The relationship between Kylo Ren and Rey is one of the central enigmas of the new Star Wars trilogy. From the very first film, there was a clear draw between the two of them, with each of them seemingly pathologically drawn to the other, no matter how dangerous or destructive it might be. It’s a classic literary move, and their contest with one another gives the trilogy its fundamental structure.

It’s therefore not surprising that fans would have a lot of questions about the nature of this relationship, in terms of biology, narrative, and the wider universe that the films have established and fleshed out.

10 Are They Related?

Of course, one of the main questions fans have about this couple is whether or not they’re related. The simple answer is no, so far as the films are concerned, they are not. Kylo is descended from the Skywalkers and the Solos, who have no genetic or biological link to the Palpatines (Rey is revealed to be the daughter of one of Palpatine’s clones that he allowed to have its own life). As intense as their relationship is, they’re not related to each other by blood.

9 Why Could They Sense Each Other?

From their first encounters, it’s pretty clear that there’s more than a regular relationship between the two of them. They have a peculiar affinity for one another that allows them to sense one another.

The reason for this is delayed for most of the trilogy, and it’s not until they’re both facing Emperor Palpatine that it’s revealed that they are, in fact, part of what’s called a dyad in the Force, meaning that they have a bond unlike almost any other.


8 When Did They First Encounter One Another?

Rey and Kylo first encounter one another when Kylo captures her on the planet Takodana. Kylo’s immediate purpose for capturing Rey is because he thinks that she will provide him the information that he needs to find Luke Skywalker. However, that is just the beginning of their long and tortured relationship, as Kylo begins to see that there is something extraordinary about her, particularly that she is strong in the Force.

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7 Why Is Kylo So Obsessed With Rey?

Obviously the fact that they are both part of the dyad explains part of why Kylo is so obsessed with Rey throughout the trilogy. It’s equally true, however, that his obsession stems from the fact that she is one of the few people in the Galaxy who seems able to best him when it comes to use of the Force. She challenges him in ways that he’s unfamiliar with, and as much as he seems to delight trying to draw her to the Dark Side, she forces him to confront the flaws inside of himself as well.

6 Why Does Kylo Have A Sudden Change Of Heart Near The End Of The Final Film?

Near the end of the film, Kylo seems to have a change of heart regarding what he wants to happen with Rey. In the films, it’s always a bit unclear whether he really wants to kill her or whether he simply wants to bring her over to his side (whatever that happens to be at the moment). In the finale, however, he’s finally learned to let go of his dark past (in part because he’s seen his father Han Solo in a vision), and is therefore able to turn away from the Dark Side and embrace the better part of himself.

5 Why Is Rey Drawn To Kylo?

As much as Kylo is obsessed with Rey, she is also as obsessed with him. However, it should be noted that for a significant part of the films she seems more than a little hostile to him (though obviously that sort of revulsion is itself a form of obsession).  The reason for this seems to be that he represents one path that she might take.

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He’s the embodiment of the dark, destructive, dangerous force that she sees inside of herself, and so understanding him is also a means of understanding herself.

4 Why Did They Kiss In The End?

One of the more controversial story choices concerns what happens to Kylo and Rey after Kylo brings her back to life after her fateful duel with Palpatine. There are many reasons for why these two characters kiss, but the most obvious answer is that there is a powerful attraction between the two of them, one that has as much to do with romance as anything else. That kiss is the consummation of their relationship, right before Kylo lets go of his life.

3 Why Didn’t Kylo Appear As A Force Ghost

Unlike many other members of his family, Kylo doesn’t appear as a Force Ghost to visit those who are still living. Again, there are probably quite a few answers to this question, but it seems likely that he didn’t appear this way because he’d already found the absolute peace that had so eluded him during his life. In short, he didn’t appear as a Force Ghost because he didn’t need to. Rey was quite capable of pursuing her future without further reminders of her past.

2 Why Did Palpatine Want Each Of Them To Kill The Other

In all of the Galaxy, there is no one quite as adept at pulling strings as Palpatine, both in terms of personal psychology and in terms of politics. In trying to set Kylo and Rey up to murder one another, he hopes to also be able to manipulate Rey into killing him and taking her place as Empress. It is, of course, a quite twisted and convoluted plan, but one has to give credit to Palpatine for always knowing just how to manipulate others so that they will do his bidding (sometimes to their own detriment).

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1 How Did They Bring Each Other Back To Life?

At the end of the final film, both Rey and Kylo play a significant part in bringing one another back from death. As it turns out, this is a result of each of them knowing how to take a part of their own life essence to give it to the other. For Kylo, this involves the greatest form of sacrifice, and he actually gives up his own life so that Rey can continue hers. It’s a fitting end for the Skywalker bloodline.

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