises. This take on Han Solo is done in Empire Strikes Back formula, which looks mighty close to the promotional art originally used for the film.

In fact, it’s so good that this could be variant movie poster all by itself, or at least the cover of a Han Solo novel taking place within the same time period. This is classic 1980s movie art – a style that is unfortunately fading away as digital art takes over.

9 Han In Carbonite

Every Star Wars fan remembers that final tragic act of Empire when Han Solo is taken prisoner on Bespin and forced into carbon freeze. It’s a heartbreaking moment as Solo and Leia say what could have been their final goodbyes before the former is dragged away. After the process was completed, Solo was taken by Boba Fett to collect on a bounty from vile gangster Jabba the Hutt.

Manuel Capitani did his own take on Carbonite Han with this amazing 3D model work. Not only did Capitani nail the look and feel of the pivotal scene, but he also created a full-fledged backdrop to frame the shot with beautiful glowing oranges and rusty browns.


8 Smuggling Away

Aurore Folny did this great shot of Han Solo and Chewbacca spending their pre-Death Star days doing what they did best – smuggling. The two look as if they’ve just scored a major haul, which is evident by the smirk on both their faces. Folny paints a beautiful backdrop of the Millennium Falcon’s interior to help frame the two subjects.

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An especially nice touch is the use of glowing orange for the smuggling compartment underneath the floor tiles which creates a nice contrast to the predominant sickly greenish-gray interior of the ship. Folny did this piece for the Star Wars: Destiny game by Fantasy Flight.

7 Han Chillaxing

Smuggling is a stressful business, especially with the cruel and nefarious Galactic Empire breathing down one’s neck. Fans can only imagine that Han Solo would have taken the time to kick back and enjoy the satisfaction of a successful haul that didn’t involve peeving off Jabba the Hutt.

Concept artist Arrigo Verderosa did this great shot showing Han Solo in animation-style as he lounges in the Falcon’s cockpit. So good is the art, lighting, and shading that it’s enough to make anyone wish for a Star Wars animated series done in precisely this kind of artistic style.

6 Impatient Han

With so many bounty hunters gunning for his head, it’s easy to understand why Solo would be apprehensive and cautious outside of the safety of the Falcon. This was evident in the very first meeting between Han, Luke Skywalker and fabled Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi in the original Star Wars film.

Here, Han looks about the same, as he appears to be hanging out in a dingy cantina and talking to a potential business contact in the first-person. Steve Argyle did this great shot which brings out all of Harrison Ford’s facial detail with picture-perfect representation.

5 Han’s Later Years

3D artist Alessandro Bandinelli crafted this 3D work of old man Solo in an attempt to improve his own skills when it came to character likenesses. For all intents and purposes, he seems to have succeeded beyond his intentions. Veteran actor Harrison Ford is captured with excellent detail, right down to the signature chin scar.

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The skin textures, wrinkles and materials used in this 3D work are beyond excellent, and they bring the character to life with stunning clarity. This is one of the best 3D modeled depictions of Han Solo out there.

4 She Likes Him Because He’s A Scoundrel

Gamehouse lead character designer Cesar Vergara decided to have some fun by doing this personal fan pic of Han and Leia in a corridor trying to steal a quick kiss. It’s a nice throwback to that pivotal scene in Empire when the two finally express mutual love for one another after denying it for so long.

Vergara’s cartoony art style is really charming, and it helps accentuate the physical characteristics of both Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher in one of the cutest ways. Leia’s expression is adorable, while Han’s is typically awkward for any tough guy trying to tap into his sensitive side.

3 Han On Guard

This is a great fan pic by artist Grant Griffin of Han Solo in classic style trying his best to avoid attracting attention. The backdrop of the seedy and wretched Mos Eisley spaceport and the various aliens in the shot helps sell that this is a living, moving panel, and the presence of a single Stormtrooper sizing him up is a nice touch.

The physical rendition of Han is perfect, right down to the facial expression. As Han attempts to play it cool, he does so with his blaster drawn in case things get hairy. The brush-stroked details are vintage in appearance, giving this work a distinct charm.

2 Han Wades In

This is a stylish black and white shot of Han Solo wading head-first into blaster fire with his typical foolhardy courage and bravado leading the charge. The lack of color forces artist Evren İnce to rely heavily on pen strokes and fine details to sell the allure of the shot, and it’s a success across the board.

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The clever use of floor detail to mimic reflections is just one part of this shot that might go unnoticed to most, but it works wonders. Also, simulating blaster fire without the use of color requires some skill, but the end result is a grayscale masterpiece.

1 Brushed Han

Artist Good Brush has dedicated an entire ArtStation channel towards brush painting a number of pop culture characters, and every single one leaps off the screen. This depiction of Han Solo is no different, and it’s one of the most striking pieces on this list.

The crisscrossed brush strokes create a killer effect that works well with this depiction of Solo from the original film. It’s an iconic pose that fans have seen before, this rendition gives it an entirely new flavor.

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