These days, Disney has in its portfolio two of the most iconic and profitable franchises of recent years: the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars. These two universes also feature two of the most iconic villains of recent popular culture: Thanos and Kylo Ren. Each of these characters is powerful and compelling, and despite (or because of) their evil, they are also impossible to ignore.

However, their tremendous powers beg a question: which one of them would win in a direct confrontation? The answer isn’t as clear-cut as it might at first seem, precisely because each of them has their own formidable strengths.

10 Kylo Beats Thanos: His Power In The Dyad

One of the big revelations of the final film of the new trilogy was the fact that Kylo and Rey are part of a powerful dyad in the Force.

While the exact nature of this arrangement is a little murky, it’s pretty clear that it gives Kylo truly immense power, enough so that he is able to join Rey in defeating Palpatine. Thus, it seems likely that Kylo could effectively use this against Thanos and, presumably, gain the upper hand over him as well.

9 Thanos Beats Kylo: The Gauntlet

Thanos is one of those creatures who has a singular goal in mind, and that goal is the forming of the Infinity Gauntlet, with which he proposes to obliterate half the life in the universe.

The Gauntlet gives him almost unlimited power, and it’s absolutely certain that he would bring all of that formidable might to bear should he ever find himself confronted by Kylo. Even Kylo’s power in the Force wouldn’t be enough to save him.


8 Kylo Beats Thanos: He Has Palpatine’s Support

Because of his strength in the Force, and because of his propensity to slide into the Dark Side, Kylo becomes quite attractive to Palpatine, who sees in him the possibility of regaining his lost dominance. With this support behind him, it’s quite likely that Kylo would have a key edge on Thanos.

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After all, Palpatine is not only tremendously powerful in the Force; he also has a shrewd and cunning mind that would be able to guide Kylo in his efforts.

7 Thanos Beats Kylo: His Sheer Brute Strength

One thing about Thanos that is undeniable is that he is tremendously strong. He is, after all, a Titan, and his looming physicality is one of the most notable things about the way that he appears in all of the MCU films.

Thus, even without the power of the Gauntlet to give him supremacy, it’s quite likely that he would be able to bring his considerable strength to bear if he ever got into a fight with Kylo. It’s pretty safe to say that Kylo wouldn’t come out on top in a battle based on bodily strength alone.

6 Kylo Beats Thanos: Thanos Gets Overconfident

Perhaps because he’s just so imposing, Thanos has a bad tendency to get overconfident. Indeed, his arrogance is one of the most notable things about his personality, and it means that he sometimes leaves himself open to lines of attack that he wouldn’t have even considered possible.

As a result, it’s entirely possible that Kylo, seeing one of these openings, would be able to put it to use to bring about Thanos’s defeat (even though, as Tony Stark proved, it might come at the expense of his own life).

5 Thanos Beats Kylo: His Amorality

As powerful as he is, what makes Thanos such a compelling (and terrifying) villain is his utter amorality. He has a vision of what the universe should be like, and he’s not willing to let anything, particularly other people’s belief systems, get in his way.

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This means that, in a confrontation with Kylo, he’d be willing to do almost anything, no matter how horrible or violent, in order to ensure that he was ultimately victorious.

4 Kylo Beats Thanos: He Could Use The Force To Steal The Gauntlet

As the new trilogy proved in no uncertain terms, Kylo is one of the most powerful people when it comes to the use of the Force. While obviously he could bring the Force to bear against Thanos, a more effective strategy would probably be to use it to bring the Gauntlet to him.

While it’s unclear how these two power systems might interact, if Kylo were able to do it just right, he could very well gain control of the Gauntlet and, with its power combined with the Force, utterly destroy Thanos.

3 Thanos Beats Kylo: He’s Supported By A Vast Army

As brutal as he can be, Thanos isn’t one of those who likes to leave anything to chance. Thus, even though he has control of the Gauntlet, he also makes sure that he has a truly enormous army that he can bring to bear on any and all who dare to oppose him and his vision for the universe.

It’s quite likely that he could bring this army down on both Kylo and the forces of the First Order, and it seems pretty likely that he would be the victor.

2 Kylo Beats Thanos: Was Willing To Kill Those Closest To Him

Over the course of the three films in the new trilogy, Kylo proved himself willing and able to kill anyone who stood in his way. This included not only his father (his murder of Han Solo was one of the most shocking moments in a recent film) but also his supposed master, Snoke.

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A man who’s willing to dispense with those who are supposed to be his mentors is the kind of person who would be willing and able to use any underhanded strategy to attain victory over Thanos.

1 Thanos Beats Kylo: He Could Use Rey Against Kylo

As ruthless as Kylo can be, he does occasionally show some vulnerability, particularly when it comes to his relationship with Rey. In fact, she is able to see into his heart and soul in ways that almost no one else can.

However, this closeness to Rey means that Thanos could-and almost certainly would-use her against Kylo if they were to engage in a fight. Thanos, after all, is very good at using people’s loved ones against them.

Next10 Best Movie Characters That Went From Villain To Friend

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