In the fifteen years since George Lucas’ Star Wars prequel trilogy ended, the set of movies have become very beloved within the fandom, despite initial hatred and controversy, which has not completely disappeared. On top of this surge of popularity within the fandom as just Star Wars movies, the prequels have slotted in perfectly to the social media-centric world of today.

This has come by way of memes. The prequel trilogy may be the most meme-able trilogy out there, and the best film of the bunch, Revenge of the Sith, is no different from this.

10 Hello There x 4

The entire duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and General Grievous on Utapau is one of the most famous and quoted scenes from the prequels, giving fans so many good quotes and memes.

Sometimes a good meme just needs to be stupid to be funny, and reversing Kenobi and Grievous here certainly fits the bill. To be fair, who would not want four Ewan McGregor Obi-Wan’s?

9 Bananakin

In the same vein, sometimes a good pun just gets you, and when combined with a meme format of a famous, fantastic, and emotional scene, it can just work.

It really only hits when the emotional power of Obi-Wan calling Anakin his brother is changed to Obi-Wan calling him Bananakin. Such an incredible scene that George Lucas likely never imagined in banana form.


8 Take A Seat

One of the most significant parts of Revenge of the Sith in terms of Anakin’s mistrust of the Jedi Council and turn to the Dark Side is his placement on the Council, but refusal to get given the rank of master.

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Especially in hindsight with the events of The Clone Wars and Mace’s consistently infuriating attitude, this decision by the Council proved to be a big mistake.

7 Battle Of The Heroes: Dog Vs. Vaccum

When Anakin turned to the Dark Side of the Force, it was truly tragic, and we can see the hatred, fear, and anger cloud his vision in all content that comes during and straight after Revenge Of The Sith.

Anakin, believing Padmé wanted to have Obi-Wan kill him, was telling of the Dark Side clouding his vision. The same paranoia a dog has when you bring out the vacuum.

6 Betrayal

Every Star Wars fan has used Obi-Wan’s famous “Hello there” to greet people multiple times since 2005. Perhaps even on a regular basis.

That heartbreaking moment where someone does not reply to you with an asthmatic-esque “General Kenobi” is one that sticks with you, kind of like Order 66.

5 Did You Ever Hear The Story?

Another of the many famous and quoted parts of the movie is Palpatine telling Anakin about Darth Plageius in an attempt to seduce him to the Dark Side.

Of course, had Anakin known about the story, or had not fallen for the seductions of Palpatine, the Chancellor very much risked revealing his identity, thus stopping his plan in its tracks.

4 Ah Yes, The Negotiator

Some people are just masters of haggling and getting the right price for what they want.

Grievous knew this reputation of diplomacy and bargaining from Obi-Wan – birthing one of the movies best lines – and clearly, a guy willing to trade a crocodile is one with master skills of negotiation.

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3 Ironic

The prequel trilogy, and especially Revenge of the Sith, are so popular, so rewatched by the fandom, and so ingrained in the culture of memes that remembering lines from the movies is easier than ever before.

Going back to the Darth Plageius conversation, there is only really one line more used and famous than the actual “Did you ever hear the tragedy” part, and that is, of course, “Ironic.” Even when you read the meme, it cannot be helped that you say it, or think it, in the voice of Ian McDiarmid’s Palpatine.

2 ‘Tis But A Scratch

Monty Python & The Holy Grail is one of the greatest and most beloved comedies ever made, and the famous Black Knight scene is forever in the memories of those who have seen the film. It is massively quotable and has given way to many a meme.

Another battle that does the very same is the aforementioned Battle of the Heroes between Anakin and Obi-Wan, and it cannot be helped to think what if Anakin was as stubborn and resilient as the Black Knight.

1 Easy

When combing through the prequel trilogy, despite its subpar dialogue, you would be hard tasked to find a line in any of the three movies that are not quotable, or that does not have meme potential. Obi-Wan is one of the best sources consistently, alongside being the best character and performance combo of the trilogy, quite the feat.

It does not really take much incentive to start to meme Star Wars, but for fans of the franchise, it also does not take much effort, just time.

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