No other fictional faction in science-fiction and fantasy have had more spotlight than an order of celibate space monks who wield glowing murder weapons called the Jedi. They represent everything good and just in the Star Wars universe and as such, have to abide by their strict code of conduct. It also dictates their lifestyle, actions and personal choices.

The Jedi might be wise, but they’re far from all-knowing. Despite their self righteousness, these do-gooders sometimes have a real problem living up to their own ideology. Other times, they fall victim to flat-out, embarrassing blunders. Memes are the most popular method of bringing these unfortunate events to light, and we’ve pinned 5 more to our existing list, for a grand total of 15 that are sure to open some eyes.

Updated on August 6th, 2020 by Derek Draven: As mentioned in our updated intro, we’ve added 5 more entries to our list of hilarious memes that poke at the ribs of Jedi logic. Each one is a great example of what happens when writers and filmmakers get too caught up in the moment to notice the soft laws they’ve already laid down for their franchise. Obviously, the Force was not with them!

15 Now, Go Find Your Lost Car Keys

It’s speculative whether Yoda was feigning fascination with Luke’s little flashlight in The Empire Strikes Back, or whether he was truly dazzled with the device. Of course, being nine-hundred years old would take quite a toll on one’s cognitive capabilities, which might explain a lot.

Nevertheless, it does seem odd that Yoda would be so wowed by such a simple device, especially in an age of lightsabers, hyperdrives, and AI-infused droids. For that reason, it’s best to go with the first theory – he was simply trolling Luke the entire time.

14 The Force Is Spielburg

This meme takes the long way around to establish its point, but it definitely makes a compelling argument! It’s no secret that Steven Spielberg and George Lucas are the best of friends, with each one giving the other nods to their competitive work at every logical opportunity.

Still, it’s nice to think that somewhere out there is E.T. in a galaxy far, far away where the Force is so prevalent. What’s not-so-nice are the mental gymnastics required to square this all-too-plausible logic.


13 How Much Can You Take?

This meme is funny for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the head-scratching logic behind Padmé’s untimely death at the end of Revenge Of The Sith. Even with two beautiful newborns at her side, she was unable to overcome her own grief long enough to stay alive, for their sake. Meanwhile, two Sith Lords went through the worst agonies imaginable and came clawing back for more. Either there’s a bit of an inconsistency here, or the dark side of the Force is more powerful than we ever imagined.

12 With Masters Like These, Who Needs Apprentices?

Not all mentors are cut from the same cloth, as evidenced by this meme pointing out the rather callous and careless decision to hand Luke a weapon of immense power, only to watch him stare down the barrel. It’s a bit like handing someone who has never seen a firearm a loaded .22 and hoping they make the best of it.

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Arguably an illogical decision, from every perspective. One flick of the switch, and Luke wouldn’t have been around to save the galaxy from brutal Sith oppression. At the very least, he’d be dueling Vader in the throat of the Death Star while wearing an eyepatch.

11 Stand Your Ground, Wherever It May Be

One would be forgiven for thinking that Obi-Wan Kenobi was absolutely full of it. After all, this is not a Jedi who has practiced the most lucid application of logic throughout his colorful career. Proof can be seen in this meme, which directly illustrates Kenobi’s hypocrisy.

It’s a wonder how a talented Jedi like Anakin Skywalker could have failed to jump an incline, while Obi-Wan succeeded with little more than a bulkhead to grab onto. If Darth Maul could miss a move that left him (literally) four full seconds to defend against, then the same logic should have held true for Anakin’s far less taxing leap.

10 Well, True From A Certain Point Of View

Obi-Wan has certainly come far and has been one of the most prominent Jedi in the galaxy and the Jedi Order. Even so, he really wasn’t much of a paragon when it comes to sticking with the Jedi Code, especially in his twilight years.

Case in point is how he tricked a young and clueless farm boy with tales of D&D-esque adventure where you must form a party with a rogue and rescue the princess. Well, it worked and now we have one of the best introductory movies to Star Wars ever.

9 He Killed Children With It, Too

Lies… deception. Not something you’d expect from a Jedi. It might be a bit of a white lie, telling Luke that his father was a hero who “fought” the evil Darth Vader and dying a valiant death. He might have been saving Luke from finding out that his father was a menace to society, but the boy eventually found out the hard way involving dismemberment.

Besides, it was incredibly short-sighted of Obi-Wan to not think that Luke would eventually find out– he did task Luke with fighting against Vader. This brings us to another questionable lie from Obi-Wan regarding Anakin’s lightsaber, something he stole from a half-dead Anakin and gave to Luke like some heirloom gift.

8 Jedi Code Didn’t Age Well, Did It?

You do have to wonder just how much of the Jedi way Luke absorbed and took to heart. He was rather old when Obi-Wan and Yoda started training him. Luke was also a rather sympathetic Jedi by the time Return of the Jedi happens and even forgave Darth Vader. Family did mean something to him back then.

Sadly, it seems the new directors of the latest Star Wars trilogy threw all that in the bin and made Luke an old Jedi Master more crazed than Kenobi. Luke attempting to kill Kylo Ren was something many Star Wars fans just couldn’t digest. Heck, even Mark Hamill (Luke’s actor) didn’t recognize the new character.

7 Yeah, And Put Him In A Place Inappropriate For Childhood

Separating Anakin and Padme’s twins could be a good idea in order to keep them safer from the Sith but where Luke was placed in was rather doubtful. They put him in Tatooine, of all the planets and Padme’s friends in high places, you had to place Luke in a spot where his father’s attachment to the Dark Side started brewing.

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Moreover, Tatooine is a place that’s not exactly good for anyone who isn’t a gangster or a rogue. Jabba the Hutt literally runs the whole planet and there are Sand People at every nook and cranny outside the cities. Luke was even nearly killed by some of them. But hey, let’s not question the wisdom of the fractured or nonexistent Jedi Council.

6 From My Point Of View, The Jedi Deal In Absolutes!

Here’s a classic one, the irony of the Jedi Code. In the eyes of the Jedi, anyone who doesn’t leave much wiggle room for diplomacy and justice is a Sith or deserves to be bunched up with them, red lightsaber or no. However, that in itself directly contradicts their tenet as it is also an absolute. After all, there’s no reason why the Jedi shouldn’t try words with their Sith enemies first, they are peacekeepers.

Well, that’s what Obi-Wan did after he followed Anakin on Mustafar. The two of them argued like a bickering couple until Obi-Wan probably got tired and spouted the “Sith deals in absolutes” line. In his defense, the whole damn planet was probably too hot for further debate.

5 Qui-Gon Had Too Much Gin

Qui-Gon Jinn was one of the most respected Jedi ever because he managed to retain his individuality and usually follows what he thinks the Force wants him to do. He’s one of the closest examples of a grey Jedi who think the Council doesn’t really take the Force’s “best interests” into account.

There is no doubt then, that Qui-Gon Jinn is a rulebreaker and someone who doesn’t have any qualms on using his Jedi mind trick to try and swindle an annoying Toydarian. He could have tried to liquidate Galactic Credits somewhere else in Tatooine (it’s a big place) but chose instead to let a kid join a death race. Hey, the Force works in mysterious ways; also, that kid is way too jacked up in Midichlorians.

4 We Have To Talk About Anakin’s Decision-Making Skills

The funny thing about Anakin’s goals is that they’re a little too chaotic despite his craving control. He merely wanted to save Padme after being shown some nightmares about her dying. Little did he know, he’ll be the one ending up killing her in what appears to be an inconveniently selective Force vision.

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Apparently, part of the plan for saving Padme is killing Jedi younglings and making sure that any other Jedi are dead even if he knew full well that Padme’s allegiance is with the Jedi too. Granted, we really didn’t expect Anakin to make the wisest choices in the movies, otherwise, he would have been granted the rank of Master if he had.

3 Take A Treat, Young Skywalker

Mace Windu’s death was tragically comedic for someone as badass as he is. It’s a shame that he never got more interaction with Anakin because we really would have liked a rulebreaker banter between the two. The “you scratch my back, I scratch yours” kind, something the meme above best represents.

Really, if Anakin had only been honest with why he needs Palpatine alive or if Mace was a little more diplomatic with Anakin, the movie would have ended a different way. Although, it’s mostly Windu’s fault for being too murderous against a Sith Lord and tapping into the Dark Side too much.

2 Convenient For The Plot, It Is!

We don’t doubt Yoda’s qualifications to be the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order in the prequels– the guy’s nearly a millennia old. Still, we (and you too, probably) expected someone of his caliber to be wiser and have better foresight.

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The little green imp basically flaunts his ability to see the future to the Council like it’s a Wall Street CEO calling card only to retract with a disclaimer that it’s way too cloudy with a chance of misreads. In that case, why even mention or flaunt about it or make attempts? Do or do not, there is no try, right?

1 It’s The Jedi Way

Last but not least, we’re here to poke fun at the Jedi’s idea of balance to the Force. For many years, the Jedi has enjoyed being at the top ever since the days of the High Republic. There were virtually no Sith lords or soldiers in sight. Doesn’t sound too balanced, does it?

In fact, the current situation in the original trilogy seems way more balanced. It’s actually even, Yoda and Obi-Wan were the last two remaining Jedi while Sidious and Vader were the only two Sith. Luke just had to ruin it, just like how he ruined Kylo Ren.

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