The animated side of Star Wars has given way to some of the franchise’s best characters, two of which are Duchess Satine and Bo-Katan Kryze, two Mandalorians, and an incredible sibling duo who share little screentime together. Throughout their appearances in canon, the pair have some iconic moments, as well as brilliant quotes that have stuck with fans.

The pair are fondly remembered for their fire and independence, as well as for their dynamics with characters such as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano, all of which get showcased in some wonderfully put-together lines throughout Star Wars TV.


The Best From Duchess Satine Kryze:

Pacifism Allows For Self-Defense

“Just Because I’m A Pacifist Doesn’t Mean I Won’t Defend Myself.”

The pacifism of Satine – and those ideologies she brought to Mandalore during her time as Duchess – is one of her most famous qualities. Still, as is reminded at this moment, she will not lie down in the face of immediate threat.

Showcasing her fearlessness and ability to take care of herself, Satine announces this quote with such charisma, as if Obi-Wan were stupid for suggesting she would not be prepared for a direct attack; the scene is another showcase of how great of a duo they were in The Clone Wars. It is a great Satine quote and one of many amazing Obi-Wan and Satine moments.

Her Introduction Of Obi-Wan

“Senators, I Presume You Are Acquainted With The Collection Of Half-Truths & Hyperbole Known As Obi-Wan Kenobi?”

From romantic dynamics in The Clone Wars, the banter between Obi-Wan and Satine is second to none and the attitude Satine hits Obi-Wan with is consistently funny for viewers.

This line is an excellent example of this, as, after a brief argumentative back and forth, Satine introduces Obi-Wan to the various Senators aboard her ship. Not many characters can one-up Obi-Wan in conversation, but Satine was the prime example.

When She Questions Obi-Wan’s Ideals

“Is Reality What Makes A Jedi Abandon His Ideals? Or Is It Merely A Response To Political Convenience.”

Satine is similar to the likes of Padmé in her unwavering belief system. She does not sacrifice her ideologies for anyone or anything and is unafraid to call out injustice, hypocrisy, or to criticize an attack on her and her people’s way of life, even from the love of her life.

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This line from Obi-Wan continues the tug-of-war between the two over the necessity for fighting in The Clone Wars. Satine does not shy away from calling Obi-Wan and the Jedi out on the fact they are, arguably, betraying their own honor and code by fighting as well as urging neutral systems like Mandalore to join them in doing so. It is one of the many reasons fans love her so much.


Her Stance On War

“War Is Intolerable. We Have Been Deceived Into Thinking That We Must Be A Part Of It. I Say The Moment We Committed To Fighting We Already Lost.”

Star Wars fans have always wanted more of Satine’s story told in the canon, a lot of which is due to her presence and the way she articulates herself. She makes viewers want more of her.

This quote showcases both those qualities and makes viewers understand why she was so popular amongst her people. It is also a perfect representation of her opinions on war, intelligently but directly deeming it an abhorrent thing that she wants no part of.

Her Final Words

“Remember My Dear Obi-Wan… I Loved You… Always.”

The Clone Wars is full of heartbreak for viewers, from Ahsoka leaving the Order to various clone deaths to the entire Siege of Mandalore arc. One of the most brutal scenes of all, though, is the death of Satine, when Maul murders her right in front of Obi-Wan.

These are her last words, words that make her death all the more painful. In some alternate reality, Obi-Wan and Satine got to be happy together, and Maul was never a factor. Alas, the galaxy fans know and love is one in which they have to endure Satine dying in Obi-Wan’s arms.

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The Best From Bo-Katan Kryze:

When She Sends Din To An Old Friend

“There You Will Find Ahsoka Tano, Tell Her You Were Sent By Bo-Katan.”

Bo-Katan’s appearance in The Mandalorian was anxiously awaited for by fans who were so excited to see the character debut in live-action. She did not disappoint, and this is one of her most memorable quotes.

It is obviously not some emotional or articulate declaration. Rather it is a line that got fans so painfully excited for future episodes of the show that they could not help but love to hear it. Not only that, but the quote means that Bo-Katan and Ahsoka clearly maintained their friendship following the events of the Siege of Mandalore and mean that Bo-Katan is a prime candidate to appear in Ahsoka’s show.

Her Opinions On Mandalorian Unity

“Mandalorians Are Stronger Together.”

The Mandalorians are such fascinating people. Their history, culture, and way of life are always a joy to watch and read about in the canon and in Legends. Bo-Katan is a driving force in their continuing legacy at the time of the Empire and then the New Republic.

This quote is a great summation of her goals. She wants to restore Mandalore to the prosperous system it once was, to unite her people once more. Not only are Mandalorians stronger together, but they are also damn near unstoppable together.

When She Initially Rejects The Role Of Leader

“I Had My Chance To Rule, And I Failed. I Am Not My Sister. I Am Not The Leader You Seek.”

Through the Siege of Mandalore and Rebels especially, Bo-Katan got given some serious emotional depth, mainly revolving around her feeling of inferiority and her insecurity that she could not be the caliber of leader that her sister was.

This quote comes when Sabine Wren first meets the famed Bo-Katan and offers her the Darksaber and leadership of Mandalore. Bo-Katan rejects, and it is sad to see. Viewers who were fans of The Clone Wars knew how great of a leader Bo-Katan could – and would – be for her people and planet.

Her Saddening Admission After The Siege Of Mandalore

“I Wish I Was Good At Something Other Than War.”

The Siege of Mandalore arc was so wonderfully dominated by Ahsoka, Rex, and Maul, but Bo-Katan proved a brilliant and crucial piece of the puzzle, and this line came with a couple of other great ones from the leader of the Nite Owls.

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Introduced in season 4 of The Clone Wars, Bo-Katan opposed her sister’s pacifism, being a part of Death Watch before Pre Vizsla’s death. She was always in and around the battle, almost needing it. This quote opened the door to new avenues for the character, which fans are seeing unfold now. She wants to unite and lead Mandalore and its people, not make them war-hungry fighters who live for the sole purpose of battling others – at least, it does not seem that way. It is also a pretty emotional line that makes viewers sympathize with the former villain.

When She Takes Up The Role Of Leader

“I Accept This Sword For My Sister, For My Clan, And For All Of Mandalore.”

While Bo-Katan initially rejected Sabine’s offering of the Darksaber, by the end of her time in Rebels, Bo-Katan saw the truth; the people of Mandalore saw her as a fit leader, they wanted her to wield the blade.

What makes this quote all the better is the fact she shouts out her sister, clearly wanting to follow her example in being a leader that would help Mandalore prosper. It is touching. There are gaps yet to fill in between Bo-Katan’s time in Rebels and The Mandalorian, and fans are excited to see what is in store for the character and her Mandalorian allies.

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