One of the most fascinating parts of the Star Wars universe is the Force and the people capable of wielding it. Most every person in the galaxy has had the chance to be able to connect with the mystical energy. However, some races have a much higher aptitude for the force than others.

These species are not the one gifted with the force, but the ones who have a much harder time using it. Most of their people never have any connection to the force in any way. After all, while some of it is pure chance, genetics has a decent hand in force capabilities. Here are 10 Species That Are Weakest In The Force, Ranked.

9 Muun

Despite being the race of the famed Plagueis the Wise, the Muun people have never been known for their force sensitivity. The galaxy knows them better as the leaders of the banking clans, a race fiercely intelligent in economics and money handling. When humans were pushing many other species out of power, they accepted the Muun because of their skills.

However, other than Darth Plagueis, there has never been another known Muun force-user. His power does not make up for the complete, empty vacuum that is the rest of his race. That doesn’t mean his people weren’t powerful, though, and still play an impactful part in the galactic conflict.

8 Kaminoan

Fans know Kaminoans for their prowess in genetics, mastering cloning and providing the Republic with an entire army to fight the galactic civil war. While the Kaminoans support force users with their scientific capabilities, they are known for being force sensitive themselves. Their only known Jedi was Kina Ha, who ultimately was shunned for her powers in the Force because they didn’t line up with Kamino’s heavily scientific ideals.

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She abandoned her people to become a Jedi, but even still was rarely involved in Jedi affairs. Kina was lucky enough to survive Order 66, but part of it probably is because no one expects a Kaminoan to be a spiritual Jedi.


7 Theelin

While these aliens may sound foreign, all Star Wars fans know them. By the time of the Rebellion, these artistically gifted women are working at Jabba’s palace as his entertainment.

Once, Theelins were a powerful, diverse race focused on culture and art. There was an elite group called the Divas, women who perfected their form of art and spread it across the galaxy. Supposedly, the prisoners in Jabba’s palace were Divas themselves.

However, Theelins had one major flaw: a genetic disease that made them all sterile. They saw art as the only way to preserve their legacy. There may have been more Theelin force-users, but Darth Phobos is the only known one.

6 Aqualish

Aqualish always have been a mixed bag of the universe, churning out senators as much as they supplied arms dealers. These uniquely designed species have huge, buggy eyes and slightly terrifying mandibles. However, their very alien design only makes them all the more fascinating.

Unfortunately, despite how cool they are, the Aqualish are not known for force sensitivity. They fill out a lot of other roles in the galaxy, but there has only been ever one recorded Aqualish Jedi: Windo Nend. They just weren’t made to be the worst heroes or best villains of the galaxy.

5 Orlotan

Remember the goofy, little blue alien in Jabba’s palace? That was an Orlotan, a gentle species led by shamans and tribes. Jabba keeps his Orlotan to amuse himself, but they can be so much more than chubby jesters.

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Once, there even was an Orlotan Jedi, named Nem Bees. He protected his planet when the Confederacy threatened to attack it. He was the only one who could go undercover and save his people.

Other than Nem Bees, though, Orlotans just aren’t very force-sensitive. Because of their sensitive ears and palettes, though, they make great chefs or musicians.

4 Tusken Raider

Tusken Raiders have been the bane of the Skywalker family for their entire lives, and everyone else on Tatooine. These violent scavengers who live in the desert speak an unintelligible language that few understand. They aren’t kind to strangers and are also known for raiding local villages and taking people prisoner. That’s what happened to Anakin Skywalker’s mother, at least.

Luckily for all in their path, Tuskens are not very force sensitive. They have their shameless violence and traps on their side, but not supernatural powers. Only a rare few Tuskens were the exception, and many of them joined the clans, not were born of them.

The one that became a Sith, unfortunately and no one can pronounce his name (KkH’Oar’Rrhr).

3 Gamorrean

Most Star Wars fans know the Gamorrean people as the dumb, pig-faced guards of Jabba the Hutt. They aren’t as dim-witted as most people think, because the real problem is their species struggles with speaking Galactic Common. They actually have a fairly complex system of clans and societal roles, it’s just no one can talk to them to know about it.

Regardless, though, they aren’t known for being force-sensitive powerhouses. There has only ever been one exception: Gorc.

Part of his force abilities came from genetic tests done on him by the Empire, force-bonding him to a monkey lizard named Picaroon C. Boodle (long story).

2 Hutt

Not only are Hutts some of the weakest species in the force, but they also are easily one of the most inconvenient. Even if a Hutt is force-sensitive, their giant bodies get in the way of being a warrior. Beldorian was one of the few Hutt Jedi and, though he wielded a lightsaber of his own, his range of motion was limited. His force powers helped, but at the end of the day, his own species was an inconvenience.

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Unlike most aliens on this list, there were actually two Hutt Jedi in recorded history. However, neither made much of an impression nor were strong enough to overcome their physical impairments.

1 Katakans

The Katakans were a fierce people that ruled with an iron fist under what they called the Infinite Empire. While technologically advanced, they got there by turning their poor into distorted mutants called Flesh Raiders. The Empire mutated them to become sturdy slaves. Those same mutations turned some of their people into cannibalistic monsters instead of the sentient beings they once were.

On their own, the Katakans were technically sterile in the force. But the same mutations that were slowly breaking down the Flesh Raiders also did something miraculous to one of them: made him force-sensitive. His name was Fashk and he was the only Katakan Jedi ever to exist. Without those harsh mutations, though, it never would’ve happened.

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