It’s now been confirmed that Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) did hear Qui-Gon Jinn’s (Liam Neeson) voice in Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones. As the first Jedi to learn about becoming a Force ghost, Qui-Gon was able to regularly commune with his fellow Jedi from the dead. But before all of that had been established, he first reached out to Anakin just before the young Padawan made his first catastrophic mistake.

Amidst the Separatist Crisis, Anakin came back to Tatooine to rescue his mother, Shmi (Pernilla August), after she was enslaved by the Tusken Raiders. Fueled by his persistent nightmares about her torture, he left Naboo where he was sent to guard Padmé Amidala (Natalie Portman), who was the subject of various assassination attempts. Upon returning home, Anakin discovered what happened to his mom, including her recent kidnapping. Unfortunately, by the time he reached her, it was too late. Shmi died in his arms, igniting intense hatred from Anakin. This resulted in the slaughter of the Sand People in the same encampment. Just before Anakin went on his killing spree, Qui-Gon’s voice can be heard from the background attempting to stop him. This particular moment in Attack of the Clones was ambiguous in the sense that it was never clear if Anakin was just imagining his dead Jedi Master or if he actually heard him.


Apparently, Anakin did hear Qui-Gon’s voice, as confirmed in the new book Star Wars: Queen’s Hope written by E.K. Johnston. This means Anakin purposefully ignored the voice, and as the book states, his hatred was just too strong in the moment. Read the related excerpt below, provided by

He’d heard Qui-Gon’s voice in the desert, begging him to listen to his better nature, not to give in to his hatred. He hadn’t listened. At the time, he’d told himself he was imagining it, but he knew he was lying. If Qui-Gon was out there, somehow, Anakin owed him an apology. And he would always appreciate the Master’s advice.

Just as Qui-Gon spoke, the scene in Attack of the Clones also transitioned to Yoda back in Coruscant deep in meditation. So, some understandably presumed that it was the powerful Jedi Master who actually heard the dead Jedi’s warnings. But now, the aforementioned detail in Star Wars: Queen’s Hope finally clarifies what exactly happened at that moment. This, however, poses new questions. Does this mean that at this point, Qui-Gon was already able to reach out from the dead? It’s safe to say that he was still working on how to fully become a Force ghost, but if he was able to reach out to Anakin, is it because he was close to finally figuring it out? Or, is this a testament to how powerful Anakin was that he was able to sense his old Jedi Master despite their circumstances.

It’s interesting that once his rage subsided, Anakin was able to contemplate the massive mistake that he made. He was compelled to apologize to Qui-Gon since he was really the only one who had unequivocally believed in him — at least that’s what the Padawan thought. This was very important, considering that the Jedi Council had mostly been dismissive of him during this time. All that being said, if someone he respected as much as Qui-Gon couldn’t stop him from killing the Tusken Raiders in Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones, then it’s likely that no one else would’ve been able to.


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