A recent Star Wars comic has confirmed the fan theory that Dengar makes a surprising cameo in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. J.J. Abrams packed Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker with cameos and Easter eggs. Some of them were self-evident – a remarkable number of Jedi voices were heard speaking to Rey as she struggled to recover her strength and battle against Palpatine. But others were easy to miss, including what many viewers believed to be a cameo from one of the bounty hunters Darth Vader assembled in The Empire Strikes Back.

Dengar was a Corellian bounty hunter hired to hunt down Han Solo back in the day. A very similar figure was seen at a bar on Kijimi, and the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Visual Dictionary fleshed him out in greater detail. Apparently this was Rothgar Den, an old and experienced Corellian bounty hunter who’d turned to black-market surgical clinics to replace damaged or wizened body parts. Significantly, the book stressed “Rothgar Den” is just an alias, meaning most fans took this to confirm Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker featured a Dengar cameo.


Eagle-eyed Redditor Sombresaigne has noticed a throwaway scene in Star Wars Adventures #14 by George Mann and Butch Mapa. Trapped by another bounty hunter, Rey uses flattery to trick him, comparing him to greats of the past; Rothgar Deng, Boba Fett, Black Krrsantan, and Emim’ai. The bounty hunter is delighted at the comparison, rattling some of the names off – and it’s notable he uses the name “Dengar” instead of “Rothgar Deng,” confirming the two are one and the same person.

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It’s a brilliant scene, an amusing one way to confirm a fan theory that already seemed to be almost certain. It seems the headstrong, “shoot first and ask questions later” Dengar remained active even decades after Boba Fett retired as a bounty hunter – but he paid a hefty price for his career, losing ever more of his body parts. He wound up settled on Kijimi where it is sadly likely his career came to an untimely end. Kijimi was destroyed by one of Emperor Palpatine’s Death Star Destroyers, and there were only a handful of survivors. It’s ironic that a man who constantly chose to put himself in the line of fire probably died while he was just enjoying a drink.

Still, that doesn’t necessarily mean viewers won’t get a chance to see Dengar again. Star Wars stories hop around the timeline with impunity, meaning it’s quite possible his career as a bounty hunter before Rise of Skywalker will continue to be explored. It would certainly be interesting to see whether Dengar lost any of those body parts hunting more prominent Star Wars characters.

Source: Reddit

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