Throughout the storied history of the Jedi Order, there have been some truly great heroes, from Luke Skywalker to Mace Windu to Qui-Gon Jinn to Ahsoka Tano. Arguably the two best Jedi of them all have been Obi-Wan Kenobi, apprentice to Qui-Gon and master to both Anakin and Luke; and Yoda, the little green senior citizen who lived for 900 years and only aged past his prime in the final decade or so of his life.

Determining the best Jedi takes into account a number of factors. It’s impossible to decide just one, and in some respects, there are greater Jedi than Obi-Wan and Yoda. But this duo survived Order 66, and they embody the tenets of the Jedi Order, so it’s hard to argue that they aren’t fighting for the top spot.

10 Obi-Wan Never Swayed From The Light Side

Most Jedi can at least be tempted by the dark side. Rey was continuously tempted by the allure of the dark side throughout the sequel trilogy. The promise of unlimited power can corrupt even the strongest-willed people.

But Obi-Wan never once swayed away from the light side of the Force. He was incorruptible. Throughout his whole life, he only ever had the Jedi’s best interests on his mind.

9 Yoda Was The Strongest Jedi Alive In His Prime

At the height of his game, Yoda was the strongest Jedi in the galaxy. No Jedi’s abilities could compare to his— although his second-in-command, Mace Windu, came awfully close.

When Count Dooku hit Obi-Wan with Force lightning, no Jedi had ever seen a Sith utilize that ability before. And yet, Yoda managed to absorb the lightning, virtually effortlessly.


8 Obi-Wan Doesn’t Have A Hateful Bone In His Body

According to Yoda, hate is an important step on the path to the dark side. It’s caused by fear morphing into anger and it eventually leading to suffering. This isn’t an issue for Obi-Wan, because he doesn’t seem to contain an ounce of hateful energy.

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When Anakin turns to the dark side, Obi-Wan doesn’t take pride in besting him in lightsaber combat. He simply says, “I will do what I must.”

7 Yoda Could Sense The Darkness In Anakin’s Soul

When Qui-Gon brought a nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker before the Jedi Council, declared him to be the prophesized “Chosen One,” and asked if he could train Anakin in the ways of the Jedi, Yoda was hesitant to let him do it— because he could sense darkness in Anakin’s soul.

He was so in tune with the Force that he could tell that Anakin would eventually turn to the dark side. Unfortunately, Qui-Gon’s dying wish that Anakin be trained forced Yoda’s hand and he doomed the Jedi Order and the entire Republic merely out of social awkwardness.

6 Obi-Wan Introduced Luke Skywalker To The Force

After the Empire’s rise, the Jedi had one last hope in the form of Luke Skywalker, a bright-eyed optimist living on a moisture farm on Tatooine who had no idea how important he was.

Obi-Wan watched over Luke throughout his entire childhood and, when the time was right, he gave him his father’s lightsaber and introduced him to the Force— beginning the journey to regaining a peaceful balance in the galaxy.

5 Yoda Trained Luke

While Obi-Wan was the one who introduced Luke to the Force, he was killed by Darth Vader before he could get very far into his Jedi training and that training was completed by Yoda on Dagobah. If it wasn’t for Yoda, Luke never would’ve become a Jedi and the Rebels never would’ve been able to topple the Empire and end its evil reign.

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In addition to training Luke, Yoda trained countless Jedi younglings when the Republic was in its prime and was responsible for training some of the best Jedi who ever lived.

4 Obi-Wan Was The First Jedi To Defeat A Sith Lord In 1,000 Years

When Obi-Wan killed Darth Maul at the end of The Phantom Menace, he was hailed as the first Jedi to kill a Sith Lord in 1,000 years. However, thanks to the expanded canon revealing Maul’s survival, that didn’t quite remain true.

But Obi-Wan did win the duel by chopping Maul in half and sending him down a seemingly bottomless pit, so he still effectively defeated the first Sith Lord in 1,000 years and the achievement stands, even if Maul ultimately survived.

3 Yoda Was One Of The Best At Lightsaber Combat, Despite His Small Stature

Despite standing at just over two feet tall, Yoda is a formidable opponent in a lightsaber duel. He can move so fast and leap so high that he has the agility and physical advantage of a tall fighter who towers over his foes.

In duels with Count Dooku and Darth Sidious, Yoda held his own. His manic fighting style has led online meme-ers to dub Yoda things like ketamine-fueled space frog.

2 Obi-Wan Embodies What A Jedi Should Be

There are many qualities that make a great Jedi. Essentially, they are guardians of peace who also need to be willing to fight as soldiers if that peace is disturbed.

On all counts, Obi-Wan perfectly embodies what a Jedi should be. His mind is always clear, unencumbered by pesky emotions, but he’s also a powerful general.

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1 Yoda Was The Grand Master Of The Jedi Order

The Jedi Order itself recognized Yoda as its greatest member by appointing him as the Grand Master, presiding over the Jedi Council and making all of its most crucial decisions.

Sure, he dropped the ball a couple of times, like not noticing that Chancellor Palpatine was a Sith Lord and allowing Anakin to become powerful enough to destroy the Republic, but no leader is infallible.

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