While the Queen-turned-Senator from Naboo held a critical role in the prequel trilogy, including the deleted scene of her family in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones would have given Padmé Amidala (Natalie Portman) a more relatable dimension. The prequels take place over the course of thirteen years, and during that time, each character grows and changes. Yet a big opportunity to explore Padmé’s character was missed when a deleted scene involving her family was left out of the final cut.

Star Wars: Attack of the Clones was the second installment of the prequel trilogy. Taking place ten years after Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, the three main characters, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor), Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen), and Padmé Amidala, have all transitioned into new roles: Master, Padawan, and Senator, respectively. After a bounty hunter tries and fails to assassinate Padmé, Anakin accompanies the senator to her home planet of Naboo to protect her while in hiding.


With a pretty clear lack of female characters that have any depth in the prequel trilogy, it’s unfortunate that the few scenes that speak directly to Padmé’s past were excluded from the movie. Had the deleted scene been kept in, viewers may have come to better understand her background, and how she has a family that indeed cares for her. Not only that, but the funeral procession scene in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith would have held more meaning as her family also appears here for just a brief moment, bringing full circle their concerns about their daughter’s safety.

Padmé’s nieces, Ryoo and Pooja Naberrie, greet her and Anakin at the beginning of the deleted scene as they approach the home of her parents. It’s a simple moment, but it’s one in which Padmé is finally allowed to relax and let her guard down. Inside the Naberrie household, they’re met by Padmé’s sister, Sola, and her parents, Ruwee and Jobal. Her parents express their concern for her safety, and while she tries to shrug off their questions, it is also interesting to watch her try to navigate this conversation. As a public servant, Padmé is always shown caring for and representing others. This scene flips her role, reminding the viewer that she, too, is human.

During the funeral procession scene in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, members of Padmé’s family walk behind her casket, their greatest nightmare having been realized. Yet without the deleted scene in the previous episode, this moment is not set up as well as it could have been. Instead, the audience is left wondering who exactly these people are, and what their relationship with Padmé was like.

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It is not unusual for scenes to end up being tossed out when the final cut is being made. However, the scene in question moved the plot forward, albeit in a small but necessary way to add depth to Padmé’s character. Had Padmé’s deleted family scene been included in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, her family’s presence during her funeral in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith would have come full circle, while also lending more insight into who Padmé is. Instead, her family becomes a footnote, included in her funeral procession as if they are an afterthought. To some viewers, that moment may have been missed entirely, and the sentiment that she not only mattered to those she served, but to those that loved her and raised her, is lost. While Padmé’s character may not have seemed like the most fleshed-out in the prequels, the storyline was there – it just wasn’t included.

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