We’re looking at the first movie in the Star Wars franchise, the blockbuster that started it all: 1977’s A New Hope. Released to much acclaim and popularity 42 years ago, it remains an iconic movie. Fans were drawn in by the characters, storytelling and more as they began to invest themselves in the franchise which would end up spanning generations.

Despite its iconic status not everything about the movie is perfect. Here are our top five and worst five things from the first-ever Star Wars outing ahead of its final outing, The Rise of Skywalker.

10 Best: Meeting C3PO and R2D2

The first two characters we really meet in Star Wars are droid duo C3PO and R2D2. With their ship under siege, they choose to get away from the threat of the Galactic Empire by getting into an escape pod. Much to the Empire’s obliviousness, R2D2 has what they want: the plans for the Death Star. And they go to Tatooine in order to put as much distance between themselves and the enemy as possible.

While their mission is brilliant to watch unfold, it’s also quickly established that both droids have bundles of personality. They have a unique kind of chemistry, bouncing off each other and making audiences laugh in the process. Since then, with the exception of Solo, they’ve been in every Star Wars movie released.

9 Worst: The Unrealistic Foolishness Of The Empire

Obviously, the droids needed to make it to Tatooine. Had George Lucas had them blown up by the Empire when they’re in an escape pod then the Rebels would never have acquired the Death Star plans and it would have been one very swift movie.

However, in order for the story to work, the Empire is made to look rather stupid very early on. Darth Vader, despite being a murderous and bloodthirsty villain, is given the option to blow up the pod. And although he has nothing to lose whatsoever, and everything to gain, he opts against it in a very uncharacteristic decision. Had he done what he always does, go for the kill, the Rebels would never have won.


8 Best: The Chemistry Of The Big Four

A New Hope is the first time audiences are introduced to legends such as Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo and Chewbacca, portrayed by Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford and Peter Mayhew. And, usually, you wouldn’t expect things between the quartet to click so easily. But it just does.

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They all bounce off each other, just like C3PO and R2D2, and help make the characters (even a giant, hairy Wookie) relatable and likable. Ford as Han Solo is arguably the best of the lot, infuriating his friends with his self-centered and confident persona. Yet they’re all special and it’s their wonderful chemistry that has helped the saga, and the characters, become so big across the globe.

7 Worst: Grand Moff Tarkin Dies

George Lucas originally intended to make just one Star Wars movie – never envisaging just how popular the franchise would become. And that meant that he was more than happy to have repulsive yet intriguing villain Grand Moff Tarkin killed off, with the imperial heavyweight meeting his end when the Rebels destroy the Death Star.

But Tarkin is so good as a bad guy we wish we’d seen more of him. It was a pleasant surprise seeing the character return through the use of CGI for Rogue One but we can’t help but think the original trilogy would have been even greater had he stuck around for longer.

6 Best: Meeting The Jedi

While Luke Skywalker would go on to become the strongest Jedi Knight from the original three Star Wars movies, the first of the religion’s kind we meet are Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader. And, as the movie took Hollywood by storm at the end of the 1970s, just about every child on the planet dreamed of donning a robe and fighting with lightsabers.

Kenobi and Vader are both trained in the ways of the Jedi, making them the two most interesting characters of A New Hope. Lightsabers captivated everybody at the time while the ability to trick people’s minds, and choke individuals, was similarly mind-blowing.

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5 Worst: The Lightsaber Pace

This is something we’ve decided with the benefit of hindsight. At the time, the lightsaber duel between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi on the Death Star appeared rip-roaring. But it’s taken other showdowns using the iconic weapon over the last 40 years to show that, actually, that fight pales in comparison to others.

It has none of the pace or intensity of the showdowns between Vader and Luke in the two movies that follow, nor does it have any of the same emotion as their confrontation in 2005’s Revenge of the Sith. It’s all for obvious reasons – the fact this was the first-ever – but we consider it to be the worst lightsaber duel of the entire lot nonetheless.

4 Best: The Trash Compactor Scene

There are many settings within A New Hope that stand out. From the scenes on the beautiful, desolate planet of Tatooine to the action that takes place around the Death Star at the blockbuster’s conclusion. However, what unfolds during Luke, Leia, Han and Chewbacca’s time in the Death Star trash compactor is something special.

It is, to this day, perhaps the most nerve-wracking scene in Star Wars history. You genuinely fear for the heroic quartet as they appear certain to be crushed to death as the walls from the compactor start to close in on them. But C3PO saves them in the most dramatic circumstances, coming to their rescue and exclaiming after initially fearing he’d acted too late. Phew.

3 Worst: Luke’s Priorities

It’s very quickly established that Luke Skywalker cares a great deal about his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, with the duo raising him in the absence of a mother or father. However, he doesn’t seem too bothered by their deaths from Imperial blaster fire and instead appears more devastated by the murder of Obi-Wan Kenobi at the hands of Darth Vader.

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While we get he’d be sad about Kenobi dying given how he took Luke under his wing, Skywalker’s lack of grief for his family has always stood out as a little off. Especially for a character with his golden heart. Maybe the coolness of a lightsaber really did take his mind of everything…

2 Best: Luke’s Moment Of Heroism

A hero is somebody who stands up and makes themselves counted, rising to the front in even the worst of circumstances. And Luke Skywalker makes himself one when he fires the decisive shot into the Death Star, ensuring the Empire’s horrendous space operation is destroyed in one huge fireball.

Luke destroying the Death Star against all odds is a moment of triumph, one that makes you want to whoop and cheer from your seat in the theatre. And it’s a scene that has ensured Mark Hamill’s place among the greats of Hollywood over the past four decades.

1 Worst: It’s Been Heavily Tinkered With

The problem with A New Hope now is that George Lucas and Disney have now made so many changes to the original cut that it’s nearly impossible to get your hands on it. Obviously, the whole ‘Han shot first’ thing springs to mind. But that’s not the only alteration that’s been made.

Jabba has turned from a human being into a giant slug, there’s now horrendous CGI during some of the Mos Eisney segments and the color of the blue lightsabers of Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi have also been tampered with. Minus points for that – and for the fact we’ll likely never get a re-release of the original edition.

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