When Episode I: The Phantom Menace hit theaters in 1999, it wasn’t exactly the return to a galaxy far, far away that Star Wars fans were envisioning. Mixed reviews meant that the prequel trilogy got off to a bad start, with heavy critiques of the story, the characters, and of course, Jar Jar Binks.

However, audiences were enthusiastically in favor of the film’s big new bad guy, Darth Maul. This nightmarish Sith Lord was unlike anything we’d seen before, mixing acrobatic prowess with a stunning mastery of the Dark Side, and a double-bladed lightsaber. Though he was cleaved in two by Obi-Wan at the end of the film, that wasn’t the end. Dropping his “Darth” title, Maul would return in a big way during the Clone Wars, and the events leading up to A New Hope. Here’s 10 of the scariest, most intimidating quotes Darth Maul ever uttered.

8 “At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge.”

Maul spent years under the brutal and sadistic tutelage of Darth Sidious, who inflicted every sort of pain imaginable on his pupil, specifically for the purpose of forging him into a weapon of the Dark Side. When Sidious began gaining influence in the Republic Senate under the guise of Sheev Palpatine, he was one step closer to achieving his plan.

The first stage involved the blockade of Naboo by the Trade Federation, giving him the excuse to play upon the weakness of the Senate and rob Chancellor Valorum of his post. He dispatched Maul to aid Trade Federation forces in a battle against the Jedi, specifically to shake them up and announce non-vocally that the Sith were back, and they weren’t playing games.

7 “Always remember, I am fear! Always remember, I am hunter! Always remember, I am filth! Always remember, I am nothing!”

When Maul’s brother Savage Oppress found him on the planet Lotho Minor, he was in a right state. Severed in half, forced to feed on small creatures, and driven mad by the trauma of past events, Maul was in no position to reclaim his title of Sith Lord.

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As Savage attempted to have a conversation with Maul, the latter merely rambled on and on, eventually uttering this quote. It was a rare window into Maul’s own hatred of Kenobi, not to mention hatred of himself, as well. Even after his mind was restored, it’s entirely plausible that these negative thoughts never went away.


6 “It has been so long, and my path has been so dark. Darker than I ever dreamed it could be!”

Maul was bathed in darkness from the time he was just a young boy. Taken by Darth Sidious, the young Maul was treated to a life of cruelty and pain which was designed to harness his unbridled range, and turn him into the ultimate killer. He rose to the rank of Sith Lord under his Master, and the two hatched their plan to destroy the Jedi Order.

Maul would not be permitted to participate, following his defeat at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi on Naboo. Left without a Master or a cause, Maul fought to survive against all odds so he could exact vengeance on his enemies. He uttered this quote to his brother Savage Oppress, who in turn replied “And yet you survived.” Maul, in trademark fashion replied “Of course I survived.” This would later become his legacy.

5 “You may think I am evil. I am not. I am efficient.”

This quote was taken directly from Maul’s own journal during his apprenticeship under Darth Sidious. It shows the singular mind of the Sith Lord, and how he views himself in contrast to how others (especially the Jedi) might perceive him.

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It also lines up with his cold, calculating actions during the Clone Wars, and his bid to exact revenge on Kenobi and Sidious. In both instances, Maul was willing to use brutal efficiency to gain the tactical advantage, while blind to the reality of his own inherent evil.

4 “Fear. Fear attracts the fearful, the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt. Fear! Fear is my ally!”

This quote was taken by a series of Tone Poems – television ads featuring specific characters from The Phantom Menace giving voice-overs relating to them. They began airing in May of 1999, right up to the release of the film.

Ironically, Darth Maul would say more in this TV spot than he would throughout the entire film, but it was a precursor to the kind of dialogue he’d be given in later canonical Star Wars appearances. Nevertheless, the quote is chilling.

3 “You have forgotten me, but I will never forget you! You cannot imagine the depths I would go to stay alive, fueled by my singular hatred for you!”

Maul’s defeat at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi on Naboo was a crushing blow not only to his ego, but his place in events that would soon unfold. To hone his skills for so many years, only to be beaten by a Padawan, must have been too much to bear.

While Maul channeled all of his hatred to survive his wound and climb back from the precipice of death, Kenobi barely gave him a second thought. This added insult onto injury, and his obsessive quest for vengeance would eventually lead to his demise at Kenobi’s hand – this time for good.

2 “Justice is merely the construct of the current power base. A base which, according to my calculations, is about to change!”

The seventh and final season of The Clone Wars put Maul right at the forefront of the action, just before Darth Sidious enacted Order 66. Ahsoka Tano pursued Maul in the hopes of capturing him on Mandalore and turning him over to the Republic.

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What Ahsoka didn’t realize is that Maul had been experiencing premonitions of a great disaster that would end not only the Jedi Order, but the current Republic, as well. In the final hours before Order 66, Maul had finally figured out his former Master’s true plan, leading him to utter this quote to Ahsoka with bitter foreshadowing.

1 “He…will…avenge us!”

Maul would eventually catch up to Obi-Wan Kenobi years after failing to kill him during the Clone Wars. He was able to track Kenobi’s whereabouts to Tatooine after receiving a Force vision of the prophesied Chosen One, who would restore balance to the Force.

That Chosen One would end up being Luke Skywalker, whom Kenobi was watching over on Tatooine. Maul showed up to his home and taunted Kenobi before igniting his lightsaber for one final battle. It was short-lived, with Kenobi dealing him a fatal blow. As Maul lay dying, he asked if the boy Kenobi was protecting was the Chosen One, which Kenobi confirmed.  He then uttered this final quote before dying in Kenobi’s arms, acknowledging their common wish for the first and last time.

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