If there’s one message that sums up all three Star Wars trilogies, it’s that the Skywalker family is messy. While Leia largely grew up away from her heritage’s dark shadow, it still haunts her entire character arc and is present in everything from her appearance to the way she uses the Force.

But she isn’t completely a Skywalker. With her political background and regal poise, at first glance, Leia has more in common with her mother, Padmé Amidala. Yet a deeper look into her character reveals a fascinating combination of both her parents’ strong yet different personalities.

10 Like Padmé: She Was Raised In Luxury

Leia may have been forcibly separated from her twin at birth, but at least she went to a loving home. Adopted by Senator Organa and his wife, she grew up as heiress to the Royal Family of Alderaan and was raised in a palace where she learned proper social etiquette and wanted for nothing.

This pretty much mirrors Padmé’s youth. Her family, the Naberries, was one of the most honored families in Naboo history. She even became royalty too after being elected Queen of Naboo which, if the dresses are anything to go by, is a role that comes with plenty of luxurious perks. Anakin’s dusty origins in Tattooine just can’t compare.

9 Like Anakin: She Is Skilled In The Force

It took a while for Leia’s grasp of the Force to debut on the big screen, but it certainly made an impact when it did. She uses it to spectacularly pull herself to safety when her ship is blown apart in The Last Jedi, and it’s later revealed in The Rise of Skywalker that she all but completed Jedi training in between the original and sequel trilogies.

There’s no question whether Leia inherited these powers from her father. Anakin is one of the strongest Force wielders shown on screen, and his abilities live on in every Skywalker descendant. With the same amount of training, Leia’s story could have played out very differently.


8 Like Padmé: She Is Political

Leia takes on multiple titles over the course of the series, and almost all of them are political. Both in the Alliance and as a New Republic senator, she committed herself to re-establishing democracy in the wake of the fall of the Empire and established herself as an authority figure across the galaxy.

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Her mother would be proud. Not only is Padmé the youngest elected queen in Naboo history, but she also serves as a senator in the years preluding the fall of the Galactic Republic. Although her time in the Senate ended badly, Padmé’s faith in democracy survives in Leia.

7 Like Anakin: She Lost Her Family

On the day of Leia’s birth, she loses not only her mother but her father, who has just fallen to the Dark Side, and her twin, from whom she is separated for 19 years. As if losing her first family isn’t bad enough, her adopted parents and entire homeworld are destroyed — by her biological father, just to add insult to injury.

This loss is something Anakin knows only too well. While he never had a father, he’s separated from his mother when he’s just a child and is later forced to watch her die when they’re reunited. Both Anakin and Leia are heavily marked by their grief, and it plays a large part in driving their future actions — even if only Leia used this for good.

6 Like Padmé: She Has Natural Confidence

Leia is a born leader, so of course, she’s naturally confident. She’s unafraid to take charge of any situation — even her own rescue mission — and speaks well before large crowds.

Padmé also has the dignity of a natural leader, rousing her subjects with powerful speeches. Even at the age of 14, she thinks nothing of going against her political contemporaries. Sure, Anakin is confident too, but it’s cockiness more than anything else.

5 Like Anakin: She Is Sarcastic

Her first lines in A New Hope see Leia cutting Darth Vader down to size, and she doesn’t let up from there. Her quick wit is a key part of her personality and Leia’s barbs are some of the funniest quotes in the Star Wars series.

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Some of these lines sound like they could have come from Anakin himself. Even in the heat of battle, he manages to find time for a dry one-liner (much to Obi Wan’s chagrin). Fans see some evidence of this in the prequel trilogy, but it’s really in The Clone Wars that Anakin’s sarcasm shines.

4 Like Padmé: She Is Diplomatic

Fiery though she may be, Leia can set aside her own feelings to tactfully and practically mediate difficult situations. Her youth was filled with diplomatic training and if her excuse in A New Hope is to be believed, she’s already undertaken several diplomatic missions by her late teenage years.

While her father was driven by emotion, lacking the sophistication for political tactics and instead relying on “aggressive negotiations,” Padmé was a great diplomat. She negotiated peace with the Gungans, secured a treaty with the Hutts, and was responsible for getting the Jedi involved with the conflicts on Mandalore. Anakin could never be as strategic or rational as his true love.

3 Like Anakin: She Has A Quick temper

Most evidence of Leia’s quick temper can be seen in her interactions with Han Solo, with whom she is constantly at odds — even when they’re in a relationship. However, the 2016 canonical novel Bloodline delved further into Leia’s fiery nature and revealed that she even fears it to be a product of the Dark Side.

More than anything, Leia is afraid that this is a trait inherited from her father. Anakin’s anger issues paved the way to his fall from the Jedi Order and while Leia’s own temper never reaches such volatile (or murderous) heights, she certainly struggles with it more than her mother or brother.

2 Like Padmé: She Is Selfless

From the moment audiences meet Leia smuggling plans from an Imperial Star Destroyer to the moment she gives her life to bring Ben back to the light, she’s willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. As the smartest member of the Skywalker family, she knows she needs to do what’s best for others — even if that comes at great personal cost.

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Padmé was similarly selfless. Over her two terms as the Queen of Naboo, she pledged a large part of her youth to improve the lives of her people. She was even willing to hide her marriage to protect Anakin’s role in the Jedi Order.

1 Like Anakin: She Changed Paths To Save A Loved One

One of the biggest questions fans had about Leia’s journey post-Return of the Jedi was whether she would have joined Luke as a Jedi. While she proved she understood how to control the Force in The Last Jedi, it wasn’t until its sequel that it was revealed she abandoned her training after seeing the death of her son Ben at its end.

Anakin experienced similar visions. When he foresaw Padmé dying in childbirth, he ditched the Jedi once and for all to use the powers of the Sith to keep her alive. Of course, this didn’t work out — and it’s a pretty major change of plan compared to Leia — but both choices set father and daughter on totally different paths.

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