Warning! Spoilers for Star Wars: The High Republic #11

A newStar Wars comic has confirmed Yoda’s theory regarding Jedi who channel the dark side. The Jedi Master known for his wisdom has been proven right based on an event that occurred many years before the saga took place.

Throughout the prequel and original trilogies, Yoda offered many pieces of insight to his fellow Jedi Knights. However, he was frequently dismissed with his advice disregarded. When he told the council that the prophecy about the “Chosen One”might have been misread, they ignored the notion. When he told Luke on Dagobah what it would take to be a proper Jedi, he wasn’t taken seriously. As the films continued, the old master was validated in his wisdom. Yoda’s thoughtful perceptions have been proven to be right again in Star Wars: The High Republic #11, written by Cavan Scott with art by Georges Jeanty.


Yoda once said that if a Jedi walks the path of the dark side, the dark side is always in their heart. When Jedi Master Sskeer attacks the Nihil to save Keeve, Yoda’s insight is proven to be accurate. Previously tempted with the dark side of the Force, Sskeer reveals his aggression has interfered with his role as a Jedi Master. Even though his goal might ultimately be heroic, his motivation doesn’t come from the light. Instead, he is enabled by anger and his hate of the Nihil. “I thought Sskeer had turned a corner, but I should’ve known better. It’s as Master Yoda always says, once you walk the dark path— it’s forever in your heart.”

Before Anakin Skywalker famously gave into the dark side and became Darth Vader, he gave into his feelings of rage in Attack of the Clones. As he attempted to locate and rescue his mom from Tusken Raiders, he becomes furious. After his mom dies in his arms, he slaughters the sand people with his lightsaber, clearly motivated by vengeance. Although he confesses to Padme, he is still compelled by his emotions and carries them with him until he fully gives into the dark side, becoming a Sith. Just like Sskeer, it would take much more to bring Anakin back to the light than his admission of the problem.

While Jedi Master Sskeer underestimates his pull to the dark side, he is allowing it to overcome him. Evidently, Yoda has seen multiple Jedi struggle in the same way that Anakin eventually would. His proven advice provides new context to the prequels, as Master Yoda appears to be many steps above his Jedi peers.

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