From Phantom Menace in 1999, fans have been split on the Star Wars prequels. They have more than their fair share of fans who claim they tarnish the name of Star Wars, while a large amount rushes to the aid of the prequels. The prequel trilogy primarily focuses on Anakin Skywalker, and many have their opinions on how well this story is told.

Most haters of the prequels can find something to like, however, while many admirers agree that not every aspect is perfect. In this day and age, remakes are all the rage and, while incredibly unlikely, it is fun to imagine what Disney would change and keep if they were to decide to retell the story of the fall of Anakin Skywalker.

10 Remake: The Love Story

One of the key factors in Anakin’s transformation into Darth Vader is his secret marriage to Padmé. The two met while Padmé was serving as queen of Naboo, and Anakin was a slave child on Tatooine. The age difference between the two is strange enough, but the lack of chemistry between them in Attack Of The Clones is enough to warrant a do-over. Anakin seems to develop a small crush on her as a child, and suddenly decides he is madly in love with her even after not seeing her for years. Their relationship is more believable in Revenge Of The Sith, but this is one aspect that could use work

9 Shouldn’t: Casting

Fans usually picture Ewen Mcgregor when they think of Obi-Wan Kenobi. The actor so perfectly fits the role, it’s hard to imagine anyone else. The same can be said for Hayden Christianson as Anakin Skywalker. While he most certainly has his critics, many agree that he perfectly expresses the anguish and heartbreak Anakin suffers through.

Natalie Portman is stellar as Padmé Amidala, and returning actors like Ian McDiarmid, Anthony Daniels, and James Earl Jones are as welcome as always. Samuel L. Jackson rounds out the cast as disgruntled Jedi Master Mace Windu. If Disney ever were to remake the prequels, the hardest task would be to replace the amazing cast.


8 Remake: Green Screen

One of the biggest criticisms of the prequels was the excessive use of green screens. The original trilogy pioneered practical effects by the use of miniatures and set design. While there are plenty of practical effects used in the prequels, the use of green screen effects completely overshadows this. While there are some effects that greatly benefit this such as a large group of clones, scenes of characters walking down a hallway can just use a hallway set. If Disney were to produce remakes, they would benefit from creating more practical effects.

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7 Shouldn’t: Impact

Even those who despise the prequels can’t deny the impact they had. From introducing Star Wars to a new generation, to creating what many agree is one of the best pieces of Star Wars media produced, it is impossible to undo the cultural stamp the prequels have left.

Remaking the prequels would mean undoing all the good the prequels did and starting these character’s journeys from scratch. Prequel fans would be against these remakes from the very beginning, but retconning Clone Wars would likely result in riots.

6 Remake: Anakin’s Backstory

When Anakin Skywalker’s backstory was teased, fans were excited to see where Vader came from. Being created out of nothing and being placed in his mother was not what people were expecting.

In Empire Strikes Back, Yoda describes the Force as living in all things. When Phantom Menace described midichlorians as essentially living bacteria that enables their host to manipulate the Force, fans weren’t exactly receptive. Revealing Anakin was created to be the chosen one and had no father could probably be retconned with little negative impact.

5 Shouldn’t: Fight Scenes

As iconic as the fight scenes in the original trilogy are, they aren’t excitingly choreographed. When Ben faced Darth Vader on the Death Star, it wasn’t a spectacle to behold. When Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon went up against Darth Maul, however, it was the fight every lightsaber battle would be compared to. There was flipping, aggression, and each lightsaber battle in the prequels had it. Since then, revisiting the fights in the original trilogy seems like going from a fast-moving race car to a shopping cart. Disney would fail immediately if they were to try and recreate these iconic battles, so they should just leave it alone

4 Remake: Handling Of Darth Maul

Not counting his resurrection in Clone Wars, Darth Maul was terribly mishandled in the prequels. Being built up as the next great baddie, he was barely in Phantom Menace and was killed off at the end.

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Darth Maul had the potential to last through the trilogy as the threat that turns Anakin to the dark side, but instead was thrown aside and never mentioned again. Years later, Maul was finally given some respect in Clone Wars and beyond, but the Sith could use some live-action justice in a remake.

3 Shouldn’t: The Music

The Star Wars movies have had iconic music from the very beginning, but some of the best tracks in Star Wars came from the prequels. From the epic and heart-pounding Duel Of The Fates to the tragic and gut-wrenching Battle Of The Heroes, the prequels take the tradition of fantastic Star Wars music to another level. John Williams returns to score the trilogy and to say he brought his A-game would be a disservice to the man. In the event of a remake, there would surely be new music involved, and as good as it may be, there is no comparison to the music already in the prequels.

2 Remake: Anakin’s Quick Fall

In Attack Of The Clones and the first part of Revenge Of The Sith, Anakin Skywalker is a loyal Jedi who only wants to see peace restored to the galaxy. With what seems to be the flip of a switch though, he decides to aid Darth Sidious in wiping out the Jedi and becomes Darth Vader.  While it is clear why he does this, he throws away his beliefs with almost no remorse. A remake could focus on Anakin’s internal struggle a bit more, and make his fall seem more natural and tragic.

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1 Shouldn’t: Palpatine

In the original trilogy, Emperor Palpatine was nothing more than a puppet master. In the prequels, however, his cunning evil and master manipulation tactics are put on full display. Palpatine starts out appearing as an innocent member of the senate, who pulls the strings of the Clone Wars to move up the ranks as Supreme Chancellor, and finally as Emperor. His scheme is built upon when he first meets Anakin and manipulates the poor young Jedi into becoming his henchman. It is unlikely a remake will be able to portray this iconic baddie as well as the prequels did and there would be little use in trying.

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