While Star Wars is now a property owned by Disney, this incredible franchise was already one of the greatest of all time before the company bought the rights to it. While the powers and fight scenes within the Star Wars movies are what makes the films so exciting, it is the characters and their individual personalities that really tell the story.

It’s a classic battle of good vs. evil and that is something that most Disney animated movies also have running through them. Whether its Jedi, Bounty Hunters, or Sith Lords, the Star Wars Universe has a wide variety of characters, but who would be their Disney counterparts?

10 Obi-Wan Kenobi – Aladdin

Obi-Wan Kenobi is one of the most popular Star Wars characters of all time, with Ewan McGregor bringing an excellent performance to the young version of the character. He has great energy and is happy to be involved in any mission, showing great skill while having a kindness for others.

These are traits that Aladdin certainly has as well. He is one of the greatest Disney Prince’s, and a big reason for that is how active he is. Aladdin is happy to fight when he needs to, and everything he does is to help others, which is just like Obi-Wan.

9 Sheev Palpatine – Dr. Facilier

While Obi-Wan is one of the kinder characters of Star Wars, Sheev Palpatine is very much the opposite. He is pure evil and is determined to cause as much mayhem as possible, but he initially does so by pretending to be good, tricking everyone to gain further power.

This is very similar to what Dr. Facilier does within Princess and the Frog. He works hard to catch people out with his voodoo trickery and that is what leads to him finding success. Both of these characters also have immense power as well, which is another very similar characteristic.


8 C-3PO – Baymax

The primary function of both C-3PO and Baymax is to help and assist others and they do the job to perfection. They’re always there for those who they serve, but they also bring enormous amounts of fun as well with their excellent one-liners.

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They’re not funny on purpose, as that’s not how they are programmed, however, the way they behave and the comments they make do provide some great comedic relief to their movies. Both of them have proven to be very popular and helpful characters though.

7 Finn – Flynn Rider

No, isn’t just because they have very similar names that Finn and Flynn Rider are great counterparts. These are two characters who actually have very similar storylines. They both start out seemingly being villains, as Finn as a stormtrooper and Flynn Rider is busy stealing things.

However, the two of them manage to turn their lives around and showcase their real personalities, which are more emotional and caring. They work hard to help others, with Rapunzel and Rey benefitting from their kind hearts.

6 Chewbacca – Sulley

Just by looking at these two characters, it is very easy to see why they would be great counterparts. They are both seen as monsters who should be terrifying and traditionally, would be seen as villains. Yet in their respective movies, they are two of the nicest, kindest characters within the world.

Both of these characters are the most loyal that can be found, with each of them really helping Han Solo and Mike constantly. They are very caring to others and that makes them so likeable overall and is why they are great counterparts.

5 Rey – Ariel

Rey is someone who is constantly searching and longing for answers about her past and who her father is, and while Ariel is well aware of that information, she too is also searching and hoping to find something else, with the ability to walk.

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They’re strong independent characters who know what they want and they make sure that they get it. However, even though they go through their fair share of difficulties, they eventually get what they want, and they certainly prove themselves to be hardworking along the way.

4 Luke Skywalker – Simba

Both Luke Skywalker and Simba are two ultimate heroes who fight for what they believe in, to help their friends and family and don’t want to let people down. They each have complex families with people within each one being part of the evil side of life.

However, Luke is someone who works incredibly hard and while both of these characters don’t always believe in themselves at first, eventually, their skills come out on top and they help save the day. They’re both beloved characters and truly are great counterparts to each other.

3 Princess Leia – Elsa

Two of the most powerful female characters in movie history, both Princess Leia and Elsa are perfect counterparts to each other. They are always about doing what is right and helping others, but they’re both very confident in their ability and often like to lead in situations.

Each woman has unique powers that they learn about throughout the course of their journeys, becoming two incredibly strong characters. Of course, they do need the others around them to help, but there is no doubt that these two are perfect counterparts.

2 Yoda – Merlin

When it comes to the Star Wars Universe, there aren’t any characters who are wiser than Yoda. He’s been around and seen it all and has the experience and knowledge of what to do in every situation. Calm under pressure, Yoda has all the answers and wisdom for the other characters who seek it.

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He is able to train others, including Luke Skywalker to reach their own potential, and that’s why he’s a great counterpart for Merlin. He is also a very wise and slightly crazy character who has great powers and is happy to pass his wisdom along to those who will listen.

1 Han Solo – Kuzco

Han Solo is one of the most well-known Star Wars characters and one that has no shortage of confidence. He is always happy to do the talking and while that sometimes gets him into trouble, it can also help get him out of situations as well.

It can make Han seem unlikeable to some, which is a problem that Kuzco also has. Many people dislike Kuzco at first because he is too cocky and doesn’t always act in the best interests of others. He can be rude and arrogant, but in the end, he does what is right by others, which is where the two are similar.

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