Personality tests and theories are a dime a dozen, with one of the most popular being the MBTI® test. One such personality test is the Enneagram — a model of nine personality types based around the motivations behind our actions (compared to MBTI® which deals with how we gather information.)

Once you’ve become acquainted with the Enneagram, it’s hard not to notice how characters can be placed into a type — and Star Wars is no exception. Despite the laser swords and space dogfights, the core of Star Wars has always been humanity so it’s no surprise that most of the characters are strongly shaded with Enneagram types. Today, we take a look at the main characters of the Star Wars universe and type them into the Enneagram.

12 Luke Skywalker: Enneagram 1

Type ones have a fear of being morally deficient: they aspire to be good and perfect all the time for fear of being evil or corrupt. Luke fits this bill well: time and time again, Luke is shown to be noble but very critical of himself — more traits of a One.

Moreover, what Luke truly fears is being evil or corrupt: in The Empire Strikes Back, Luke has a vision of him becoming Darth Vader, which horrified him. Years later, when he sensed evil in his nephew Ben, Luke briefly thought about killing him: a thought that horrified Luke and brought about Ben’s fall, prompting an ashamed Luke to force himself into exile.

11 Leia Organa: Enneagram 8

An Enneagram Eight fears being controlled or harmed by others, and it’s their desire to have complete control of their destiny. They’re known for their headstrong nature, how easily they take on leadership and their aggression — so is it much of a surprise that Leia Organa is an Eight?

Leia is a brash and angry young woman, an excellent leader and soldier, and takes command of situations easily. She challenges Han and Luke constantly in A New Hope and fights diligently to return democracy and freedom the Empire stole from the galaxy. She’s not someone we want on our bad side, and we certainly never want to have an argument with her.


10 Han Solo: Enneagram 8

It’s either a match made in Enneagram heaven or one devised from Enneagram hell, but Han shares the same personality type as Leia. Given that Eights are known for wanting to protect themselves and what is theirs, it’s no surprise that Han is one. His primary concern in A New Hope is getting rid of the debt he owes Jabba the Hutt so he and Chewie are in the clear.

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But no matter how much he claims otherwise, Han is ultimately a good guy who wants to help the people in his life, so he returns at the last minute to help Luke in the Battle of Yavin — and then sticks around for several years as a General in the Rebellion.

9 Lando Calrissian: Enneagram 3

Lando Calrissian is Enneagram Three personified: Threes are known for their charisma, ambition, and confidence. Threes are often entrepreneurs and love to impress and be admired by others.

When we first meet Lando in The Empire Strikes Back, he’s the Baron Administrator of Cloud City, forced to strike a deal with the Empire to keep his city safe. Lando is a romantic, self-assured guy who wants to do something worthwhile in his life — which makes him the resident Enneagram Three of the Original Trilogy.

8 Anakin Skywalker: Enneagram 4

Enneagram Four’s are known for their melodramatic attitude, simmering in their own emotions, being sensitive, and envying everyone else. Fours feel like they are missing something integral, something that everyone else has, while simultaneously believing they’re better than everyone else for what makes them different.

Anakin is a character ruled by his emotions, often feeling as though he is lacking something crucial that others have — namely, the power to save his loved ones. His self-loathing and possessiveness takes a nasty turn in Revenge of the Sith when he falls to save Padmé from death: an event that he ironically pushes into motion by trying to stop it.

7 Obi-Wan Kenobi: Enneagram 6

Sixes are known for being reliable, committed, and anxious — they constantly troubleshoot against potential future problems and threats and crave some stability in their lives.

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Obi-Wan is exemplary of a Six in the Star Wars universe: his first appearance in The Phantom Menace highlights his uneasiness that something will go wrong: he follows the system he’s chosen to trust in (the Jedi Order) to the letter, and is a great strategist. Moreover, Obi-Wan has a wit about him that is in the nature of a Six: no matter the situation, he can often make light of it.

6 Padmé Amidala: Enneagram 2

Enneagram Twos make excellent hosts, they’re always offering to help, and care deeply about the welfare of others — often turning a blind eye to their own emotional needs.

Throughout the prequels and The Clone Wars, Padmé tries to help as many people as she can with her status as a Queen or Senator. She cares more about the people in the Republic than the rest of the Senate and doesn’t care about putting her own life on the line if it means protecting someone or pushing through a bill that could make a difference.

5 Rey of Jakku: Enneagram 8

As Han and Leia in the trilogy before, Rey is an Enneagram Eight. She’s headstrong, confrontational, and prefers to remain in control of her situation (such as yelling at Finn that she doesn’t need him to hold her hand).

Whether it’s charging at Finn under the belief he something, always shooting first at potential threats, to knocking Like down to get answers, and smirking at a smug Snoke because she’s utterly confident in her beliefs, Rey proves on the regular she is not someone to be trifled with.

4 Finn: Enneagram 6

Enneagram Sixes are known for wanting a belief system or authority to believe in, yet they constantly question and challenge it, if not outright rejecting it.

Finn rejects the system the First Order instilled in him and tries to escape from the war altogether, but comes to accept a new belief system: the Resistance. Finn also tends to believe the worst that can happen and has the dry humor that is often attributed to Sixes.

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3 Poe Dameron: Enneagram 7

Everyone’s favorite hotshot flyboy in the galaxy is our resident Enneagram Seven. Sevens are best known for being vibrant, impulsive, and practical, traits Poe has in spades.

Poe’s core struggle throughout the films and accompanying media is his rash decision making, often going against orders. He’s almost always upbeat — typically choosing to dwell in his negative emotions for only a brief period which he spends in private.

2 Kylo Ren: Enneagram 4

Kylo is the Heir Apparent to Lord Vader, so it’s no surprise to us that he shares the same Enneagram as Anakin. Kylo’s emotions are always just below the surface and it doesn’t take much for them to bubble over.

As Rey notes in The Force Awakens, Kylo fears he won’t ever be as powerful as Vader — making his deep-rooted fear is that he lacks something crucial. Moreover, Kylo is unable to let go of the past (though he may claim otherwise), a sure sign of being a Four.

1 Rose Tico: Enneagram 1

Enneagram Ones are also known for being idealistic, critical, and conscientious — they’re the ones to gently or not so gently inform you when you’ve made a mistake.

Rose is shown to be short-tempered when it comes to Resistance deserters or weapons dealers on Canto Bight — Rose hates corruption above all. Despite it all, Rose never gives up her faith that things can be improved, and it’s her ethics and perspective that encourages Finn to remain with the Resistance.

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