The entire Skywalker saga rests on the shoulders of Anakin Skywalker, a character many call the greatest in the whole Star Wars franchise, especially when you talk about him and Darth Vader as one. Anakin is tragic, understandable, emotional, layered, and complicated, and the whole first six movies, as well as The Clone Wars, have him at the center.

On top of this, he is very present in the extended universe, and so there is so much knowledge and information out there to get consumed relating to the character. Nevertheless, there are still some things that do not make complete sense about Anakin, and some questions are still unanswered.

10 Not Seeing Padmé For Ten Years

The time between The Phantom Menace and Attack Of The Clones is a decade. Ten entire years separating the first time Anakin and Padmé met on Tatooine and their reunion on Coruscant.

This creates two problems. For one, it was not Padmé’s first day on the job on Coruscant, so with the two in such close vicinity, it is strange they never met. Second, it means not only did Anakin harbor feelings for Padmé for that whole time while never seeing her, but Padmé at least thought about Anakin, falling in love with him over the span of the movie alone.

9 When Did He Tell Rex About Padmé?

The seventh and final season of The Clone Wars revealed that Captain Rex is aware of Anakin and Padmé’s relationship, and is helping Anakin keep it under wraps. It also lets fans know Obi-Wan is aware of it, all in the same scene.

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But, sticking with Rex, when did Anakin tell Rex about this relationship? Did Rex walk in on the two, or did Anakin go to Rex and open up to him about it. It is a significant character moment for both and creates an interesting narrative if Anakin deliberately told Rex, and not anyone else.


8 Does Padmé Know?

Sticking with that same point, Padmé and Anakin obviously missed each other and had to find a way to spend time with one another at that point in the war, so, understandably, Anakin decided to tell Rex. But, was Padmé involved?

It is not massively clear as to whether or not when Padmé and Anakin are together in season seven if she is aware Rex knows about them, even though they discuss him.

7 Why Did Threepio Go With Them To Geonosis?

Padmé and Anakin was not the only reunion to occur in Attack Of The Clones, nor was Anakin meeting his mother once again. For the first time since The Phantom Menace, Anakin and Padmé meet Anakin’s creation C-3Po.

Threepio ends up leaving Tatooine with Padmé and Anakin, but he is the property of Cliegg, Owen, and Beru, so why does he go? This gets explained in the novelization of the film that states Cliegg gave the droid back to its rightful owner in Anakin but is technically unexplained in canon.

6 How Did He Not Notice Padmé Being Pregnant?

Padmé was deep into her pregnancy by the time of Revenge Of The Sith, and during season seven of The Clone Wars, right before the events of the film, is visibly pregnant.

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But, somehow, Anakin never notices. It is one thing that nobody in Padmé’s day-to-day life notices. She could have dressed strategically, but Anakin never noticing, especially at that moment, is weird.

5 Why Did Characters In The Other Trilogies Not Talk About Him?

This is a problem in part created by the original trilogy getting created long before the prequels but is also a problem for which the sequels have no real excuse.

Despite encountering Anakin once, and knowing other Jedi, Chewbacca never talks about him, nor do Obi-Wan and Yoda in any incredible depth, especially about Anakin, not Vader. In terms of the sequels, other than Kylo’s obsession with Vader, Anakin never gets mentioned or any physical appearances. It’s a senseless tragedy considering it was the end of his saga.

4 How Did He And Padmé Never Get Caught?

As alluded to earlier, Padmé and Anakin did a lot of sneaking about, which they did well considering they never got found out, with a small handful of exceptions.

However, between the various Senators and Jedi surrounding the pair’s lives on Coruscant, Anakin having to leave his quarters to be with Padmé at night, Anakin’s high level of emotion, and people having suspicions they never acted on, it seems quite unbelievable they never got caught by more than those who were extremely close to them.

3 Never Talking To Obi-Wan About Padmé Nor Satine

During The Clone Wars, Obi-Wan has a conversation with Anakin alluding to his relationship with Padmé and even mentions his feelings for Satine. However, as he also says, Obi-Wan cannot communicate in this way very well.

The two never have a real discussion about Padmé, despite Obi-Wan knowing and Anakin knowing he knows. It could be Anakin’s stubbornness or fear but had he just spoken to a man he sees as a father or brother, it could have changed the course of history.

2 Telling Dooku That His Powers Have Doubled

In Revenge Of The Sith, Anakin tells Dooku that his powers have doubled. Back in 2005, this made complete sense as the two had not dueled for a few years.

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Now though, this makes no sense. The two have many encounters throughout the Clone Wars depicted in the series, as late as season six of the show. Anakin saying this in hindsight does not hold up.

1 What Does He Do With Ahsoka’s Lightsaber?

Technically by this point, Anakin is now Darth Vader, but there are glimpses of Anakin there. His eyes are visible in the helmet, and it is clear there is a part of him holding on ever so slightly.

The devastating final scene of The Clone Wars’ finale sees Vader collect the lightsabers he had given to Ahsoka a few episodes earlier. This is never seen in any other piece of canon content, so what does Vader do with the blade? He takes it with him, so he has it in his possession, and it ends up somewhere, but where?

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