The Jedi in Star Wars have many great powers and abilities that they can use at various times, and the Jedi mind trick is one of them. It allows the Jedi to change the minds of who they’re talking to by using the Force, with others often not even noticing that it is happening.

Throughout the movies, this power allows the Jedi to get out of some tricky situations, and it is certainly a clever and convenient ability to have. However, while it’s used well at points, there are other times when it leaves audiences baffled about how they actually got away with using it.

10 Rugor Nass Is Confused

Rugor Nass serves as the Boss of Naboo when he encounters Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, but he ends up bowing down to what they want because of a Jedi mind trick. He is very strict about his feelings at first, wanting nothing to do with the threat of the Trade Federation.

However, when Qui-Gon uses his Jedi mind trick, he’s able to convince him otherwise. While it’s obvious to see how it worked, Qui-Gon does this in front of a lot of people, so it’s surprising that he manages to get away with it without anybody noticing what has happened.

9 “You Will Take Us To The Holocron.”

When it takes three Jedi to make a mind trick work, it becomes a little unbelievable, and that was the case here. Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Mace Windu all have to work together on the bounty hunter, Cad Bane, in order to convince him to take them to the holocron.

This is part of the Black Stall Station mission, and while it did become an iconic moment within the series, there’s no denying that people were shocked when it actually worked. This is purely because it took so many people to make the moment happen.


8 Ben Kenobi Sneaks By

Most of the time, the Jedi mind trick requires the person using it to say something in order to make their enemies react. However, in Star Wars: A New Hope, Ben Kenobi just points and makes a noise, which distracts a couple of Stormtroopers to allow him to skip past them.

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While using a Jedi mind trick on Stormtroopers isn’t the problem here, it’s the fact that they only turn around for one second, and Ben isn’t exactly the fastest person. Therefore, it ends up being quite surprising that he is actually able to make it past them without being noticed.

7 Rethinking Your Life

In Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones, a much younger Obi-Wan Kenobi was able to flex his Jedi mind trick powers when he was in the bar. He was supposed to be looking for Zam Wesell, and Obi-Wan was focused on that when Elan Sleazebaggano tried to start selling him things.

However, without even paying any attention, Obi-Wan quickly told him to go home and rethink his life. It was quite a powerful moment, as Obi-Wan asked a great deal of him with the rethinking situation, which is why it’s surprising that this managed to work to such a degree.

6 Rey Deals With Two Stormtroopers

When Rey is charging around with Finn and Poe they end up running into two Stormtroopers. They quickly point their blasters at the group, but Rey thinks fast on her feet and uses the Jedi mind trick to not only let them go but to have the Stormtroopers be happy to see them.

It’s a nice moment of comedy, but it is surprising that it ends up working as the moment takes place so fast, not giving Rey any time to think about things, which is typically needed for this power to work.

5 Luke Skywalker Meets Jabba The Hutt

When Luke Skywalker attempts to rescue Princess Leia when she is kidnapped by Jabba The Hutt, he uses the Jedi mind trick in order to get an audience with him. Those powers don’t work on Jabba, but they do work on Bib Fortuna, who takes Luke to him.

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However, it’s a surprise that this actually works, because it is the first time Luke is shown using that power. Plus, when he gets into the area, there are a lot of characters around that would likely have sensed something was going on, but for some reason, they turn a blind eye.

4 Taking Down An AT-DP Pilot

Typically, the Jedi stand directly in front of their enemies when they use their Jedi mind trick, as this allows the connection to take place. However, in Star Wars: Rebels, that wasn’t the case when Erza ends up using it against an AT-DT pilot.

He is situated far away from the rest of them, but Erza’s power proves too much as he ends up taking control of the pilot, turning him against his own men in what is an extraordinary display of power.

3 These Aren’t The Droids You’re Looking For

As the Star Wars franchise developed, the Jedi mind trick became a power that fans became familiar with. However, the first time that it was ever used was by Ben Kenobi. He told the Stormtroopers that they don’t need to see identification and that their droids weren’t the ones they were looking for.

The reason that audiences were surprised this worked is simply because it was the first time anybody had seen it. Fans weren’t sure what Kenobi was doing at first and didn’t know if it would work, therefore when it did, people were shocked by the high level of power he showcased.

2 Erza Finally Uses The Mind Trick

Throughout the majority of Star Wars Rebels, Erza attempts to manipulate people with a Jedi mind trick. It’s a power that he has to work hard to come to grips with, wanting to use it properly. However, he is unsuccessful a lot as he practices, which becomes a running joke throughout the show.

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However, he finally manages to use it properly when the rebels attempt to steal an Imperial cruiser. He makes the commander order an evacuation which allows them to finally take the ship, and after so many fails throughout the show, it is a true surprise that this one actually works.

1 Rey Escapes Her Shackles

Rey uses the Jedi mind trick for the first time when she is being held prisoner, convincing a Stormtrooper to not only let her go but also to drop his weapon for her to use. However, Rey had never used a Jedi mind trick before and didn’t have the deep training needed to actually learn this skill.

Because of that, it is actually surprising that this one managed to work, which came as quite a shock. While it worked well in proving just how powerful Rey truly was as a Jedi, it was still a surprise, even to herself, that this managed to be effective.

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