Warning! Spoilers for Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1 below.

A new Star Wars comic has revealed Boba Fett’s mission to deliver Han Solo’s carbonite body to Jabba the Hutt on Tattooine actually had one major issue: the bounty hunter actually lost him along the way. Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters takes a closer look at Fett’s delivery of Solo’s frozen body and it turns out someone actually stole the encased hero before the mission was complete.

In the original Star Wars trilogy, Boba Fett was introduced as a bounty hunter who took on the job of hunting Han Solo. After Darth Vader froze Solo in carbonite, Fett acquired his body in order to collect a bounty from Jabba the Hutt, who the smuggler owed. Fett would successfully complete his mission and deliver Solo to Jabba and collect his bounty, but when Han would be unfrozen it ultimately led to the bounty hunter’s downfall. Although, it was recently revealed in The Mandalorian that Fett survived his thought to be deadly fall into the Sarlacc Pit.


In Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1 by Charles Soule, Steve McNiven, Laura Martin, and Travis Lanham, Boba Fett’s journey to delivering Han Solo to Jabba the Hutt is shown. Solo’s carbonite starts to melt, forcing Fett to stop at the Smuggler’s Moon of Nar Shaddaa, visiting a back-alley doctor to figure out what’s wrong. Fett is told Han’s carbonite matrix is unstable and that it can be fixed for an upfront payment. Fett tries to get a deal to pay after he completes his bounty to Jabba, but the negotiations fail. The doctor convinces Fett to fight in a battle arena and kill a warrior who killed one of his prize fighters, Wyrmen Lictor, as a form of payment. Fett accepts and kills the warrior, but when he returns to the doctor, he discovers Han’s body has been stolen.

Fett discovers the thieves killed the doctor and stole Solo’s frozen body, leaving him in quite the predicament. As he discovers Han’s body missing, he gets a call from Jabba who tells him he’s growing impatient with delivery.

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Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters debut issue reveals Fett’s delivery of Han Solo featured at least one major snag, as his body was stolen from him before he reached Jabba. It’s likely Fett’s bounty was stolen so it could be collected by fellow bounty hunters. While Star Wars fans know Boba Fett was eventually successful in delivering Han Solo to Jabba the Hutt, the new comic shows there were major hiccups along the way. Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1 is in stores now.

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