Even fans that have followed the franchise for the past four decades might not know or understand the importance of the Battle of Scarif. With so much canon and non-canon lore, Star Wars is one of the few movie franchises that need an encyclopedia to fill in the gaps and details from the movies, games, and comics that flood the market each year.

Up until Rogue One, the battle had never been seen in any form, besides a slight mention here or there. So it is understandable for fans to be unaware of the most minuscule details of the battle and its importance in the grand scheme of Star Wars lore. So, here are 10 things you didn’t know about the Battle of Scarif.

10 The Last Scene In Rogue One and The First Scene In A New Hope

It was quite a surprise when the creators of Rogue One decided to show the battle in its entirety. The Battle of Scarif was actually one of the few in any of the Star Wars movies that we get to see from beginning to end. Only those passionate about Star Wars might have noticed that the last scene in Rogue One was the first scene in A New Hope. In both movies, Darth Vader makes a memorable appearance striking down rebel soldiers on the ship as if they were nothing more than flies.

9 Princess Leia Wasn’t Supposed To Be At The Battle

Princess Leia was tasked by her father Bail Organa to retrieve Obi Wan Kenobi from Tatooine and bring him back to Rebel headquarters. Her escort was the warship Profundity captained by Captain Raddus of the Rebel Alliance. However, when Raddus got word of the Battle of Scarif, he, along with Princess Leia’s Tantive IV crew was forced to take a detour in an attempt to help the Rebel cause in the battle. Without the Profundity, the mission to retrieve the Death Star plans would have been a failure and Princess Leia would have never been captured.


8 The Battle Was Described In The Opening Crawl In Star Wars: A New Hope

A key Easter egg is found in the first opening crawl of Star Wars: A New Hope, when it details the Battle of Scarif and the importance of Princess Leia’s mission.

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It doesn’t mention who or how the Death Star plans were stolen but at the time of its filming, such facts would have been frivolous words for a film that didn’t even know if it would get a sequel, much less, a prequel film. Yet, this brief mention of a devastating loss ended up being important enough for its own film.

7 Two Battle Endings?

Gary Whitta, when writing the first draft of Rogue One, initially had two endings for the battle, only for both of them to be cut out of the final product. The first involved Krennic surviving the blast of the Death Star only to be killed by Darth Vader for his failure in securing the Death Star plans. The second idea involved Darth Vader on the surface of Scarif, butchering his way to the Imperial security complex only to arrive seconds too late. Both endings lacked memorable Darth Vader moments, which were probably why they were ultimately scrapped.

6 Downloadable Battle in Star Wars Battlefront

In 2016, fans of the Star Wars Battlefront games were given a treat by Lucas Films, when they were given downloadable content that would place their character at the Battle of Scarif, fighting either alongside the Rebel Alliance or breaking through rebel forces with Darth Vader as a member of the Imperials. This was the battle’s first appearance in a video game and proved to be one of the more memorable downloads for the Battlefront games, which is saying something since the game depicts many of the battles shown in the original movies.

5 Dave Filoni Wanted The Ghost Crew To Steal The Death Star Plans

Fans of Star Wars Rebels would salivate at the idea that Ezra Bridger and the Ghost crew would have such an important mission and place in Star Wars lore. The Ghost crew was around when the fledgling Rebels were in their infancy and took part in many of the battles that followed in the months leading up to Star Wars: A New Hope.

Rebels creator Dave Filoni had toyed with the idea but when Rogue One went into production he was forced to change course and allow someone else the glory of stealing the plans.

4 Rebel Alliance’s First Victory

For those watching the carnage in Rogue One, it would be hard to imagine that this could be considered a victory for the Rebel Alliance, no matter how they cut it. Yet, when one truly thinks about it, it was the first battle where the Rebel Alliance held its own against Imperial forces. They might have failed this test miserably, but it was the best and only way to gauge their strength and whether they were fighting and dying for a pipe dream or were a serious adversary to the Empire.

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3 Death Star Plans Were Not Supposed To Show A Weakness In The Death Star

After the Death Star plans were stolen by the Rebel Alliance, Emperor Palpatine charged his enforcer, Darth Vader to retrieve them. Even the Emperor himself didn’t know that the schematics showed a vulnerability in his super-weapon. The reason he put such an emphasis on finding the plans was that he wanted to crush the Rebels spirits after they produced a shocking victory at the Battle of Scarif. It was more of a sign of force rather than a devout fear that set the course for Darth Vader’s actions in the original films.

2 Princess Leia Would Have Escaped If Not For Her Flagship’s Power Loss

It wasn’t Vader’s quick thinking that allowed Princess Leia’s ship the Tantive IV to be captured. It was dumb luck that worked in Darth Vader’s favor. Before the Battle of Scarif, the Tantive IV was being repaired on the Rebel flagship the Profundity

When the schematics were brought on board the Profundity and later to the Tantive IV, the flagship experienced a brief power loss due to a jammed automatic door. This power loss was just enough time for Darth Vader and his troops to board. That resulted in the Tantive IV having to make a quick escape.

1 The Battle of Scarif Was a Ground and Space Battle

Jyn Erso and her crew attempted to break into the Scarif Citadel to steal the schematics of the Death Star. Sadly, Imperial forces found them, causing a battle to break out on the surface. With Erso’s crew being heavily outnumbered, they stood little chance until the Alliance Fleet arrived, bringing much-needed ground troops as the fleet above attempted to destroy the Shield’s Gate to allow for a quick escape. Even though they suffered heavy losses, the battle proved to be a success as they retrieved the Death Star schematics.

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