‘Gray Jedi’ may be one of the more fascinating concepts in the Star Wars Galaxy regarding the balance between the Jedi and the Sith, but they do not exist in canon. As much as fans hope and speculate that a specific character dons the moniker, it simply has not come. However, the idea behind a ‘Gray Jedi’ remains and could be applied to many canon characters.

In Legends, there are two types of ‘Gray Jedi,’ with those who meet both qualifications being classed as ‘true Gray Jedi.’ In canon, there are some powerful Force users who, while not being ‘Gray Jedi,’ can be viewed as good examples of what the different types of ‘Gray Jedi’ represent.

10 Those Higher Power Beings

The Force itself is beyond interesting. Being a cosmic field that flows through everyone and everything, a non-binary phenomenon whose properties are largely unknown and has a place in both the physical and spiritual realm.

There are beings in the Galaxy in the physical plane/the living Force and the cosmic Force, who do not prescribe to the light or dark side but who toe the line. ‘Gray Jedi’ do not need to be, nor do they ever have to have been a Jedi, simply any Force user. This means the balance presented by beings like the Bendu, like the Father, and the Force Priestesses could have them considered beings who represent the same ideals as a ‘Gray Jedi.’

9 Mace Windu

Mace Windu is not a ‘Gray Jedi.’ Not in canon nor in Legends did Mace ever veer away from the Jedi Order or Jedi Code. In fact, this over-reliance and dedication to the Code played a huge part in his and the Jedi Order’s downfall.

However, there are crucial details in Windu’s characters that could have some argue the case that he is, loosely, a ‘Gray Jedi.’ Vaapad, a lightsaber style created by the Jedi Master, has Mace tap into the dark side, into his emotion. Unlike other Jedi of his time, Windu tapped into the Dark Side to find a balance within himself, understanding and using the dark side but never succumbing to it.


8 Grogu

Grogu is such an interesting case when it comes to the ideals of a ‘Gray Jedi,’ with this being mostly speculative. As of now, all fans know is that Luke takes him, intending to train him in the ways of the Jedi, but that is it. Thus far, fans have no idea if Grogu actually got trained.

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If he did, who knows if he actually stayed on that path. At fifty years old, the child is not developed enough to be considered aligned to anyone. Saying he could be considered a ‘Gray Jedi’ may be premature, but given his strong emotional attachments and the fact that he clearly is not in Luke’s life as soon as around twenty years after they met, Grogu could likely be a Force user who represents balance.

7 Kanan Jarrus

Unlike most of the people on this list, Kanan had a deep admiration and love for the Jedi Order and never willingly left to pursue balance but rather was forced into it.

He teaches based on how he was taught, he was donned a Jedi Knight by the Jedi Temple Guard, and he tried to subscribe to the Jedi Code. However, he also ignored so many traditions of the Jedi and said code, such as attachment, and went on his own spiritual journey with the Bendu that taught him a serenity, purpose, and balance in the Force that he had never known. He did not neglect emotion; he also never fell to the Dark Side, and was a part of no Force organization, making him, arguably, representative of a ‘Gray Jedi.’

6 Asajj Ventress

‘Gray Jedi’ never exclusively applied to those who are or were Jedi, and at the same time, Jedi who fell to the dark side and got redeemed were not seen as ‘Gray Jedi.’ Asajj Ventress, though, at the end of her life, is a bit of a special case.

She was never officially a Jedi and never officially a Sith. While she was corrupted by and embraced the dark side, she eventually used its power rather than prescribing its ideals. During Dark Disciple, Ventress wielded a yellow saber and worked alongside the Jedi, but was not herself a Jedi, nor a Sith. She used the dark side and harnessed its power but was not an agent of evil.

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5 Quinlan Vos

Asajj did not go on her journey of redemption in Dark Disciple alone; she was joined by unorthodox Jedi and soon-to-be lover of the bounty hunter, Quinlan Vos.

Not much of Vos’ life post-Clone Wars is known in canon, but all evidence points to his survival of Order 66, meaning during the time of the Empire, he is likely the best example of a ‘Gray Jedi’ the canon has from the prequel era Jedi. Even ignoring that time, though, during the Clone Wars, Vos was always known as a rogue and a maverick who did not align with the Jedi ways consistently. He did succumb to the dark side, which by Legends definitions means he is not a ‘Gray Jedi,’ but he certainly could be considered one, especially post-Order 66.

4 Ezra Bridger

One great character introduced in this new era of Star Wars is Ezra Bridger, a character not confined to one Force organization but who is good-hearted and stays on the light side of things.

However, there is no doubt Ezra has a balance within him. He has used the dark side and manifested its power without fully succumbing to it and has never really gotten over his emotion, not at all falling in line with the outdated Jedi Code. Even more so than Kanan, Ezra falls more in line with the old Legends ‘Gray Jedi code, passion yet peace, serenity yet emotion, chaos yet order.

3 Rey [Skywalker]

Considering Rey a ‘Gray Jedi’ is more so dependent on her future. The sequel trilogy does not establish whether or not she will recreate the Jedi Order or start anew, but given the implications of Rey Skywalker, it seems as though the former will come to be.

Rey consistently shows off her good heart, the light within her, but she also taps into the dark side, she has that part of her there to create balance, yet she never gives in to it despite many temptations. She is not part of any Jedi Order; she knows of the failings of the old council. With her new lightsaber and moniker, Rey will likely maintain a balance in the Force, leading new Jedi who are less attached to a strict, ancient code.

2 Qui-Gon Jinn

In Legends, there were members of the Jedi Order who viewed Qui-Gon as more of a ‘Gray Jedi.’ Even though the Jedi Master was a member of the Jedi Order, even offered a place on the High Council, there is still an argument for him being one.

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He did not truly abide by the Jedi Code; rather, he was guided by the Living Force, often defying the wishes of the Order, a maverick like the likes of Anakin and Quinlan. The fact that he was a member of the Order does mean he is not a true ‘Gray Jedi’ by Legends definitions, but he is one of the best examples of somebody who embodies a lot of what a ‘Gray Jedi’ represents.

1 Ahsoka Tano

Arguably the best, though, is one of Star Wars’ greatest and most beloved characters, Ahsoka Tano, who famously not only left the Jedi Order but maintained that she was no Jedi for long after the High Council let her down.

Ahsoka is pure at heart, always wanting to do good, never going towards the dark side. However, she has emotions and attachment and does not completely neglect them; rather, she uses them with her compassion for others, guiding her actions. She is a part of no organization. She wields white lightsabers and she is balanced even though she obviously uses the light side of the Force more. Overall, of all the Force users above, it is Ahsoka who best matches up with the ‘Gray Jedi’ code.

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